I’m a couple of rides behind, so had best catch up. What can I say, I’ve been busy!
On Saturday I went out with GW for a couple of hours. We did my bog standard loop, which, coming as it did after the start of the season of over-indulgence, seemed like hard work. Then again, the pressure to keep up and not slack off probably didn’t help. It was good to be out, the weather was nice enough but…still oddly not that enjoyable. I was happier once I’d stopped for sure! I was also colder than I’d realised…it took a while to get my core temperature back up to normal.
Cycling time: 2:20:07
Distance: 33.28 miles
Avs: 14.2 mph
ODO: 2822 miles
Yesterday I was unfortunately carless, which meant that unless I fancied walking home from the gym, it was the bike or nothing. So I ventured out on my own. Feeling undermotivated, I picked the flattest route I could come up with.
Cycling time: 1:59:07
Distance: 32.22 miles
Avs: 16.1 mph
ODO: 2855 miles
Yes. It was very flat. Like that’s a bad thing! 😉 But I wasn’t pushing – I was deliberately going at whatever speed felt right to me at the time. Pleasing only myself, as it were. It was overcast, grey, and inevitably intermittently wet. So it wasn’t the greatest ride ever, but it turns out to have been fairly fast for me. And it was more enjoyable. It’s so odd how mental attitude influences how a ride feels and how it actually goes.
And both times, when I got back home, I cleaned the bike. Go me! *grin*