It be cold out there

I was getting ready to head out this morning when the rain arrived. Luckily it passed, as the forecast said it would…leaving the roads wet, but a bit less muddy. I headed out across the levels with M, on one of our fairly usual routes. Though the roads were a bit less muddy than on Sunday, that wasn’t saying much, and our average speed can be put down to having to be mega careful on the back lanes to avoid falling off! It rained about half way through, so much so that I actually resorted to my waterproof. However I’m not complaining, since an extra layer was a good thing – and I kept it on for the rest of the ride.

Cycling time: 2:17:41
Distance: 31.543 miles
Avs: 13.8 mph
ODO: 7767.8 miles

It was a fairly pleasant ride for all that – mostly because my legs were feeling pretty good – but boy, were my feet ever cold! And, as it turned out when I got home, they were also soaked through, which probably explains it.

I’ve ordered some new things to try and get my feet through the winter – DeFeet Woolie Boolie socks that were highly recommended by S on Sunday and Endura overshoes that Cycling Plus liked. I’ve also ordered a black Specialized Wedgie saddle bag as mine is falling apart. It’s to be an Xmas present to me from hubby. Here’s hoping the footwear elements all fit ok, because that’s the thing that gets to me worst at this time of year – cold feet!

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