I went out with GW today for the first time in ages. I was, as ever, apprehensive, as the thought of having to keep up always stressed me. However I had already decided that I would be doing it at my pace, and not pushing it. Well, I don’t want to over do it. I’m really happy to be back on the road again, but I’m out for the ride, not for training purposes. Besides which, I’m still on the road to recovery, and pushing it ain’t gonna help. I’m definitely well on the way there though 🙂
We did a loop, Cross – Webbington – Bleedin’ Hill – Uphill – WSM – Sand Bay – Kewstoke – Ebdon – Puxton – Sandford – Winscombe – home. After about 90 minutes I was officially tired. My trapped nerve thing went, my energy levels were gone and it was definitely time to go home. Last night’s gym session came home to roost. We contemplated a coffee stop in Banwell but decided to do caffeine back at my place instead, so at least I’d know I didn’t have to get back on the bike again!
Cycling time: 1:51:45
Distance: 28.35 miles
Avs: 15.1 mph
ODO: 2789 miles
It was a nice uneventful ride. It didn’t even rain! And for the second time running, I used the lovely MucOff kit that I treated myself to from Paul’s a while back to clean the bike off when we got in, while the coffee percolated. Some of you know how often my bike usually gets cleaned… Hubby will be proud of me. When he’s stopped being gobsmacked that is! *grin*