Category Archives: Training

Am I gettin’ thru or do you please yourself?

The last couple of days I’ve been tired, and a bit under par, so since hubby had the day off, I decided that the weekend had clearly arrived early so therefore I was allowed coffee.  And, since he was home and cooking, I also got to start the day with a poached egg on toast for breakfast.  Result!

Now that my body is a temple (!), I’m far more aware of the effects when I put “bad” things in it.  Like coffee for example.  A couple of cups later and I could feel it – that antsy, fidgety, I should be on the bike and going NOW feeling.  Don’t get me wrong, this is not necessarily a bad thing *grin*.  Well, unless you want a recovery nap afterwards that is…

So when Mim arrived as planned this morning, it would be a minor understatement to say that I was raring to go.  I know I should be probably be tapering before Sunday’s Somerset 100, but I never have been very good at that.  And it just feels so good to be on the bike at the moment.

I think for me cycling often has a lot in common with meditation, which it’s fair to say I’m crap at as I always end up falling asleep.  However the focusing on the breathing, breathing deeply bit, is more what I had in mind.  The exertion of cycling forces you to breath more deeply, which is, when you’re going along at a reasonable speed and not pushing it too hard, almost relaxing.  I think I may have tendency to breathe quite shallowly normally.  And when I focus on what my breathing is doing when going up hill, every inhalation and exhalation, it’s easier to ignore what my legs are telling me and to just get on with it.  There you go, zen and the art of cycle meditation.  Or something ;).

Back to the ride.  This was a route designed to include a coffee stop at GW’s, which meant doing the majority of the miles and work beforehand, and then just heading straight for home afterwards.  It was essentially flat, with a few little hills to start off with just because that way life is a little more interesting, and because you can’t do the same routes all the time.  Still even some of those little lumps can sometime feel like hard work, but I wasn’t feeling that too much today – all good for the PMA :).

Weather-wise it did try and rain on us as we got into Banwell so the yellow waterproof got yet another outing.  It didn’t stay on too long because there was far too much “boil in the bag” going on for my liking.  And although it tried once again as we neared our coffee stop, I ignored it and luckily it ignored us too.  It wasn’t like it was cold, or very wet, mainly just gusty wind to catch you out from time to time.  Which reminds me of the fable of the wind and the sun – the sun definitely wins, as I do not cycle well when overheating!

A coffee stop clearly means more coffee.  Well, what’s a little more caffeine?  Time for another fix!  (It may well be a very good thing I never really got into drugs at uni… ;))  I guess it made the ride home even more fun as, since it was a tad chilly and windy as we set off, pushing harder and faster was a good way to warm up!   Some days the wind is more annoying than others.  Today Mim was feeling it, but it wasn’t really bothering me.  I recommend she drinks more coffee…*grin*.

Cycling time: 2:04:43 hrs
Distance: 33.59 miles
Avs: 16.1 mph
ODO: 8942 miles

I’m not sure about my stats of late, I think my computer may be playing up from time to time.  Certainly when I look down it’s not always saying what I think it should be.  Still, it’s probably not far off.  So when you consider that it was a sociable chatty ride, we were going pretty fast.  Suits me sir :).

Mind you I’m back to feeling tired now.  And a bit woozy around the edges – I left lunch a little late, especially when you consider all that lovely caffeine buzzing around my system.  It’s a little like being drunk without having been drinking – strange indeed.  I’m thinking sleep may be a tad elusive later but I think I’ll try for an early night and see what happens :).

Don’t worry, be happy

It’s Wednesday.  Wednesday would appear to be the day I ride with MiniMe.  Wednesday is also, one week out of four, the day I deliver Avon.  The chances of it raining on a Wednesday are thus greatly increased and today was no exception.  Yep.  More rain.  Really.  Maybe people will stop talking about drought now?

But MiniMe was raring to go, and there wasn’t any wind, and it was distinctly humid, so all it was ever going to be was wet.  And last I checked skin is essentially waterproof.  But just in case it isn’t, I dragged out the waterproof for the second time in a week.  Which at least means it wasn’t hidden away.  And it proved unexpectedly useful in that being fluorescent yellow, I was far more visible than usual, a fact for which I was very grateful as I escorted him down the A38.

Well he wanted to do a flat loop.  Longer than the Nyland loop, but not as long as the last ride, so as not to make his back hurt.  He’s also not quite ready for hills yet.  Given all of that, options around here are a little limited.  The easiest way to do flat is straight down the A38, and left after Tarnock to go straight across to Mark, so that’s what we did.

To give him proper credit he did a really good job of leading all the way to the turning.  See, if I ride just behind and slightly further out from the curb than him, then the traffic sees us, has to go round us both, and also has to make a definite effort to do so rather than just squeezing past.  And, hey, if the worst comes to worst, they hit me first!  So I sat back there scaring the traffic, and in the meantime he kept a straight line, didn’t wobble, or waver, and was less worried about the traffic than me, though he did exclaim at what he thought was their proximity from time to time.  Sadly what he thinks was close is nothing like as close as they can get!  Ignorance is bliss, right?

Once off the A38 the rain eased, the roads dried a bit, and we had an uneventful and actually fairly enjoyable ride.  We were damp but not downhearted.  MiniMe even invented a new verb – to crest.  This is when you go down a hill fast enough to have enough momentum to get over the next hill – thus “cresting” it.  I like that.  So did he 🙂  Today’s other big achievement was learning how to drink whilst riding along.  First off without pedalling simultaneously, and then whilst pedalling too.  Who says men can’t multi-task? 😉 … I’m sorry, you’re reading, and I asked you a question…are you back yet? *grin*.  Time for the stats then:

Cycling time: 1:11:53 hrs
Distance: 17.23 miles
Avs: 14.3 mph
ODO: 8908 miles

This teaching cycling lark is tricky.  I want him to enjoy it, which he is doing.  I don’t want him to have an accident, so I have to warn/educate him about the risks and dangers, but I don’t want him to be unreasonably scared.  I’d rather he learnt by my mistakes than his own!  Fine line…  But he had a good ride, he was faster, less tired at the end, less achey, and more amenable to helping me deliver my Avon afterwards.  Result all ’round! 🙂

(PS: hello to my new readers!  Feel free to comment even though we don’t (yet?) know each other.  Hope to meet you all on the road one day… 🙂 )

What if I say that I’ll never surrender?

“Mary Mary, quite contrary”…  That’s my middle name you know.  And that’s probably the only characteristic associated with the name that applies in any way at all to me.  Come on, me, a Mary?  I think not.  (and stop sniggering at the back there…!).  Anyway, there are those that would probably say that stubbornness is not an admirable character trait, and there’s always a chance they might be right.  But I think when it comes to cycling it’s practically essential.  I think it’s what keeps me going.  What gets me through the sportive hours.  And up the hills.  And stops me giving up when I’m outclassed, as is frequently the case.

I went for a longish ride today with Mim and Brian.  Mim is fast, Brian is faster, and three is never my favourite number.  However actually in cases like this it can work in my favour.  Brian led the way, and Mim went back and forth between the two of us to chat.  I would have taken more of a turn at the front, honest…but there’s no way I could go fast enough for him.  When I did try, he just took the lead again.  I’m thinking that’s just his thing.  It’s not like it was exactly stressing him out.  And hey, I’m not averse to enforced wheel sucking *grin*.

Our route was mine, created as we went along so that I could do some hills, but not the usual familiar ones.  Which essentially meant out to High Ham Hill, up it, and back.  There were other hills too.  And they all went ok, by my standards.  Pretty well you might say.  Dogged determination and all that.  Brian dropped back and picked me up on the way up High Ham, which people who know me better know better than to do, but he meant well.  And I expect I went faster as a result.  Maybe.  To be fair I was finding it easier than usual anyway so it was hard to tell :P.

We had a very civilised refreshment stop in Somerton, sat outside a café, in weather that was so far removed from that on Sunday that it seems hardly possible that the two days were in the same season let alone the same week! Sunshine makes such a difference.  Although my tan lines are fairly ridiculous already, and my Frankenstein’s monster hands are a constant source of amusement to the mob *grin*.  The lack of any real wind was a bonus. Sun, warmth, light winds – practically ideal cycling conditions – which is just as well given that the weather is due to go downhill again round about now…

Cycling time: 2:54:26 hrs
Distance: 49.03 miles
Avs: 16.8 mph
ODO: 8891 miles

I did my ride my way.  OK, I got dropped on the hills, but that’s because I wasn’t trying to keep up.  I was persevering in doing my own thing, and refusing to be depressed by my performance compared to theirs.  I did well, and that’s all my PMA needs to know.

So I had a great ride.  In fact I’m still smiling.  Of late, with plans gone astray, and weather gone to pot, a little of the love had been missing.  Today it was back.  My bike and I were flying :).

(PS: did I mention I love my wheels? ;)).


Bristol’s Biggest Bike Ride

Also known as the ride that wasn’t.  This is not an event review, this is a non-event review.

It started with an unusually accurate weather forecast.  Heavy rain all day.  And wind.  Both of which were fully installed by the time the alarm went off this morning.  Nice.  Not deterred, or at the very least resigned to it and determined to make the best of it, GB and I headed in to Bristol.  Dad rang on the way in to confirm that he was going to stay home in the warm and dry, something which sounded like a very sensible decision.  How right he was…

After the usual degree of faffing at GB’s office we headed off, in the constant rain, to the start at Millenium Square.  I was not a happy bunny.  Not due to the wet per se, but it just all felt off.  I mean, I knew my bike has brakes, theoretically…but through that kind of rain, on soaked roads, with unfamiliar roads and surfaces, my stopping ability was seriously impaired, and my confidence headed for the hills.  Which was the only thing that got to the hills today ;).

After a little while standing under shelter outside, commiserating with fellow brave nutters, we headed for the start line with about 10 minutes to spare.  Just as we got there, they cancelled the ride.  Accident on the Portway combined with bad weather and poor visibility stops play.  However since we were already wet and we know the route, we decided to head off and do it anyway.  We were far from the only ones to make that decision too.

However this was not a good decision.  At the end of the Portway GB’s back tyre went explosively.  I was a little way behind and still heard it.  Caution was getting the better of me you see…  So we spent a little while in an off road cubby hole changing the tube.  13 minutes apparently.  Getting wetter and colder.  Off we went again, up and over a seriously scarey Avonmouth Bridge.  The gusty side wind combined with the slippery wet road surface was verging on lethal and gave me the heeby jeebies.  As I approached the end I saw what I thought was GB waiting for me, not surprisingly considering my panic related sloth.  However it transpired that his back wheel had gone again… Once off the bridge and safely to one side, he tried to change the tube again…only to eventually discover the side wall of his tyre was split.  Game over.  #Fail, as eldest would say.

What do girls do when they get into trouble?  They call Daddy *grin*.  Oh yes.  One damp phone call later and help was on its way in from Portishead.  We walked into Pill, and awaited our own personal broom wagon.  Although obviously I’m always pleased to see Dad, I have to admit to having been particularly pleased on this occasion *grin*.  Luckily, and unexpectedly, it turned out that we could get both bikes in the back, and both riders on seats, something which had been a little in doubt.  I had been going to have to cycle into Bristol to meet up with them there – something I was happy to do, but it’s just as well I didn’t since I hadn’t realised quite how cold I had become.  I’m talking mid-winter frozen to the bone, teeth chattering, no toes cold…  I’m thinking riding like that might have been a bad idea.  Mind you, the exertion almost seemed attractive as I thought it might warm me up!

Safely ensconced in a dry car and slowly misting it up for him, Dad drove us back to GB’s office, where we reverse-faffed, got into dry clothes, and came home via scaldingly hot drive-thru Macdonald’s coffee.  Not particularly good coffee, but it was hot and wet and that’s what was required.

So that was the ride that wasn’t.  4th in a row not to go to plan for an understandably grumpy GB.  Which meant I got to return the favour he did by listening to me vent post Dragon last weekend, by listening to him do likewise *grin*.  He was not a happy bunny…

We were clearly not meant to ride today.  My instincts were telling me this.  The weather, the organisers, etc…  all telling us this.  Maybe we should have listened and stayed home and drunk good coffee…  But actually having said that, it was still, oddly, good to be out there.  Stuck at home on a wet Sunday afternoon, after a Lush enhanced defrosting bath, watching Avatar (again) I was, and am, bored.  Ho hum…  There’s no pleasing some people ;).  Here’s hoping next week’s Somerset 100 goes a little better.  I probably shouldn’t have said that…

Somewhere over the rainbow

“The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday – but never jam today”…

If you think rain, and not jam, and the fact that frequently that’s not true either since rain today is equally likely…and you find yourself on a sunny Saturday morning without a ride planned, there is really but one choice ahead of you…

OK, yes, I’m riding tomorrow.  But that’s going to be more like canoeing, and there’s a waste not want not principle to be adhered to.  Besides which there were several birds around, and a ride sounded like a good all encompassing projectile.  It would replace a likely to be tedious gym session, get me out of the house, and more importantly still get MiniMe out of the house!  There is this theory that he’s less likely to be objectionable if he’s worn out… 😉

So we went for a ride.  Following the last two successful rides, it was time to increase the mileage if not the gradient, so I took my usual training loop and abbreviated it somewhat.  Riding with MiniMe is hard work.  I have to pay attention to all the usual stuff for both of us, as well as to what he’s doing.  I think he enjoyed this ride more though – it’s a more scenic route.  Up to Winscombe and down the hill, round to Loxton, over the Levels to Rooksbridge and beyond, to Mark, and home via Chapel Allerton and the Wedmore Road.  Somerset was busy being sunny, scenic and still, pretty much ideal cycling conditions really.  A tad too much traffic though, not good for his nerves or mine!

If you consider that this ride was more than 50% longer than his previous rides, and also that he did it faster, you can see how much progress he’s making.  I think we reached his current limit though, as he did get tired, but he also developed a really painful back as his stem is too long and over-extending that far for that long is not good.  I need to do something about that sooner rather than later then – *note to self*.

One of the main things we need to work on is parallel feet – as his tend to be a bit splayed out.  This will be easier when he gets into cleats but we’re not rushing that.  He also needs to work on keeping his line, and on indicating, but he’s doing really really well :).

Having said all that, I’m reminded that there’s a reason I never went into teaching.  I’m doing my best, but my patience is a little limited when I’m aware I should be training for other things…and it’s sunny, and my wheels want to go ’round…(it’s them, not me, honest!).  It’s also hard to let him draft me to make it easier when he’s tiring, because his speed isn’t constant and neither is mine – I get distracted and speed up!  I guess we’re both learning 🙂

Cycling time: 1:42:06 hrs
Distance: 23.36 miles
Avs: 13.6 mph (13.2 for him)
ODO: 8831 miles

Sleeping Satellite

Sometimes the planets just align your way.  Hey, it made a change from the usual “I love it when a plan comes together” reference.  I could have blamed ley lines, or horoscopes you know.  I’m choosing to go with cosmic coincidence because I can ;).

Today’s plan was to do an hour flat with Mim – who’s racing at Ilton tonight – and then an hour of hillier stuff by myself.  Considering the end of the likely loop, that left me going up Cheddar Gorge which is fine, but not exactly a challenge.  My mental meanderings had considered going up the big hill at Rodney Stoke but that wasn’t going to be practical…

…until you find yourself half way ’round the Nyland loop with Mim doing sprints on the straight bit and you’re headed in the right direction and…well…there you are.  Planets in a line.  Pointed in the direction that you kinda wanted to go in in the first place.  I believe a plan just came together *grin*.

So we parted company as she turned tail and headed for home, leaving me free to climb mountains at my own pace.  OK, it’s not a mountain, it’s a very big hill.  The ACG went up it not so long back and I have to say that it felt just as hard today though it’s just possible I went up it faster this time.  It’s a long slow gets steeper at the end slog.  Did I mention that hills that get steeper at the end should be banned?  If I didn’t – they should!  I was glad I’d taken my arms off at the bottom, and was just as glad to have them to put back on again not long after I’d reached the top as it was a tad windy and most definitely chilly up there.  Still, I slogged my way up there, so I felt like I’d earned myself a little fun, and I took myself across some of the nicer roads over the top and turned left to go past the Castle of Comfort.  I still think that’s a great name for a pub, although I’m guessing that whilst teetotal, I may well find it less comforting than usual…

Anyway, back to the ride.  Now if you’re familiar with the area, you now know where I’m heading…and if you’re not, you can check out my route here.  Yep, time to go down Burrington Combe.  Where I did some serious speed, didn’t get my braking quite right, but did nail the bends.  ‘Rah!  Much much fun *flies in teeth* :).

On the road towards Churchill some (ooh, I’d love to use a proper rude word here but will restrain myself) eejot in a silver saloon was apparently desperate to get past me, with traffic coming the other way, and came past me unexpectedly and SO close that he triggered my involuntary expletive reflex…  I arrived at the crossroads to discover him was sat waiting at the lights, so as to turn right.  So that got him a long way then.  I was going straight on so pulled up in the lane next to him shaking my head in admonitory fashion.  Bet he was a tad worried what else I might do…but other than that I ignored him.  And got to pull away before him since the right turn is a filter and straight on gets priority.  Which wasn’t at all funny.  Much. :P.

From there it was straight along to Sandford, up the hill to Winscombe, and then up the even bigger Winscombe Hill to earn my flying downhill home 🙂

Cycling time: 2:03:04 hrs
Distance: 29.99 miles
Avs: 14.5 mph
ODO: 8808 miles

After last night’s MiniMe training ride I went to the gym and did an hour’s interval training on the bike, which involved a lot of being out of the saddle.  Clearly my knee does not like that as today, even with preventative pain killers taken as advocated by my doctor, it was twingeing.  So I guess, since it’s the second time that that’s happened, I’d best not do that again.  Not the day before a ride anyway…  Still, other than that it was a good ride.  Not maybe as fast as it could have been but there you go :).

I feel the need, the need for speed…

Time to pick myself up, after the Dragon Ride fiasco, and get back on the bike.  To be fair I’ve been training at the gym, thanks to the less than ideal weather, but today was the first time back on the bike.  I didn’t even have my usual rest day on Monday as I didn’t feel like I’d earnt it.  I know – that’s not at all logical :(.

Today doesn’t really count in some respects, as it was a MiniMe training ride *grin*.  In fact it was almost identical to last week’s ride, although, possibly due to the nasty wind, he seemed a bit slower this time ’round.  Apparently he was less tired both during and after though which is good because maybe that means next time I can make him go further.  Or up a hill *grin*.

Cycling time: c1:00 hrs (my computer wasn’t hitched up properly to start with)
Distance: 13.2 miles
Avs: 12.7 mph
ODO: 8779 miles

However when you compare the stats he turns out he was actually a bit faster!  I shall have to apologise to him for suggesting otherwise.  I think it must have just been me finding it harder to keep to his speed, and to resist the urge to go hurtling off down my favourite straight bits!  I can’t help it – it’s the new wheels! 😉  Anyway he was definitely a bit more confident, a bit more stable, and a bit less accident prone, so I think we can safely say we’re making progress :).

While I’m here – hello to any new readers I’ve picked up courtesy of my Dragon Ride rant, for which I still make no apologies.  Welcome!  :).  GB and I have both emailed the organisers and have heard nothing in response, and all the website has is some blurb blaming the timing failure on the timing company whilst not addressing any of the other issues which they surely must be aware of by now!  We are not amused…*grrrr*.

However, whilst I shan’t be letting that drop, I have other fish to fry.  There’s something very nice about knowing that every weekend for the next few involves cycling.  This weekend is Bristol’s Biggest Bike Ride, the following is the Somerset 100, and then it’s the Dartmoor Classic which is looking fairly hilly…*gulp*.  That takes care of June then :).  Of course, that said, I can virtually guarantee that the sun won’t shine until at least July so I hope none of you have barbeques, summer parties or weddings planned.  If you’re desperate I can be paid to stay home…my rates are very reasonable 😉 .

Now the day is over, night is drawing nigh

Thanks to the wonders (!) of half term, training has been all but absent this week.  I’d like to say this was tapering, which, if I hadn’t merely replaced riding with sessions at the gym, it would be.  However I did and it wasn’t.  Well let’s face it, that would have been a tad out of character, n’est-ce pas?

However this evening I did manage to get out on the bike for a couple of hours with Mim.  Well, as if I needed an excuse, hubby adjusted my gears for me last night as I wasn’t able to get into bottom of top (if that makes any sense) and I wanted to check that everything was in working order.  Which, after initially being a bit cranky (ha ha) it was.

We did my usual flat training loop with Nyland tagged on.  It may have been sunny and hot, but the wind is omnipresent these days and was proving really hard work as I set off for Mim’s house, so much so that I wasn’t really looking forward to the ride.  As a concession to the direction of the aforementioned wind we did the loop clockwise, so as to maximise opportunities for it to be a help not a hindrance.  Which seemed to work.  Furthermore I think that, as the sun slowly dropped towards the horizon, the wind level dropped a bit too.

So as it turns out it was a gorgeous couple of hours.  The bugs proliferated as we rode, providing some interesting dietary supplementation.  The views were crystal clear in the low sun as the shadows stretched.  The conversation was constant so the wheels and the miles flew by.  The roads were quiet.  All was well with my world because I was on my bike and it rocks :).

Cycling time: 2:04:22 hrs
Distance: 32.4 miles
Avs: 15.7 mph
ODO: 8694 miles

OK, so I guess the wheels weren’t turning as fast as it felt like they were, but that’s not important.  At least they felt good, right? 🙂

The Dragon looms large ahead, and I’ve been eating carbs since Tuesday.  The forecast ain’t great, but I shall obsessively check it every hour or so between now and then in the hope that it starts saying things I like.  Or try and find a forecast that does.  In the meantime I think I need some sleep…*yawn*.  Wish me luck?

Cats in the cradle

Today was the first proper outing for MiniMe’s new road bike.  Yes – eldest has been unleashed on the road.  Be afraid, be very afraid…*grin*.  Mostly of the fact that he’ll be outclassing us all in no time at all!

Andrew, of Scorpion CS fame, has put him together a lovely bike, as you can see below.  It may need a little tweaking – the stem is a bit long – but hey, the lad is constantly growing so that’s not going to be a problem for long.  Other than that it seems to fit him pretty well.

We did the Nyland Loop, which is mostly flat apart from the hills on the back road to Draycott and the on back up on to the Wedmore road.  And to avoid the main road we did the last stint home via the reservoir – probably more for my nerves than his!

He has double sided pedals for the moment, and other than one instance of accidentally clipping in on the wrong side and then not being able to unclip (we’ve all been there!) it went well.  Mind you, the large sprocket seems to be pretty sharp – poor lad has got war wounds from that.  I think they’re for bragging about though ;).

Anyway, apart from that he did a grand job.  There’s work to be done on his road sense, and so on, but that’ll all come with practice and experience.  The bike itself however seems to be working pretty well, and he had a great time.  He even ate a couple of flies.  Hey, we even got tooted at for being on the road, by (predictably) a white van, so I figure his initiation ceremony is complete! *grin*.

Cycling time: 1:04:12 hrs
Distance: 13.29 miles
Avs: 12.3 mph
ODO: 8661 miles

For his first training ride, I think those stats pretty much rock :).  But then I would say that, wouldn’t I? ;).


aka Eldest

Chip off the old block blah blah

Happy 2nd Birthday

It has occurred to me that I have now had my bike for (a little over) two years.  Clearly I have made up for being late in celebrating the fact by buying it lots of presents *grin*.  In fact I think the only bits that are still original are the frame and the gears/pedals/cranks!    In those two years it has done around 8600 miles which, if you’re me, is pretty impressive.  I’m me.  I’m impressed!  So Happy Birthday bike 🙂

Today was the first time I had the opportunity to get out for a ride since Andrew pimped my ride.  Mim had to cancel on me, leaving me at a bit of a loss and somewhat stumped for routes.  I exchanged texts with GB and decided on a route.  Rather than make you play dot to dot as I describe it to you, here it is.  Ever since last Sunday’s sportive I’ve been really, and unusually, tired.  I don’t think it’s just a post-event thing – maybe I’m fighting off a bug or something.  There’s been a lot of sleeping, early nights, and general zombie like behaviour.  As a result I decided a flat-ish not challenging route would be the way to go, as you can see.

I tried really hard to enjoy it.  Well it was relatively warm, and fairly sunny.  But, and no surprise here, it was bl**dy windy again!  Well, not again, still!  It’s not like it’s gone away recently, now is it?  I really should pay more attention to wind direction when planning my routes.  Winds of a westerly persuasion are no good when your route goes east a bit, south a lot, west a lot, north a lot and then a tiny bit of east to get you home.  Doh!  I am assured that it’s very good training, but it’s not very good when it comes to enjoying the ride.

Being illogical in many ways, pre-ride I was actually a bit nervous about riding the bike with all its new bits.  I know, I did say it didn’t make sense.  I shall break it down as follows.  The new narrower handlebars were more comfortable in a sort of intangible way, but my shoulder still went.  Since the whole ride was feeling pretty smooth, I’m guessing the bottom bracket was an improvement.  But the new wheel/tyre combo?  Well from where I was sitting, it was kinda hard to tell.  Given a decent road surface (and that’s not a given) they felt lovely – very smooth and quiet.  Round corners they may well have been a tad grippier, but I was trying to avoid being knocked over by crosswinds so was being as cautious as ever.  But hey, they sho’ did look purty…

So I rode.  Bits of it were better.  I didn’t puncture on the softer tyres.   No more of me hurt than usual.  On that basis a good, if not great, ride.

But, oh my giddy Aunt, have you seen my average speed?!!!

Cycling time: 2:21:03 hrs
Distance: 40.16 miles
Avs: 17.0 mph
ODO: 8606 miles

On a ride like that, I’d expect a 15mph average if I was lucky, what with all that fighting into the wind.  But no – look!  Every time I looked down to assess my degree of struggle, I was going faster than I thought I ought to be.  I’m guessing the new wheels and tyres are a good thing 🙂  And did I mention they’re kinda pretty? 😉

GB is doing the Tour of Wessex this weekend and if today’s weather, and the forecast, is anything to go by, good luck to him!  Rather him than me…allez allez! 🙂