
Well it was sunny.  That’s about all I say for today’s ride.  Other than that it was cold, windy, and thoroughly miserable.  Even my computer flooped out for a bit, and I reckon I lost 4 miles or so (having checked our route on bikeroutetoaster.  Still, figures are figures, and here they are.

Cycling time: 2:27:45
Distance: 34.75 miles
Avs: 14.0 mph
ODO: 3164 miles

The first hour or so, out via Bleadon to WSM and out again, were ok.  GW and I nattered, and the time passed.  The sun shone, the tide was out, and the North Wind blew…  However, though I was wearing every layer I possess, at some point I lost my feet.  Probably around Ebdon somewhere, which is roughly where I started to get lost by GW too.  And you know how much I enjoy that.  After a while all I could feel was the pain in my feet – odd how something absent can hurt so much – which was totally distracting me from the actual act of pedalling. On the A370 main road from there to Yatton – a down on the drops, head down, boring stretch – I swear I almost felt like falling asleep!  Very weird…

I would have bailed earlier, but that required talking to GW which would have meant either an herculean effort to catch her (never going to happen) or some serendipity with junctions/traffic lights…  Finally, in Yatton, as she was unsure of our route and was waiting for me, I caught her.  After a detour getting lost around Claverham which was at least more sheltered, I decided that there was no way I could face detouring around the roadworks to get to Portishead, warming up, and then having to get cold all over again to come home.  I know I need to get the miles in, but I can’t imagine there would have been much benefit in doing them today!

We turned ’round and headed towards Wrington, and GW decided to do a u-turn and head out to explore Clevedon.  Sadly I had no idea where I was and had to guess my way back which, luckily, worked out ok.  I’ve done enough of those roads, and they all join up sooner or later…  I think the best bit of the entire ride was the hurtle down the A368 from Churchill to Sandford.  That I nearly enjoyed…

Other than that…it was cold.  Cold.  Cold.  Cold.  It took 20 minutes in a hot bath before all my toes were back, and I’m still feeling spacey 🙁