If forever never comes

After a long, late, very enjoyable Friday night at my folks’ place, which involved a serious degree of self-medication as the pain level was rocketing, Saturday morning didn’t really happen.  I pretty much slept through it!  Which since I had a whole empty weekend to fill, neatly took care of a good few of those hours 😉  And besides which, sleep is good right?  It was clearly what my body needed, which is often how it reacts to dealing with the pain anyway.  So, no harm done.

However I didn’t want to waste the day entirely, and I was feeling somewhat better (mornings tend to be better than later in the day) so I took myself off walking again once my caffeine levels were topped up.  I walked all around Burrington Combe, which I pretty much had to myself, and made it snow.  Which was novel *grin*.  It was hilly and muddy and cold and damp but none of those things all the time.  And I sat on top of the rocks at the highest point and admired the views, rocking the windswept look, and loved it.  All of it 🙂

mossy stream muddy path stream

stark trees it snowed views beyond

jagged edge outcrop perspective

Walking time: 1:19
Distance: 3.5 miles

combe selfie