Well it started well… I got my errands done, the predicted break in the dismal weather was here on schedule, and around 11.00am I was kitted up and ready, if not raring to go.
Mind you, I hadn’t decided where I was going. I had some vague idea that hills might be a good idea, and was musing possibilities as I set off. However on the climb (yes, ok, it’s not really a climb) up to the bypass my calves reminded me that they spent a couple of hours on Sunday ticking cols of a different kind and although my legs had felt ok up to now, would it be alright if I didn’t make them go uphill?

OK, so hills were out, and a flatter route beckoned. Fair enough. Best to listen when the body is telling you something right? (Yes, I know, I never do that either). Time for the usual kind of flat loop then, more of an enjoy being out rather then get any training benefit kind of thing. But hey, the sun was shining, I wasn’t cold, and I was out…
…and 10 minutes out, the potholes on the descent of Winscombe Hill claimed another victim. It may be a very long time since I’ve had a puncture, but there’s no mistaking it when it happens. One very quick way to deflate both the tyre and my burgeoning good mood. It was, of course, the rear tyre, isn’t it (nearly) always? Time to pull over and sort it then *sigh*. However there was a quiet off-road spot by a house in which to turn the bike upside down, a nice wall to lay stuff out on as I worked, and hey, it had to happen some time, right? Not only is it a very long time since I’ve had a puncture, I can’t remember the last time it’s happened when I’ve been on my own, and my ineptitude usually means that those with me can’t bear to watch, or hang around forever, so they bail me out! Still, it would appear I can still do it, and although getting the tyre back on was a bit tricky, it only took me 15 minutes or so all in, which ain’t bad for me. Nice to know all that kit I carry around with me still works too – especially the little pump which does a nice job of getting things back up to a reasonable psi…
…but not quite high enough really, though maybe I could have tried harder, which led to a bouncier ride subsequently than I like. Off I went, pleased to discover that the flat open roads tended to be dry and less covered in crap, thus vindicating my “no hills” decision. But after half an hour of bouncing along into a rather tediously strong headwind, however nice it was out there, I really wasn’t feeling the love, which surprised me somewhat. OK, so it was windy, but I was finding it harder work that it ought to have been. And then I remembered that I’d forgotten to have breakfast, and although riding on empty has debatable training benefits, those probably apply to those who don’t have the same day-to-day fuelling issues as I do. Oh, and to people who also do it properly, as part of a training plan ‘n all. No wonder my energy levels weren’t up to it. Ok, so the silver lining of the disaster that is my diet is that I appear to be losing weight, and lighter is generally good in cycling terms, but you still need some energy to push lighter around! Oops…!
So I decided to cut my losses, cut my route short, and to just have an easy loop around and back home. Besides which the lovely weather wasn’t due to last (though it did) and I wanted to get the bike washed and cleaned when I got back. Why so uncharacteristically conscientious you ask? Well, as my puncture and the state of the roads today demonstrated, as if I needed reminding, it was past time for taking my lovely summer wheels off and putting the winter wheels back on. Which I really couldn’t do in the state the bike was in. So clean it had to be, cleaned it was, and clean it is. And what’s more, it now has its winter wheels on, with the brake pad positions adjusted accordingly, and the gears indexed ok (I think). Now, considering my degree of technical expertise, this is not a little impressive. OK, so I had to resort to a Youtube video to help me out, and I haven’t had chance to ride it yet but still, *fingers crossed*… Go me! I think I may have to polish it now :D.

On balance, maybe I should have stayed at home today. But for all that it wasn’t a great ride, I still feel better for having been out, and the aftermath was constructive. So that’s ok then 🙂 And yes, I do work on my bike in the front room. Well, it’s my front room, why shouldn’t I? Besides, it’s a darn sight warmer than in the garage! 😉
Cycling time: 1:25
Distance: 21.9 miles
Avg: 15.3 mph
ODO: 7085.2 miles