Not hitting the road

Well, in the interests of being safe not sorry, I cycled two hours statically at the gym today instead of hitting the road. Which could have been the case quite literally with the ice that’s around at the moment. I’d have preferred to be out but sometimes it’s just not possible.

In the meantime I worked some more on this website and also on my “Cycling Mayor” document which I’m hoping to use to help persuade local businesses to sponsor me. I’m putting a flier in all my Christmas cards to try and get friends and family to sponsor me too.

I’ve been wracking my brains for people to approach for sponsorship, and one occurred to me at some point yesteday. I sent them an email this morning, and I have a new sponsor! TORQ, who I buy all my bars and gels from, are going to sponsor me. The more the merrier…I’ve got a long way to go, but I’m definitely making progress 🙂