Dancing in the moonlight

I’m stuck at home at the moment, and for a while, due to eldest’s feet, and half term.  Opportunities to get out on the bike are few and far between, relying on hubby taking leave, or being home early, and the weather being nice at weekends.  No pressure then.

So, Friday rolled around, and hubby was home at lunchtime as usual.  I had it down as “cycling” in my diary, and had been considering doing a properly hilly route.  However it turned out to be completely the wrong time of the month for doing that kind of thing, so I rummaged through my saved routes on Bikely to find one that looked about the right length without being too repetitive.  Which be here if you be interested.

I wrapped up – a little too warm as it would turn out – and headed out at around 1:30pm ish.  The first twenty minutes were more hideous than unusual – but once I’d warmed up, and then taken my Buff off my head, I settled down to feeling ok, and actually my legs felt pretty good the entire way ’round.

Cycling time: 2:25:27
Distance: 36.91 miles
Avs: 15.1 mph
ODO: 2508 miles

It was a pretty good ride – much better than I’d been expecting somehow.  I got rained on briefly around the Nyland loop but luckily that passed.  I practiced going down hill and ’round corners a bit, though there was slightly too much traffic around to make that entirely comfortable.  I got to hurtle back down my favourite road, albeit with a little less tail wind than I was expecting but hey – better than a headwind!  Towards the end of the ride it was clouding over a lot, and light levels were pretty low – I was wishing I’d put the headlight back on the bike just in case…so I guess I should do that before the next time.   Which will be even worse as the clocks go back today…  Winter won’t stop me cycling, but I have to admit to preferring it in the summer! 🙂