Category Archives: Training

What a difference a day makes…

Yesterday I did not go out on the bike.  OK, so I did go to the gym, but that’s different ok?  To be fair, it really wasn’t a good session, so I wasn’t expecting good things from today’s ride.  However…

Things got off to a good start when, on setting out, I realised it wasn’t as windy as I’d expected, and that the wind wasn’t as cold as it has been either.  In fact, it was verging on warm.  I picked up M and we headed out towards Wookey.  My trusty arm warmer bolero only stayed on as far as Draycott before being consigned to the saddle bag – and out came the arms.  The less encumbered I am, the faster I feel – even if that effect is only psychological!  My legs were feeling way better than expected which was a very pleasant surprise – I guess they liked having a day off?  M and I looped around for a bit, and then parted company in Wedmore as she had to get back and I needed to get a few more miles in.  I headed off towards Mark…

Cycling time: 2:10:11
Distance: 33.366 miles
Avs: 15.4 mph
ODO: 9268.3 miles

I had a blissful hour plus of me, the bike, the mp3, the sun, the road…and eventually, the wind behind me.  Now that was a blast!  Even when it was a headwind – which it was for a lot of it – it didn’t seem to be holding me back too much.  I was having such a nice time that I made myself come back home up Winscombe Hill which I usually avoid like the plague!  Then I came back down the bypass, doing over 30 miles an hour, with a huge grin on my face, and met hubby and eldest just coming back into town in the car – cue lots of mad waving 🙂

It’s been an SW week.  On Tuesday we saw the first SWallows back in Axbridge.  I have now seen two SWans nesting in various places around the levels.  And today’s ride was SW…EEET!… 🙂

When the wind blows…

The Easter holidays are upon us, and hubby has very nicely arranged to take several half days leave over them so that I can keep my training up.  The first of these was today so, even though I’ve been out for the last two days, I pretty much had to go out today too.  So, he came home, and I headed out.

Cycling time: 2:38:28
Distance: 40.732 miles
Avs: 15.4 mph
ODO: 9235.0 miles

I had planned a route, but got a bit confused around Brent Knoll way, which added a couple of unintended miles on.  My mostly flat route went Webbington – East Brent – Burnham – Highbridge – East Huntspill – Burtle – Westhay – Bleadney – Wedmore – Cheddar…and finally home.  I’d got the wind totally wrong and for the most part was just slogging into it, which wasn’t a lot of fun.

This being the third day on a trot is probably good training for the L2P.  There certainly wasn’t much in the tank – it would have been better if I’d had much to eat today, or had taken any food with me.  I made sure to get some Torq Recovery down me when I got in, but am still feeling pretty wiped out.  Imagine that being c.80 miles every day?!  All that said, the stats were ok – and on some days that would have felt like a great ride.  Today it felt like hard work, and I’m feeling it now.

What has three days in a row taught me?  Well for starters I’m going to need new gloves.  Not just because my left hand has a tendency to go numb, but because I just generally end up with sore wrists after all the impacts…gotta love our road surfaces.  I’m also fairly sure that Vaseline and Sudocrem will become good friends of mine.  And I need to make sure to eat and drink properly.  Fuel those legs.  I think I’ll stick to the gym tomorrow! *grin*

Sunny Sunday

What better way to spend a (mostly) sunny Sunday morning than cycling?  Dad and I had a lovely couple of hours blowing the cobwebs away.  It’s really nice to go out on different roads – variety being the spice of life ‘n all that.  We scooted around the countryside around Portishead and Clevedon, where there’s plenty of levels, not too many hills, and lots of nice scenery.  That, with sunshine and no wind, makes for a pretty good ride in my book!

Cycling time: 2:10:38
Distance: 31.732 miles
Avs: 14.6 mph
ODO: 9194.2 miles

Considering the night before, I think we did pretty darn well.  Dad and I are fairly well matched on the flat now, though I’m pleased to say I’m still ahead of him up the hills.  Well – I have to feel that I’m better than someone…*grin*.  What with his new bike, and the miles he’s been getting in of late, (cruise not withstanding!), that state of affairs won’t last long either! 🙂

And the wheels keep turning

Went out yesterday even though riding with a horrible cold is not necessarily advisable.  G  was in much the same state, so I think we egged each other on!  It would have been a shame to waste the lovely weather, and I figured I’d just do a shortish run, just to keep my legs in.  We met S in Cheddar and headed out towards Draycott on the back roads.  We met a fellow cyclist and stopped to chat for a bit, and got split up for a while, so actually only ended up meeting S again just before coming into Wedmore.  G and S fancied doing hills – no fear! – so I decided to be sensible (as if I ever thought hills were a good idea *grin*) and pootled off on my own.

I spent a happy hour on the levels in the sunshine and wasn’t too knackered when I got home, which was what I’d hoped for.  Unlike G who texted me from “up there” somewhere to say that she wished she’d done it my way as the hills had proved the final straw.

Cycling time: 1:41:50
Distance: 24.501 miles
Avs: 14.4 mph
ODO: 9131.0 miles

As you can see from the stats, I was a bit slower than usual – I find that happens when you can’t breathe properly!  I’m glad I got out though.  My legs were feeling good – the spirit was willing…but the rest of me was weak 🙂   I did an extra hour cycling in the gym later to top up, which was hard work – but is apparently good training for the L2P.

S’not easy being green

I’ve got another stinkin’ cold, about which I am less than pleased.  I woke up this morning to sunny skies, no obvious wind, and the fact that I hadn’t been on the bike since last Tuesday.  I really wanted to just go back to bed, but that’s never really an option, and it always pains me to miss out on good cycling weather as it tends to be in short supply so…

Cycling time: 2:14:35
Distance: 33.017 miles
Avs: 15.2 mph
ODO: 9106.5miles

I did exactly the same route as I did with AJ last week, and the stats are nearly identical.  Which is weird as last week’s ride felt terrible, and today’s felt fine, even though I was taking it pretty easy because of the lurghi.  I expected to find it proper hard work, but oddly enough I didn’t.  Though there may have been more snot involved than usual *grin*.  My legs felt great – which is no doubt proof of the fact that they like rest days…but as usual, I shall be ignoring that fact.  I guess the next thing to do is the same route, after some rest, without a cold…and see what happens then.  However repetition gets boring, so that may have to wait a while.  At least I got back out on the bike 🙂

Two for two

Ok, so I’m late writing this, but that’s life.  Or rather I was busy have a life so didn’t get around to it as soon as I should have.  Anyway…

AJ and I made it out as planned on Tuesday morning.  A couple of hours around the sunny levels, which for some reason I found pretty heavy going.  Could have been the wind.  Could have been the over-consumption the night before maybe…or the very late night…or the fact that it was the last of several of those in a row.  Mind you, that doesn’t usually make my back ache.  Still, it was good to be out, and certainly blew away the cobwebs, which was essential.

Cycling time: 2:14:26
Distance: 33.902 miles
Avs: 15.1 mph
ODO: 9072.5miles

Although I seemed to be finding it hard, the average shows that it was actually no worse than usual.  AJ was clearly spinnning his legs though, which was slightly disheartening! *grin*.  We actually cycled past the site of our infamous collision, though I didn’t mention it as drawing attention to such things could be considered to be tempting fate…  Statistically speaking, we have now had more successful rides than disastrous ones, and that is definitely a good thing 🙂

Stay on these roads

Another sunny Sunday meant another sunny seaside loop, only done clockwise this time – variety being the spice of life ‘n all that.  AJ and I spent a happy couple of hours out and about, and actually managed to stay on our bikes this time ’round!  We waved at the hospital in Weston as we went through Uphill, but managed to avoid visiting it in person, which has to be an improvement *grin*.

Cycling time: 2:59:24
Distance: 30.153 miles
Avs: 15.2 mph
ODO: 9038.6 miles

It being the same loop as last Sunday, there were even a couple of hills – including Bleadon Hill which, just like all the others of late, wasn’t quite as bad as I remembered it.  Maybe the sunshine makes hills easier?  Mind you, I may be finding them easier, but AJ is another one of those that disappears up hills as if they aren’t there, and then has to wait for me somewhere down the line.  I do wonder how people do that! 🙂

The sun always shines…

Another sunny day, another perfect day on the road.  I don’t know whether the Torq recovery is the reason – but even after Tuesday’s long run, I’ve been feeling fine.  I had a good gym session last night, and my legs were full of the joys of spring this morning.  Looks like there might be something in it!

Cycling time: 2:12:07
Distance: 33.738 miles
Avs: 15.3 mph
ODO: 9008.5 miles

M, S, and I did the usual kind of pootling around the sunny Somerset levels, and I really enjoyed it.  Gorgeous weather, happy legs…happy me 🙂  I wish it was always like this!

As you may have noticed – this bike, and my legs, have now done over 9000 miles!  That’s another landmark for you.  I may have to throw a party when I break the 10,000 mile barried *grin*.

Gorged on Carrot Cake

It was time for a long run, having not done one on Sunday as I’d half been planning to.  Once the mob were safely at their various schools, I set off for Cheddar, from whence M and I headed out in the sunshine.  M had planned a route, so I was happy just to be told where I was going which, in this case, was Bradford on Avon.  This meant Cheddar Gorge first thing in the morning…always a tad daunting!  Still, I think it’s getting easier…  We met up with B on the top road, and headed off.  It took a little longer than planned, due to a nasty headwind and plenty of hills…  It was a lovely scenic route though – great view, lovely weather, not too much traffic – pretty enjoyable really.

We arrived at Bradford on Avon, where we had a lovely coffee stop sitting outside a cafe by the canal, with particularly good carrot cake.  Vegetables are healthy you know 😉  Then we turned tail and headed back.  I trailed behind the pair of them as far as Chilcompton where we parted company with B, and M and I cycled back over the top together, to round things off by coming down the Gorge – full circle as it were.

Cycling time: 4:20:43
Distance: 65.287 miles
Avs: 15.0 mph
ODO: 8974.7 miles

Defenestration has always been one of my favourite words.  I think there should be a similar one for that “going very slow, something in the way, need to stop, can’t unclick…b*gger…sideways thud” thing that cyclists do, which is what happened to me when we stopped for the toilets at the canal.  With an audience.  Very dignified I don’t think…and I’m going to have an awesome bruise on my left hip.  In fact I think I may have already.  Ah well – probably good for the ego to be be knocked down a peg or two from time to time 😛

I think it’s safe to say I’m also a bit tired now…

Hello legs!

I did go out Thursday, in case you thought I’d been skiving, but the dodgy wires on my cycling computer found the incessant drizzle too much to cope with, and it only started working again on the way back home when it had dried out enough!  (I’ve fitted the new one now – a wireless Lidl bargain).  It was an unremarkable ride anyway – a quick trip over to Burnham and back with G.

So, on to today.  I’d been trying to find someone to cycle to Exeter with, as G had offered me a lift back from there…but no takers.  I decided I’d do a ride ’round here instead, take less time out of the family Sunday, and do a longer ride this week some time instead.

I awoke to bright sunshine which is always very motivational.  The little weather add-on that hubby has added to Firefox showed me that it was warm too, and the forecast was good.   I sat down on bikely and planned myself a seaside loop with several hills which came in at around 32 miles, which I figured would be about 2 1/2 hours.  And, in a mad leap of faith…out came the shorts!  Hello Legs!  Yes – for the first time this season, it was time for shorts.  Shorts, summer gloves…it gets better all the time 🙂

Cycling time: 2:01:25
Distance: 31.309 miles
Avs: 15.5 mph
ODO: 8909.4 miles

I had a blinding ride.  First off, up the long haul to Shipham.  Through Rowberrow, and down to Churchill.  Round the back to Puxton, wiggling around the country side to go up the very steep hill at Kewstoke.  On to the seaside at Weston, where the smell of late full breakfasts mingled with that of chips and warm candy floss under clear blue skies, and people were all promenading.

Through Uphill and up and over the main road, and up and up to Bleadon Village.  Which was hideous last time I did it, and was oddly not this time.  Maybe I’m getting better at this?  The views up there are also stunning – well worth the climb.  Down into Bleadon again, and back up to go along to Loxton, and come home over the final hills past the Webbington.  More stunning views, if a little hazy, across the levels.  As I came into Cross, with the sun on my back and the wind in my hair (poetic license!), Faith No More started singing “Easy…” on the mp3.  Definitely a moment 🙂

Considering the hills, I am proper impressed with my average speed.  My expected 2 1/2 hours turned into 2!  I did feel like I was flying along – blame the Torq, the hours in the gym, or heck, just the sunshine 🙂  Yep – another great ride.