Category Archives: Training

On the road again – finally!

There may have been wind, rain, and yes, snow, last night…but ‘rah – it didn’t settle.  When I looked out of the window this morning, the sun was shining, the road were wet, but clear, and ok, it was windy…but that wasn’t going to stop me!

M and I headed out first thing.  Nothing special, just a couple of hours zig-zagging around the water-logged levels, but oh, it was good to be back out on the bike again.  Mind you, it reminded me that my cold hasn’t gone quite as far as I thought it had – making breathing a tad tricky.  Having said that, I was kinda worried that after so long (well 10 days felt like a long time) not being on the bike that it would be very hard work and it wasn’t, so that was a relief.

Cycling time: 1:51:43
Distance: 26.793 miles
Avs: 14.4 mph
ODO: 84137.1 miles

The aforementioned wind was bitter and quite strong, and not behind us half often enough…as was ever the case.  However our average, considering this and our tendency to chat, was pretty good really.  It was lovely to be out, in the chilly sunshine.  Hopefully I’ll be out on Thursday and Sunday…but that’s up to the weather.  *fingers crossed*!

My new saddle bag which arrived a few days ago finally got a test ride, and seems to have survived. It’s bigger than the Specialized Wedge I had for Christmas (the zip broke after about 3 rides) so I’ll be able to fit more stuff in it come the summer.  I’ve also ordered a rear light to go with it, to clip on the back, for those days when it’s nice to be a bit more visible.

Wales is NOT flat!

G’s 40th birthday celebrations took place this weekend, down on the Gower Peninsula.  A large group took over a YHA place down there, and of course, being G, this had to involve some riding.

Early Saturday morning, I opened the curtains to see the trees blowing around mentally, and the surf steaming up the beach.  On a normal day weather like that would be my cue for heading to the gym instead.  Having lugged the bike and kit all the way down there, this really wasn’t an option so an intrepid group of 5 equally mad fools set off at around 9am ish.  S was map reader and troupe leader, G was the advance scout, M was in the middle, and P and I were the rear guard.  This was a ride that was touted as a c.2 hour, 35 miles flatish route…  I really should know better than to listen to S!  I think maybe his map reading skills are flawed…but more likely he just does it on purpose *grin*.

Wales is NOT flat.  Especially when you go DOWN to look at pretty coasty bits.  Because then you have to go UP (and up and up and up) just to get to place where you can go DOWN again! *grin*.  There were what I consider to have been some pretty BIG hills.  Steep ones.   Long ones.  Hairpin bend ones.  And I got up all of them.  Tortoise fashion, slow but sure…to catch up the hares waiting at the top.  Probably VERY good training, so I’m not complaining.

We went from Port Einon, round the coast, to the Mumbles, nearly into Swansea, and back out in loopy fashion.  The cross wind was pretty awe-inspiring – almost nicer to cycle into it than against it, it’s less alarming that way.  Other than that the weather was ok, a tad nippy around the edges, but not wet.  The scenery is great – all rugged coastline and crashing waves.  It was really nice to cycle somewhere different, with someone else in charge.  We had to cut it a bit short as it was taking longer than planned, which makes you less than popular with those left behind with the children…can’t imagine why 😉

Cycling time: 2:46:17
Distance: 34.105 miles
Avs: 12.3 mph
ODO: 8410.3 miles

You can tell what the hills were like from the average speed.  My other half informs me that having started and finished at the same place, that our route around Wales is therefore, on average, flat.  But then he thinks he’s funny too.  *grin*.

S kindly took some photos which I’m hoping to get here somehow/somewhere so you can see us all!


Typical Thursday girl’s ride out.  Three of us this time, with nary a clue as to where to go.  So, after some debate, we decided to go up…up…up…  Well, apparently I like a challenge.  I had been hoping, after Tuesday’s long ride, for a flatish average ride, but no…for the first time this season, it was up Cheddar Gorge!

Actually it wasn’t half as bad as I expected or remembered, and although hard work, I’d swear I found it easier than the last time too.  Maybe I really am getting better at this? (surely not).

Cycling time: 1:58:28
Distance: 25.304 miles
Avs: 12.8 mph
ODO: 8376.2 miles

However it is a very long hill, which probably accounts for the average.  Once up in the clouds – quite literally! – we looped around from near Priddy to go past Charterhouse, down into Shipham where we found the distinctly chilly wind that we had been sheltered from, and then into Winscombe before going along round through Loxton, past the Webington and home.  Not the longest or fastest loop in the world, but I’m not bothered – I made it up the Gorge, what more do you want? *grin*

I’m on the sponsorship path, and spent yesterday getting logos and details from those folk who had already pledged to help me out.  Now I need more!  Did you know that 146 people have looked at this website this month?  How cool is that?  And have asked if I’d like to be listed in their blogs section so I guess that will mean even more people heading on over here.  All good publicity for anyone who has their logo and details here… 🙂

OK, now I’m tired…

Tuesday morning and M and I headed out as usual, for what was intended to be a long run and, since I hadn’t mapped it quite as accurately as I could have done, turned out to be an even longer run than that!

We did a long loop from Cheddar, out through Bleadon and Uphill, along the sea front in hazy sunshine at Weston, round Kewstoke, out onto the main road to Congresbury, past Cadbury, through Yatton, across the levels to Clevedon, and up the hill on the coast road to Portishead…for coffee at my Dad’s.  By the time we got there we’d done 35 miles, so coffee was very welcome.  In fact it was probably essential!

Dad hooked up with us for a while, and we all headed off down into Portishead proper, around the new marina, out through Shepway to Portbury, up the long slog that is Failand Hill, down the dangerously steep and bendy Belmont Hill to the junction where we parted company.  M and I came back to Congresbury on the rather too busy A370, then through the back roads to Churchill, then Sandford, Winscombe and finally…home.

Cycling time: 4:17:42
Distance: 62.344! miles
Avs: 14.5 mph
ODO: 8350.9 miles

This was not a flat route by any means.  And the wind, though not strong, was against us on the way back.  I think it’s safe to say I’m a bit tired now.  My long trousers are also a little loose today and have managed to chafe along the seams on my derrière – not so delightful.  A different kind of cyclist’s stripe?

Tired I may be, and there certainly isn’t a great deal left in my legs…however I’m not feeling too terrible.  That’s my longest run so far in quite some time, and I think I did ok.  In fact I think (and I’ll say this quietly), I think I may be getting a little bit better at it…  I didn’t used to be able to do 60 miles on breakfast and a banana!  I didn’t feel like I was struggling too much, and overall it was pretty enjoyable.  I think I might make the Thursday run a bit shorter though *grin*.

Well that was hard work!

I had planned to cycle this morning, but when I stepped out of the door for the school run and realised how windy it was I had a serious case of second thoughts!  However, I made myself, and decided that if it was going to be that windy, it would maybe be best to avoid the exposed levels and do some…wait for it…hills!

And boy did I ever!  I started off from the doctor’s surgery, so went up to and then down the bypass to warm up my legs a bit.  Then it was up Shipham Hill, down through Rowberrow to the crossroads at Churchill.  Along to and then up Burrington Combe, which I haven’t done in ages.  All the way up there, left at the end and along to the main road (A39?) to climb up to the aerial….and then down into Wells.

Now I may have thought the hills were hard work, (and I did!), but that ain’t nothing compared to the cycle home into the wind!  The hill down into Wells is usually one of my favourites, and is a long swoopy smooth 11% down…which I had to PEDAL down!  Now that’s just not fair.  To put all that work in to getting up there, and then reap no reward!

Ah well.  I slogged back across the levels south of Wedmore where I was lucky to get up to 12mph against the wind.  I made myself go along to and then up Mudgley Hill, though I was sore tempted not to and cut the corner at Panborough.  Then down (still pedalling!) into Wedmore, out to Cheddar and home again.

Cycling time: 2:52:30
Distance: 39.123 miles
Avs: 13.6 mph
ODO: 8258.7 miles

I was actually expecting my stats to be much worse, so I’m pleasantly surprised.  I can tell I’ve done that hunkering down thing I do when it gets tough, as my lower back and across the top of my shoulders is all achey – which is probably why I’m running a bath now 🙂 I wouldn’t say it was a fun ride, but I guess it was a good one from a training perspective.  Go me!

More miles under the belt

Today it was M and I who set off into the morning’s winter sun.  It was rather chillier than I’d been expecting, and although dressed accordingly, my feet didn’t stay with me for the entire time.  I’m looking forward to the time when that ceases to be an issue – roll on Spring!  We did a larger than usual loop, including a pit stop in Glastonbury where the coffee, though good, still didn’t reach my toes…

Cycling time: 3:12:57
Distance: 46.599 miles
Avs: 14.5 mph
ODO: 8219.5 miles

The weather was nice, the roads were a tad muddy, and the wind was bitter.  However, that’s another 47 miles (give or take) to add to the tally.  The average speed is probably accounted for by the amount of talking we do…not that that comes as a surprise to anyone!

I’ve made a bit more on the sponsorship front – M is now the proud owner of a couple of Buffs too!  I also took my sponsorship form out with me last night and got a couple of sponsors that way.  So, that’s a total of £266.30 raised/pledged so far.  Only £933.70 to go! *gulp*  So much to do…

A bigger step than expected!

I joined the TOR lot for their Social at the George and Pilgrim in Glastonbury last night – partially because I really like the pub, and also because I wanted a chat with Andy of Kalas sportswear fame who’s going to be sorting my Cycling Mayor kit out.

It was a very pleasant evening. We talked cycling a lot – as you might imagine. I’ve been doing a lot of 30/35 mile type rides and mentioned that I really need to get some longer rides in, build up stamina etc, as well as doing some new routes to stop things getting boring. S, who is endeavouring to train me up properly for the season ahead, selflessly abandoned his Burnham run plans, and we hatched a plan to go out this morning. Which could have been the Hobgoblin talking… Actually the barrel went after the first pint and we had to move on to lesser tipple, which is maybe just as well. Who knows what kind of ideas 2 or 3 pints of the stuff might have inspired! 😉

We met up around 9am, and headed out into a surprisingly sunny and almost warm morning. It wasn’t even as windy as I was expecting.  A good start.  I left the route entirely down to him – it’s always less stressful doing a new route if someone else knows where they’re going and you don’t have to worry! I knew there would be hills…(there are always hills!)…but at least the first part was flat so I could warm up properly, and work the worst of the night before out of my system.

I’m not entirely sure where we went – I was concentrating! – I know it involved Wedmore, Meare, Ashcott, and Butleigh. It got a tad wiggly and quite hilly in places, and the low sun on wet roads proved interesting occasionally, but to cut a long story short, we ended up in Ilchester, where a nice cafe provided coffee and essential carrot cake. Essential because I was clearly not going to be back in time for lunch and I needed fueling! We came back via Glastonbury, Godney, Wedmore, Cheddar and home, a more typical route, which is nice when you’re starting to feel a little tired and you know time is getting on.

So, are you ready for the stats?

Cycling time: 3:50:36
Distance: 58.627 miles!
Avs: 15.3 mph
ODO: 8172.9 miles

Yes. That’s 58+ miles. Quite a step up.  I was planning on working up in small increments you know… That said, it didn’t feel like that far.  I didn’t, and still don’t, feel totally knackered.  Apart from one short sharp hill up to the Wedmore ridge on the way back where I resorted to Shanks’ pony, I think I managed the hills ok – though S may beg to differ on that front.  So that’s hills and miles. ‘Rah! A pretty good ride all ’round I reckon.   I definitely enjoyed it.  Remind me I said that when I get up tomorrow morning and my legs are killing me *grin*. Thanks S 🙂

Tired before and after

Well, I was tired before we set out, and tired afterwards.  I guess last night’s gym session probably didn’t help, and it’s also not a good time in my cycle (no pun intended…well, maybe a little pun).  The weather was windy and gloomy, but warm enough.  There were four of us girls this morning, which makes for easier cycling.  Mind you, when one of them is a fresh G, then the speed tends to get pushed up a bit, and I really wasn’t keeping up all that well.  We went out the hilly way past the Webington, out to, and up over Brent Knoll, looping through Burnham, Highbridge, not quite as far as Wedmore and home.

Cycling time: 2:01:52
Distance: 30.688 miles
Avs: 15.1 mph
ODO: 8114.3 miles

As you can see, having to keep up pushed my average speed up a bit, which is probably marvellous from a training point of view.  Oddly I felt like I was struggling and going much slower than that.  Perception is a wonderful thing.  I was quite glad to get home :).

One more Buff has been requested – and S will be giving it a snuggly new home.  If the other folk who requested one don’t speak up soon, they’ll be off to AJ who’s promised to give them Oirish homes :).

Cyclist’s Stripe

Now that the mercury is much higher, being out on the bike is a much more pleasant experience.  The novelty of still being able to feel your fingers and toes cannot be over-rated.

M and I went out for our semi-regular Tuesday morning ride this morning. Having decided that I could probably cope with the odd hill, I met her in Cheddar and we started off with Shipham Hill.  Long and plodding and hard work that may be, but at least that’s one I know I can do – which makes it easier mentally too.  From there it was down to Churchill, out via Puxton and Edington to Kewstoke, up the short sharp steep hill and then down into Weston.  Up from Uphill, down the main road and then back via Bleadon Hill and the Webington to home.  So – hilly enough then.

Cycling time: 2:20:14
Distance: 32.596 miles
Avs: 14.0 mph
ODO: 8083.6 miles

Not a bad average when you take those hills into account.

Now that it’s warmer, there has been rain…and so that lovely muddy stripe that you get up your back, from a mudguard-less bike, is back.  Thank goodness for washing machines.

I’ve done a lot of 30+ rides lately, but I need to start getting some longer ones under my belt.  Maybe Thursday depending on the weather forecast…

Better out than in

So the temperature struggled up a couple of degrees.  I couldn’t decide whether or not to go out this morning, and was looking out of the window drinking coffee and trying to figure it out when C rang, said she was going out, and effectively made my mind up for me.  M joined us and the three of us headed out from the Square for a couple of hours this morning.  It was warmer than the last time I was out…which isn’t saying a lot…and there were a couple of icy patches around, but on the whole it was tolerable.  It was just better to be out on the bike than sitting on one in the gym! We went in a loop round to Burnham-on-Sea and back.  Nothing too exciting, but more miles on the legs.

Cycling time: 1:59:56
Distance: 28.965 miles
Avs: 14.5mph
ODO: 8051.0 miles

It’s time to get on with the fundraising now, so I’ve put some work into my “prospectus” and am going to start approaching more businesses.  If you know of a business that would like to sponsor me and have their logo on my kit for the year – let me know!