Category Archives: Training

On the road again

After an (almost) unprecedented rest day yesterday, this morning rolled around.  Waking up for the second day running feeling like an OAP as my joints creaked and ached and in some cases, hurt.  Oddly enough – not my legs…my arms and fingers!  Anyway, the plan had been to go and cycle gently at the gym for a couple of hours to ease my legs back in but, looking out of the window, the sun was shining and there was no wind.  Now, it would nigh on criminal to waste a day like that, especially when they’re so few and far between so…that was it.  Cycling kit on, decision made.

I planned myself as flat a route as possible and set off at a leisurely pace, fully expecting pain and strife with it but…apparently not.

Cycling time: 2:06:53
Distance: 34.35 miles
Avs: 16.1 mph
ODO: 708 miles

After 1:20 my average was 16.6mph, after which the route got marginally hillier, and clearly I slowed down a bit.  Still – the overall average was faster than usual!  Not your usual recovery ride then.  At that point the “taking it easy” went by the by, as I got sucked into trying to keep that average up, so I pushed it for the last chunk home.  I know, I know – very juvenile.  But fun.   I also practiced the “look ma no hands” bit on the long straight stretch near Burtle – it’s amazing how much easier that is on this bike than the old one.  Other than that, I spent a lot of time on the drops because it was more comfortable that way, and my left shoulder blade thing cut in with a vengeance early on and stayed there – which probably shows that I’ve not recovered completely yet.   However, for a ride only two days after that one, it went pretty well I think 🙂

The wheels on the bike go ’round and ’round.

Training is getting a little predictable around here.  I did the same seaside loop today as the other day, albeit with G this time.  Stats this time, using the phone stopwatch and bikely again, are :

Cycling time: 2:11:42
Distance: 34.4 miles
Avs: 15.7mph
ODO: 523 miles

The aim this week is just to keep the legs going ’round – not to challenge ’em at all – which this ride achieved admirably.  We got rained on briefly but for the most part the weather was ok – not too warm, not too windy – even if not actually pleasant.  Which sounds wrong since it was actually a very pleasant ride – we had a good natter and a good time.  My legs worked – though I’m going to treat my left knee to a bath later as it still has a tendency to twinge and I’d like to discourage that.  My bottom bracket is creaking again (oo err missus) but that’s not a big issue, and I’ll ask A to have a look at it sometime.  Overall though, a good ride.

I’ve started taking the L2P sponsorship forms on the school run and have managed to raise a bit more, which I intend to keep doing over the next few weeks until I’ve collared everyone!  It does look like I’m going to reach my £1200 minimum target very shortly, which is great news.  Let’s see how much I can top it by!

What a difference a ride makes…

This morning was time for another training ride.  I had meant to do something more interesting, but I was feeling more like throwing up than going up, so I decided to stick to the usual sort of loop, and if it came to it, cut my losses and come home.

However, after the first twenty minutes, once all warmed up, I felt fine!  It was windy and a bit nippy, but I’d planned for that, and headed out into it, so that for the slog bit at the bottom of the loop, it would be behind me.  This time I got it right too!

By my reckoning – being still devoid of computer – I did 34 miles in about 2 hours, which means I must have been going as fast as I felt like I was.  Very cool 🙂

Cycling time: c 2 hours.
Distance: 34 miles
Avs: around 17 mph?
ODO: 488.7 miles

I am continuing to enjoy cycling on the drops, especially into the wind, and am now learning to get back up on the bars when the wind is behind me, so as to present a larger target to be pushed along.  It all made for a pretty good ride really – especially since I feel so much better now than I did when I started out today!  I made a point of drinking some Recovery when I got in as I figure I need all the help I can get in preparing for this weekend’s Dragon Ride.  It’s also time to start eating pasta! *grin*

Keep rollin’ rollin’ rollin’

Another day, another ride, this time with G.  Which meant running errands, zipping around the levels, and chatting.  I’ve just used bikely to figure what our route was, and I used my phone as a stopwatch whilst out to guesstimate the trip time, so here goes:

Cycling time: 2:27:02
Distance: 37.7 miles
Avs: around 15.4mph?
ODO: 454.7 miles

It was actually further and faster than it felt, which is cool.  G had to zoom off up the A38 for the last bit – deadline at childcare – leaving me to come back in a slightly more leisurely fashion.  The weather was much nicer than predicted and not as hot as it has been, so rather nice really.  The bike went well, and I did some more down on the drops, which I’m quite liking.  More miles under the belt…

The Cycling Mayor will be taking a stand (or rather a stall) at the Axbridge Farmers’ Market on Saturday morning, complete with bike, kit, posters, the works…and hoping to get lots of new sponsors and raise lots of lovely charity money.  Pop by and say hello if you’re passing! 🙂

Out of time

I went out for a normal training ride yesterday, to test out all the tweaks made by A to the bike.  It being sunny, I did a seaside loop.  Mind you, when the tide is out that far ’round here, it’s not so much sandy beaches, as mud glorious mud!

Not much to report really – especially being devoid of computer again – but with a combination of the route map on bikely and the stop watch on my mobile phone, the best I can come up with is as follows:

Cycling time: 2:10ish
Distance: 34.4 miles
Avs: relatively fast mph!
ODO: 417 miles

The bike was much smoother again – gears changing properly, tyres without bulges, and the “old” saddle is definitely more comfortable.  It was a pretty pleasant ride, which I managed to get in before the weather had heated up to too much.  There being very little wind, I was generating quite a lot of headwind which is irritating but inevitable.  Having read some things about when to use them in Cycling Plus this month, I practised spending some time down on the drops which was oddly relaxing.  You can’t see as much of your surroundings and end up focusing more on your rhythm and speed, which is quite meditative in a funny way.  Plus I seemed to go a bit faster that way – always a bonus!

The one nice thing about the lack of computer is that you don’t know that you’re 30 minutes into a 2 hour ride, or that you have 25 miles to go, or whatever…you just have to be where you are, when you are, on your way to where you’re going.  How zen is that? *grin*

Oh my gosh

As planned, S and I were out today.  We set off from the Square at 9:00am, with the sun shining and temperatures already rising.  My “arms” stayed on as far as the bottom of the Gorge (yes that Gorge) before being stowed away – that’s how warm it was.  And off we went, up the Gorge.  S had promised me, in motivational fashion, that we could count the goats.  Shame they didn’t appear until we were well up there…but hey, he did promise, and there they were.   Having done the Gorge before, I do at least know I can make it up, even if I may not exactly enjoy it.  It was no worse than usual really, and we emerged into the sunshine at the top unscathed…and met the wind, of course.  Well, S called it a breeze, but I’m writing this, so there…

After that it was down to Chew Stoke, across the lakes to Chew Magna, through Norton Hawkfield, Queen Charlton (we have some great place names around here), Chewton, Keynsham, Saltford and on to the Bath-Bristol cycle path for a bit.  My computer flooped around Bitton station for some reason (I blame the chatty Sustrans fundraiser), leaving me to rely on S for stats again.  (Not amused!).  On to Bridge Yate, Wick, Doynton, and then the Most Killer Hill up to the Toll Road Café on the A46 at Dyrham.  A BIG hill.  Not that was the only hill mind – not by any means – it was merely the worst among equals *grin*.  I surely was glad to get to that café…hot, bothered, soaked to the skin and in need of restorative sustenance.

1/2 way stats:
Cycling time: 2:53
Distance: 36.88 miles
Avs: 13.72 mph

Tea and very lovely New Zealand carrot cake were seriously welcome, as was the coolth (and I maintain that that’s a word) inside the café.  And the cold water I splashed all over my face in the Ladies.  (And no, I don’t know what the carrot cake had to do with New Zealand…).

All too soon it was time to head back, and it had proper heated up by now.  At one point my computer was claiming 30C…which is not the most comfortable for riding.  By any means.  However, the only way to get home was to push those pedals so….down (wheeeeee…..) Tog Hill on the A420, back through Wick, out to Warmley, round some wiggle cycle way bits to Brislington, Stockwood, and out towards Dundry.

Whereupon we met a very Big Hill.  Too big for me by half and then some.  Even the cars that went past us were struggling!  It was time for some hamstring stretching…  I did get back on briefly, but got round the corner…and up it went…and then it got steeper.  No sirree jim bob…  S managed to stay back on but, to be fair, he wasn’t cycling any faster than I was walking! *grin*.

Once up it was down to Winford (where we met a section of the ACG also out enjoying the sun), some lovely lovely downs ’round Butcombe, and across the lake at Blagdon (please lads, just cos the sun is out, doesn’t mean I want to see all that skin).  We considered Blagdon Hill, but with the decision being left up to me, that was hardly likely now was it?! *grin*.  We grabbed some extra fluid (lovely and cold) at the shop there and, feeling restored, went zooming down to Rickford, across to Churchill, Sandford, Winscombe…and wound up with a sprint finish down the bypass (29mph+ I’ll have you know – eat your heart out Lance) to get home just before my 3pm deadline.

Oddly we then discovered a large bulge in my rear tyre.  Looks like the tyre pressure was too high, then there’s the heat to push it up more…and the inner tube has gone mental.  S assures me the tyre will be ok, and that I just need to replace the tube.  Good thing it lasted long enough to get me home!

2nd half stats (according to me):
Cycling time: 2:17:34
Distance: 34.3miles
Avs: 15.0 mph

It really was too hot to be out today.  As you can see, we came back quite a bit faster – which has to have been the wind, since I was wiped when it came to any kind of up.  I don’t cycle at my best when I’m overheating.  It’s a darned good thing I put suntan cream on before I went out, and even then I’ve missed the odd bit – my mitt marks are even worse now, I look like Herman Munster – someone cut my hands off and stuck white ones on!  Oh – until you get to the last knuckle where I get my own fingers back again that is *grin*.

S is, as ever, a star for sorting the route, and sticking with me.  I wouldn’t do half the miles/hills without him, and I probably need to, even if I’m moaning about it all the while!

Total stats:
Cycling time: 5:10ish
Distance: 71.18 miles
Avs: 14.3 mph
ODO: 383 miles

Excuse the long blog – it was a long ride!

PS – to the idiot who threw a half full milkshake out of the car window at me near Shute Shelve…well, words escape me…ok, they don’t, but I’d best not put them down here!

2 legged groove machine

Just a normal training loop today…and I have clearly moved on from being a rain goddess to being a wind goddess instead.  No, really, I have.  Just the very hint of my setting out on two wheels is enough to start the air currents a-swirling, and blowing from no useful direction at all.

It was supposed to be a southerly today, so it really would have made no odds which way ’round I did my loop.  However…it was an easterly, and boy did I ever get that wrong!  Clockwise would have SO much better.  More slogging into the wind…deep joy.  It was also hot and sunny which is lovely in theory, but does mean you need to drink a lot more, and a cool breeze, rather than a warm wind, would have been nice.  Ah well, I’m sure my cyclist’s stripes are coming along nicely.  Mobile tanning unit…that’s me.

Cycling time: 2:09:49
Distance: 33.41 miles
Avs: 15.4 mph
ODO: 312 miles

My computer turned itself off at one point, after having flooped whilst out the other day too.  I don’t know if it met some interference or there’s some other problem – I will have to read the (badly translated from German) handbook for guidance.  My average was 16mph+ for ages, so I don’t know quite what happened there.  Maybe I’m just hoping that I’m faster than I actually am *grin*.

The next ride is due to be a long one with S on Sunday, in the Sun, with Hills…  Bet the wind blows then too! ;).  Methinks some positive mental attitude is required…

No wind beneath my wings

Having taken advantage of a special offer for a day at the half-term KOW playscheme, I was child-free today.  This being the case I planned myself a nice long route, as I probably won’t get many miles in for the rest of the week.  I won’t bore you with the details, as you can see where I went for yourself here.

I set off a bit after 9 into the wind, down the main road, and then with the wind behind me, up Sparrow Hill, across to Wedmore, over the levels to Wells.  That took a bit over an hour, which was mostly fine – a tad chilly with the gusty wind, but ok.  My main challenge today was to go up Bristol Hill – the big hill out of Wells on the Bristol Road, which I’d never done before.  Well – I have now…and boy does it ever go on.  And on.  And on….  Still, I made it, and was kinda pleased with myself.

However after that it all went downhill, and not in a good way.  Up at the top I found the wind.  22mph+ WNW wind.  With gusts and squalls.  The rest of the ride was just a slog into it.  It was particularly bad getting to the airport hill, and I even had to pedal down Brockley Coombe – where’s the justice in that?  Or the fun for that matter!

Because it was a constant push, bits of me started giving up one by one.  As I hunkered down for hours, that bit in between the shoulder blades went numb and ouchy.  My lower back twinged.  My left knee kicked off again, which it’s not done in a while.  By the time I got home every downwards stroke with the left leg was excruciating.  (Oddly enough, the pain completely disappears the minute I get off the bike).  I started dreaming of a hot bath somewhere around Chew Valley Lake…and still had a long way to go!  It was very tempting to shortcut home from Puxton, but I stuck to my route – i’m stubborn like that.  Mind you, to add insult to injury it also rained on me in Banwell…

Rarely have I been so happy to see the Webbington, this time from across the valley in Christon…and by the time I got there, the wind was behind me again, which is probably the only reason I managed to get up the hill and home again! 😉

Cycling time: 4:06:32
Distance: 60.77 miles
Avs: 14.8 mph
ODO: 278 miles

Total climb 2744ft/836 metres.

The bath was as fantastic as I’d been hoping for and, having taken my Recovery and eaten some pasta, I’m feeling many shades better than I was…but still distinctly achey, and definitely quite tired.   Even my left little finger hurts!  That was bl**dy hard work and, whilst probably very good training, not what I would call a good ride! 🙂

One more thing – since I started cycling properly, on the “old” bike, if you count miles on that and miles on the new one…as of today, my legs have now done over 10,000 miles!!! (10,023 to be precise).  That’s very very cool 🙂

The wind may blow…

When hubby went for a run yesterday morning, there was no wind.  When I got up and looked out of the window there was no wind.  By the time I headed out with G…there was wind.  No fair!

It being an average morning, we stuck to the usual kind of loop around the area – nothing too troubling.  Which is always good if you’re trying to keep up with G.  I did feel like I was pushing a bit harder than I would have been doing if it was just me, but in a good way, and I think I was keeping up better than I have done before.

Anyway, I now have a computer for this bike…which I’ve not quite got the hang of, but near enough…so here are the stats:

Cycling time: 2:02:33
Distance: 31.58 miles
Avs: 15.4 mph
ODO: 181 miles

Not bad, especially when you consider the wind.  Faster than it used to be.  Again – probably down to the bike but hey, I’ll take that 🙂  It’s been hard, due to the weather, to get out enough recently, but I need to buckle down and get some decent miles in over the next two weeks in time to tail off just before the Dragon Ride.  No excuses!

The training of the shrew.

S made the supreme sacrifice, ditched the Burnham run and took me out for a ride this morning.  We set off at 8.00am, in a southerly direction, on the basis that it’s better to go out into the wind and to come back with it behind you!  And it sure was windy… And frequently damp.

The route is a little hazy in my mind, and S didn’t tell me where we were going either.  Lots of wiggly country roads, the odd hill, some windswept levels…I just follow him.  Usually literally, since apparently as team leader, it’s ok for him to do all the leading…  Before the title goes to his head, I reckon that makes him more of a domestique *grin*.

I can tell you we ended up at the Canal Centre at North Newton (near North Petherton), shortly after yet another downpour, where the nice folk opened up for us and provided coffee.   Thus fortified, we took a slightly more direct route back as we were running just a little late.  However, with a much appreciated tail wind, and a sense of urgency in the legs, we actually got back into the Square about 10 minutes early, which was pretty impressive.

Cycling time: 3:19:00
Distance: 54.5 miles
Avs: 16.4 mph
ODO: 149.6 miles

I was surprised when S said how far we’d been, though I suppose I should have figured considering how long we’d been out.  I’d like to say I was much faster because I’m improving dramatically…but it’s got more to do with the new bike, and keeping up with S.  Though I have made myself a new rule – don’t catch up with S.  If you do – he just gets faster! *grin*.  It was a good ride, it’s always nice to do new routes, and new stops.  Even S seemed surprised by our average speed, which was quite nice.  I get to feel a bit less of a handicap, which is good for the ego.

The downside of no computer of my own (as yet) is that I don’t/can’t keep track.  If I’d known how far we were going to go, or had been, etc., then I’d have been more careful to eat and drink properly.  As it was, I only drank a bit, plus the coffee, and didn’t eat at all.  I didn’t have time to take my Recovery and only grabbed a bar thing for lunch…which probably explains why I came over all faint in Bristol this afternoon…  Proper hot/cold sweaty shakey need to sit down before I fall down faint…  A lesson to be learnt methinks.

Now that I’m back home after this afternoon,  I really should be cleaning the bike..but I think I’ll plead fatigure and do it tomorrow instead.  I will.  Honest 😉