Ok, I’m lying. Of course it doesn’t have to be perfect. What’s perfect anyway? And good enough is frequently good enough
Today was about checking the legs were ok before the Black Rat this weekend. Ok, I’m lying. Again. It was actually about seeing if I could go up a hill without another meltdown. In the company of Alan once again, who will also be with me on Sunday. We actually had sunshine, warmth, and no wind. No word of a lie. Yes, I know, miracles do happen!
And as it turns out, that hill? Yes I could. Burrington Combe. Again with the not a lie Best time up it in a year as it happens. Not just this year. A year. Good enough And I wasn’t pushing it, because I’m still too scared to do that. But clearly there’s some form lurking somewhere there, when everything else is under control. And having earnt some fun, Longbottom and Shipham were an absolute blast. So t’was short but sweet as rides go, but well worth it on the PMA front
Cycling time: 1:16
Distance: 18.9 miles
Avg: 14.8 mph
ODO: 9313.1 miles