Category Archives: Training

Raindrops keep falling…

I woke up, looked out the window, saw the wind and the drizzle, and REALLY didn’t want to go out in it.  I texted G, but she didn’t reply.  I kitted up, and did the school run, and still didn’t see her, so there was no getting out of it, that was that…and shortly afterwards she arrived on the doorstep, all ready to go out.  Sometimes  you just have to give in to the inevitable I guess!

My main concession to the elements?  To take the old bike.  Well, it’s used to not being cleaned.  Such treatment could come as a nasty shock to my new one *grin*.  Besides which I’ve not yet got the hang of going downhill on my new baby in the dry, let alone the wet!

G’s standard solution to lousy weather, as I believe I’ve mentioned before, is to do hills.  Something to do with going slower so getting less water in your face…  Or avoiding the wind…  Or something.  I’m not convinced.  Hills are not nice.  How can wet hills be better?

Ah well.  We went from Winscombe to Shipham, through Rowberrow down to Churchill, around Wrington and up Goblin Coombe (there’s that Coombe word again), and then up Burrington Coombe (what have I told you about Coombes?), past Charterhouse and down Shipham Hill to home.  All of this in the constant rain, with coldish wind, and up on the top, a total lack of visiblity of any sort.  That’s what happens when what you’re actually cycling through is a cloud…

Cycling time: 2:16:00
Distance: 29.893 miles
Avs: 13.2 mph
ODO: 9745.5 miles

I should have used the proper yellow waterproof rather than my new one, which isn’t quiet designed for that.  I got proper wet, and I hadn’t realised how cold I was until I got home – it took ever such a long time to warm up and my feet have only just come back on-line.  I’m glad I went out though – it was better in reality than in anticipation, and I do have to get the miles in.  I also felt the hills went ok – I even managed to pretty much maintain a conversation with G up Burrington Coombe, which would, not so long ago, have been out of the question!  So, not the world’s best ride, but by no means the worst either 🙂

Is it fast enough so you can fly away?

OK, so I have the shiny new bike.  I do not as yet have a computer for it – there’s one on order – so I’m having to approximate stats here.  First off, I went out on it for 16 miles or so, taking it easy (it was pre-event!), on Saturday morning with M. Today  I did a 35 mile loop with G, which took about 2:25 elapsed time, and therefore averaged around 14.5 mph ish…

New bike stats so far:
ODO: 61 miles..

It’s hard to say whether or not it’s set up right as yet, because it all feels different.  Nothing is the same – from how it works, to how I sit, to how I hold the bars!  Changing gears is proving to be easier than I’d though, whereas braking is harder.  Changing position, between the drops, the tops, etc., is something I need to work on.  The one time I stood to go up a hill, it was all so wobbly that I sat down again – clearly more work required there too.  I got my middle of the back shoulder pain earlier than expected so A may be right and we may need to change the handlebar stem to adjust the reach length…or maybe it’s something I have to get used to?  After all, the “old” bike was much longer…and if getting shorter causes pain, will even shorter be worse?  As for my right ankle…

On the positive side – apart from being VERY pretty – it seems to be a much smoother ride.  Although A thought I might need a carbon seat post, I don’t think that’s going to be an issue.  The gears seem, if anything, to be a little lower than on the other bike, which is nice.

On balance I think it’s going to be grand…I just need to practice more 🙂  So, feast your eyes on my new baby – I’ll add photos from the other side another time!

I love it when a plan comes together

G, in helpful mode, had decided we were doing a long run today…about 60 miles.  Since the Forest of Dean is this weekend, I wasn’t sure that this was a good idea, but still, go with the flow etc…  However, fate clearly agreed with me, and when she turned up this morning it turned out that her childcare had gone minorly to pot and we were going to have to be back earlier than planned.  Having paused briefly to admire my new kit, which met with approval, we headed off into the slightly chilly sunshine.

Cycling time: 3:13:45
Distance: 47.826 miles
Avs: 14.8 mph
ODO: 9630.31 miles

As you can see, we still went quite a long way…albeit without the lunchstop we would have had otherwise.  I’m not entirely sure where we went – once past Wells we headed off around Shepton Mallet and the like.  Since hills hold no fear for G she tends to forget about them, and threw in a couple of corkers accidentally.  Well, she claims she didn’t do it on purpose…I’m not convinced! *grin*  At least we came home down the Gorge…

The new kit wore well, and the shorts are actually more comfortable than my plain ones.  The warm-up jacket came off after about 30 minutes and stayed off until we were back in the Square having coffee, having served its purpose.  All working out well so far.   Now all I have to do is get the new bike sorted 🙂

a thousand beautiful things

I’m a ride report behind…life has been a little busy, and since Friday’s ride with G was only a short one, it nearly didn’t seem worth writing it up.  I must remember that an hour and half on the bike would seem like a long time to most normal people! 😉  G has this theory that if you’re not doing the hours/miles, then you should do speed work or hills.  Well, we all know that I don’t go fast…so apparently it was hills.  Note to anyone cycling round here – avoid anything with the word “Coombe” in the title.  Goblin, Burrington, Canada – all Coombes.  I rest my case *grin*.

Cycling time: 1:33:45
Distance: 20.620 miles
Avs: 13.2 mph
ODO: 9541.0 miles

I don’t go up hills fast either…as you can see!

Last night was the Mayor’s Banquet (not mine – that’s next year!) and my folks came over for that.  We’d planned to cycle this morning and stuck to our guns.  By 9:45am Dad and I were on the road.  I cycled with Dad back to Portishead where they live, via the back roads, and then came back again by myself, straight down the main road, to add a bit of variety.

Cycling time: 2:37 ish..
Distance: 42.792 miles
Avs: 16.2 mph
ODO: 9582.48 miles

(My cycling computer is still playing silly b*ggers, something in the house seems to set it going, so unless you write the stats down the minute you get in, you’ll come back and they’ve changed a bit.  Luckily I made a mental note of most of it…)

The ride went really well when you consider how much was imbibed last night, and also the time at which I got to bed last night!  The first 20 minutes were fairly hideous, feeling as we did, with the addition of drizzle to perk us up…  But that cleared as we warmed up, and all those toxins have now been sweated out.  My legs felt pretty good, it cleared my head, and I’m feeling much more cheerful than I did first thing 🙂

I’ve also been sponsored online by someone today, but can’t work out who it is!  How very intriguing *grin*.  Thank you whoever you are 🙂

Snooker loopy nuts are we

My cycling computer went nuts today – wireless ain’t all it’s cracked up to be – and about the only thing it managed to stay sane about was the trip time! So I’ve had to guess at my stats for the rest. It’s been playing up a bit…and I think I’ll get hubby to put the wired one back on instead – low tech is sometimes more reliable!

It was only a shortish ride – with G – we went out round Sanford, Yatton, Wrington, Sanford, Shipham and down to home again. There really wasn’t much in my legs today, which I suspected when I went out, but I could have been wrong…I just wasn’t!

Cycling time: 1:36:01
Distance: 24.32 miles
Avs: 15.2 mph
ODO: 9520.42 miles

I think I’ll do an hour in the gym later just to spin my legs ’round, and hopefully the next ride will feel a little better 🙂

Brand New Day

Brand New Day, and a Brand New Term.  The Easter holidays are over and the Summer Term is here.  The mob went off to their respective schools this morning, happily enough, leaving me all kitted up and ready to go out in the sunshine.  I wasn’t feeling particularly motivated so the good weather and nearly complete lack of wind definitely helped to ensure that I went out.

Where to go when the sun is shining and the holidays are over?  Yes – it’s now safe to go to the seaside 🙂  I did a minor variation on the seaside loop.  I went up to Winscombe and along the main road to Churchill, mainly just because I’ve never done that stretch of road before, usually choosing to avoid it by various back routes.  As it’s a mainer road you get the usual trade-off between smoother road surfaces and traffic…but it wasn’t too bad, and the long down from Rowberrow, where I would normally come in, to the traffic lights is always nice.  From there round the back lanes at Churchill, across to leaning tower of Puxton Church, past the RCH Brewery, and along the beach at Sand Bay.  Into Weston to admire the Wheel, along to Uphill, down the main road to turn right and wiggle across through Lympsham, past Rookery Manor, and back home on the hill past the Webbington Hotel.

Cycling time: 2:12:01
Distance: 35.662 miles
Avs: 16.2 mph
ODO: 9496.1 miles

The sun shone. The wind barely blew. It took a while for the temperature to warm up, but it was summer kit all ’round. My legs felt really good – no idea why, and after celebrating eldest’s birthday yesterday they certainly didn’t deserve too!  I’m sure the lack of wind helped but still…have you seen my average speed?  I was flying! I thought it was going well when I checked at Uphill around 1:20 in (I had to stop and take my arms off), and it was 16mph then. This was a bit red flag to a bull, and made me push it a bit all the way home too! 🙂  I made sure to take some of my Recovery drink when I got in, so hopefully the next ride will be just as good. I may not be a fair weather cyclist, but I certainly prefer it when it’s like this *grin*.

That cold wheel turns

The ACG were out again yesterday morning.  Five hardy souls met in the Square and were away promptly at 9am.  Blimey was it ever nippy!  K had figured us out a route which took us out via Wedmore (where the hills helped us warm up a bit) across the levels to Shapwick, along through Catcott, back through the back roads and up to Mark and then home again.  We had a lovely coffee stop at Richs Cider Farm where I’d never been before – and where the warm coffee was more than nice, it was essential!

Cycling time: 2:20:03
Distance: 34.210 miles
Avs: 14.7 mph
ODO: 9460.5 miles

It was a really nice ride – and once the sun came out after coffee, the temperature rose noticeably.  We were a bit faster than usual, I think just to make sure we all stayed warm!  OK, so maybe shorts were a tad OTT – but I can’t go back to longs now – it’s a mental thing.  Besides, I have a tan to work on 😉  This is not to say that a winter jacket wouldn’t have in handy though! *grin*

Step by step

I had a ride scheduled for this afternoon.  Got the bike out of the garage this morning to clear some space…and discovered the back tyre was flat.  Not a great start.   On top of that the weather was not looking great, and the wind was looking worse.  Apparently warm weather means storms…  I changed the tube, and decided that, with wind like that, I might as well do some hills.  They’re usually pretty sheltered, and they’re also hard work whatever!  I really wasn’t sure what to expect, but was banking on the warmth, so opted not to wear the base layer, which as it turns out, worked perfectly.  Actually I’d be happy if it never got that much warmer than this – I’m noticing that I’m drinking more now – and that’s only going to get worse as it gets hotter.

First off – Shipham Hill.  It was just starting to rain as I got there…big fat drops…but as I went left, I seemed to leave it behind.  The hill road is newly resurfaced, and thus considerably nicer to cycle up.  I plodded my way up that as usual – step by step.  Once up top, I took the nip through Shipham to Rowberrow before going down to Churchill.  Along the road then a longer plod up Burrington Combe – again, step by step. That’s how I do hills.  Once up there it was all the way along the Mendips to the Bristol-Wells road where I went up, past Romulus and Remus, past the aerial and….wheeeeeeeeeeeee….all the way down into Wells, with the wind (mostly) behind me.  Back from Wells direct to Wedmore, out and around Nyland Hill to Cheddar where I popped into see Jem at Cheddar Ales to order a polypin of Potholer for Mayor Making – I have the best sponsors! *grin*.   Then it was just the usual 10 minute zoom home, with the wind pushing me all the way.

Cycling time: 2:33:10
Distance: 37.159 miles
Avs: 14.6 mph
ODO: 9426.3 miles

After Wells, everywhere I went it had clearly rained heavily fairly recently…but I got home untouched – ‘rah! 🙂  I got the wind right this time – avoided the worst of it and got to enjoy having it behind me.  My average speed was better than I had expected considering all of those hills.   And those hills?  Just not quite as hard as I remember them…although the backs of my thighs are feeling it now.   I never had to reach for bottom gear, or get out of the saddle.  I think some of the weights stuff I’m doing at the gym is definitely helping when it comes to going up 🙂

She’s got legs, she knows how to use them

It may have been a Bank Holiday, after a long enjoyable weekend, but that’s no excuse for not getting the miles in so, at about 10:30am, I headed out again.  To be fair, it was no great hardship as the sun was shining and the mob were happy at home with hubby.  I did one of my usual training loops – not being in the mood for innovation.

There was a little more wind than I’d been expecting (isn’t there always?!) but since it was a Southerly, at least it wasn’t a cold wind, and although it was a bit of a slog across the levels at times, it was at least behind me for the last part of the loop.

Cycling time: 2:14:30
Distance: 35.077 miles
Avs: 15.7 mph
ODO: 9389.1 miles

It felt like hard work at times, but looking at the average speed, I guess I was probably pushing it a bit harder than usual.  It certainly took a good 15 minutes less than I’d been expecting!  My legs were feeling it though, and are a bit achey if you pay attention – I get the feeling they could use a good stretch, so will bear that in mind for the next gym session.

In other news the bike I’ve decided I want has gone up £120 while I wasn’t looking, which is a bit of a disaster…I really need to get on and do something about purchasing whatever it is I’m going to get…but it all boils down to the sizing which I still don’t have figured out yet…*grrr*.

And if you like number crunching, since this blog started in October 2008, I’ve now done over 2000m cycling – I love big numbers like that 🙂  If you look at the website stats, around 300 people pop in here a month (not including robots etc).  I have no idea who most of them are, and I’m sure some of them didn’t mean to end up here, but if you did –  if that’s you – say hi?  Introduce yourself?  Pull up a chair and make yourself at home 🙂

Land of my (grand)fathers.

Fancy a long ride Friday I said?  ‘Bout 70 miles he said?  ‘Bout 4 hours he said?  That’s more like 60 miles if you’re me I said…but I’ll leave the route to you.  I’ve always wanted to go over the bridge to Wales he said.  I said that might be a bridge too far…but if not, I’m easy – I’ll leave the route to you.

And so S and I set off, in the rain, at 10am.  Out to Sandford, out via Churchill to Wrington to wiggle up, around the airport, and finally down to Barrow Gurney.  Up through Long Ashton, through the Ashton Court estate, and up the long 1:7 up towards Abbots Leigh.  Pedal through Pill, in the rain (it always seems to be raining when I go through there) and up over the Avonmouth bridge, laughing at the stationary Easter motorway traffic.  Down through Shirehampton and industrial Avonmouth and ’round Severn Beach to the “new” Severn bridge.  What now?  Coffee here I said?  But the old crossing is so close, he said.  Look it’s just there he said.  It’s got to be done he said.  So done it was.  We followed the cycle path, and went all the way across to Chepstow on the old Severn Bridge.  Definitely an experience to be ticked off 🙂

It was time for coffee and carrot cake, to put it mildly.  We’d gone rather further than we’d planned…but since the route home was more direct, it would be much shorter…no?  (No!).  And it was very good carrot cake.  Almost worth traveling all that way for, especially at that price (is Wales cheaper I wonder?!).

Off again, back into the drizzle.  Retraced our steps back to Avonmouth, then cut through cycle paths around to Sheepway and Portishead.  The weather had lifted a bit, the headwind in Avonmouth wasn’t as bad as feared, and I’d even dried out a bit.  Down the Gordano valley, and across the flats to Yatton.  Then finally, a little tired around the edges, we came back on the Strawberry Line, secure in the knowledge that we would therefore face no big hills between there and home.  A quick zoom down the main road to Cross to go up the hill and back into Town at 5pm.

Cycling time: 6:16:51
Distance: 85.691 miles
Avs: 13.6 mph
ODO: 9354.0 miles

So today, we went to Wales.  How cool is that? Land of my grandfather ‘n all that.  Which is weird – cos I always thought it was like, miles away.  Which it is.  But clearly not as many as I’d thought.  Having said that, I think I’ve done shorter sportives!  The average speed is probably down to the amount of cycle path used – it’s hard to do a decent speed on those.  Plus it wasn’t a race – it was a day out.  Pleased with myself because I don’t think I was holding S back too much, which ain’t always the case.  He’s very good at sticking with me too – no hurtling off into the distance leaving me cursing under my breath as I try to catch up *grin*.  Plenty of chatting made the miles pass faster too – always a good thing.

I’ve had my Torq Recovery, and a long shower – wet roads make for an exceedingly mucky me.  Hubby had cooked lasagne which was ready as soon as I was – very decent of him when you consider I was out rather longer than I had said I would be – and it made for proper restorative food.  I guess I won’t be able to tell how I really feel until tomorrow, but I’m feeling pretty good now.  I had a really really good ride – the only thing I’d have changed would have been the weather – less wet, more sun!  I feel proper positive about how my training is going.  Ok, so I’m a little tired, but I think I’m allowed that.  And a beer.  Definitely allowed 🙂