Cold outside and in

Another Thursday morning, another dubious weather forecast.  Set off as 3 girls, to meet 3 lads on the Wedmore to Wells road as usual – except we pretty much made it to Wells before we found ’em.

I’ve got a cold brewing, and am at that stage where although you’re not all that blocked up (yet!) you still find yourself breathing through your mouth, which kinda puts pay to conversation, supposing I was in the mood for idle chit chat anyway.  Cycling as a group wasn’t proving to be all that enjoyable, so I was kinda plodding along at the back.  Or at the front at a distance, as I have no mudguards.  Neither do they, which makes riding in close proximity a tad messy when the roads are soaking wet.

Having met the testosterone element, we headed off from Wells towards Glastonbury, and I got dropped off the back.   M dropped back to keep me company, but then I hate feeling like the slow coach bringing up the rear, and I wasn’t feeling chatty anyway, as I said.  I spied a right turn to Godney, and decided to carpe diem, said ‘bye, and took it, leaving M to catch up with the group instead.   I was instantly much happier – (I expect she was too! *grin*), plugged my music into my ears, and settled down to please myself for another hour and half or so on the levels.

Cycling time: 2:18:09
Distance: 34.120 miles
Avs: 14.8 mph
ODO: 7801.9 miles

It wasn’t essentially as cold as it has been, but this is not to say that it was warm, as the strong blustery wind and occasional driving rain added a lovely chill factor.   The wind was really pretty nasty from time to time, ‘specially head on, which definitely slowed me down.  And I think some of the rain almost qualified as hail.  Nice.  I decided that since I was on my own, and therefore not trying to keep up with anyone, that I would go up Mudgeley Hill, which I tend to avoid, and which went pretty well.  Not the most enjoyable ride in the world, but it’s been a while since I cycled on my own, and I enjoyed that part of it – it makes for good head space :).