Rockin’ ride :)

After a late and mildly raucous night out last night, this morning I should have felt terrible, but I didn’t.  Outside the window the morning sun was shining, so after giving myself time enough to have breakfast and check that yes, I really did feel ok, I headed out on the bike.  I was dying to test out my new woolie socks and overshoes that arrived yesterday (check out the kit page for details), so me and my mp3 headed out on one of my normal loops.  Since it’s been ages since I’ve cycled on my own, I’ve actually not done it for a while, and it was even nicer than usual.

In fact, it was glorious.  Just fantastic.  One of those “in the zone” rides.  Cycling across the levels, road all to yourself, legs going happily and smoothly ’round, doing 18mph without really trying.  No wind.  Gorgeous winter light, the sun low but still just above the visor.  Blue skies, green fields, stretching for miles.  Perfectly still water turning all the rhynes into ribbons of mirror.  Swans, herons, buzzards, clouds of starlings.  A fox going about his business.  Makes you feel glad to be alive – and you discover you’re smiling all the time 🙂

Unsurprisingly it’s far more enjoyable when you can feel your feet – and the new kit really seemed to do the trick.  I wouldn’t say my feet were toasty, but I could still feel them – and in a good way, not a painful way!

Cycling time: 1:57:54
Distance: 28.596 miles
Avs: 14.6 mph
ODO: 7830.5 miles

I’d forgotten how nice cycling on your own can be.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to cycle in company, but there’s a particular kind of head space when you’re out there on your own.  It’s almost meditative.  A truly awesome ride 🙂