Category Archives: Training

Ray of light

Today is Day 5 on the wagon(s).  New Year, new resolve, etc…  I’ve had a week when riding wasn’t an option, as working wasn’t optional, and the rest of my time was taken up by seeing the kind of people with whom you make appointments and don’t cancel them.  So no riding, just evening gym sessions.  Better than nowt, plus it’s also a lot easier to decide you’ve had enough and it’s time to go home when all that involves is getting in the car and driving home, rather than finding yourself riding somewhere out in the wilds when the urge to cease such activity hits.  It’s also a good way to start getting the fitness back, and strengthening the core muscles again.  A good call all ’round therefore, and probably the choice I’d have made even if I’d had a choice to make ;).

Earlier this week it turned out that GB would be free on Sunday.  As would I be, clearly, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this and you wouldn’t be reading it.  In impromptu ACG, organised by the wonders of social media, style, we were four.  GB, myself, Martyn and Steve.  In consideration of my weakened and pitiable state, GB agreed that he would go against his natural inclination towards more interesting rides, and that we could do the traditional coffee run to Glastonbury and back.  Ideal for me, because it’s pretty flat on the way out, thus allowing me to establish how I was doing before having to decide on how I was getting home.  Hills?  Straight home?  Taxi? ;).

A 9:30am start was most civilised.  Although given the grey cloud and the fog, there wasn’t as much daylight as you might have hoped for.  Still, it was dry, and mild, and there wasn’t a lot of wind, so you’ll not hear me complaining.  Once all four riders of the apocalypse were assembled, we were off.  A little nervously on my behalf, but faint heart never won anything, right?  The one advantage of being off form is that it doesn’t take me as long to warm up as it does when I’m on form.  How weird is that?  Bonus though as it means that horrible first chunk of the ride when you feel terrible doesn’t last as long.  Of course the fact that I’ve been on the wagon for a while probably doesn’t do any harm either…!

Coffee was at Heaphy’s café, for two reasons.  Firstly the very good coffee, secondly the ability to park the bikes outside but close by and in plain view.  Not that we’re paranoid or anything.  Oh, and if you’re me, the fact that they also have Orangina is both a third reason and the icing on the cake.  Well, icing on the coffee maybe, since they don’t do gluten free cake.  I miss their carrot cake *sigh*.  They very helpfully told me about all the other places in town where I could get very good gluten free cake.  Helpful?  Not really.  Not when I’m standing in your café and ordering coffee from you.  Would you like me to go somewhere else?  An interesting marketing tactic methinks…
as it should be parked steeds
Time for the rogues’ gallery…  Well there was a great deal of discussion about music that I am sadly too young to properly appreciate, so being merely a child, I amused myself by playing with my toys ;).  I also discovered that t’other half had sent me an email jokingly asking if I’d like to ride this, which made me grin quietly to myself – maybe next year?

guy steve martyn
It having been pretty mild on the way out, I took the opportunity to swop things around and put on mitts for the return journey – all the better to take your photos with ;).  We did in fact take a longer and more circuitous, if not hilly, route home, since we all felt up to it.  Or I did, so I didn’t put my usual spanner in the works ;).  I was pleasantly surprised with how well it went really,  I’ve definitely felt worse out there!
bringing up the rear three muskehounds
I won’t go pretending that I was leading the way, but I’m not going to apologise for just doing my best.  It’s another part of my resolve – no apologies, no excuses.  They’re counter productive, and I’m working on my PMA :).  The weird thing is that I’ve been below par for so long that I seem to have forgotten that even on good days, back in the day, I could still have trouble keeping up with these guys, and would get dropped on the hills.  So I possibly need to readjust my baseline, because actually, looking at the stats and the route, this was a pretty good ride.  OK there was less talking on my behalf than sometimes, what with the whole need to breathe thing, but I think that’s fair enough *grin*.  Possibly also a blessing for my fellow riders too ;).

Cycling time: 2:15:03 hrs
Distance: 38.50 miles
Avs: 17.1 mph.
ODO: 15600.89 miles

Here’s a sign that things are getting, maybe, just maybe, back to whatever normal is… ;).
a sign out of the blueSo 2013 is under way, and off to a fairly good start.  Five days, 3 gym sessions, one good ride.  Result.  *touch wood*. *fingers crossed*. *salute solitary magpies*.  There are many miles ahead, many rides, many sportives (hopefully – Cyclosport haven’t sorted the calendar yet, which if you’re as organised as me is a little frustrating!).  If this year is anything like previous years, this will be burned on the back of my retina soon enough: ;).
retinal image

Beauty has her way

When I woke up this morning, having also gone to bed this morning, it has to be said that the chances of me riding today seemed slim.  Though the hangover I most richly deserved failed to make much of an appearance, the shortage of sleep and the general feeling of *bleurgh* that is inevitable after such a night left me feeling distinctly under motivated.  Self-induced jet lag ;).  What difference would waiting to ride for another day, after so many days of delay, make?  I’ll ride tomorrow, when the world returns to normal, I decided.

Time passed.  Copious quantities of coffee restored a degree of humanity.  My insides slowly settled.  We packed and made ready for our return home, surrounded by the chaos of family, half wishing I didn’t have to come home at all.  But we did.  It’s a chicken sitting thing.  During my many sweeps of the house to see what we’d left behind, I grabbed the chance to check the weather forecast for tomorrrow…and wished I hadn’t.  As the weather map slowly advanced, as did a blue wave, predictably coming in to cover Somerset for precisely those hours that were free to me to ride.

The little voice in my head starting calculating, and worrying, and niggling away at me…

So we came home.  Leaving behind us some rather essential chicken sitting keys and the cool bag full of cooking ingredients and the like that I had taken with us to allow me to do the catering in safe stylee.  As yet ignorant of these facts, we drove along the sunny and dry lanes, seemingly passing every cyclist in Somerset.  By the time we got home I’d formulated a plan.  Not a cunning plan.  But a plan nonetheless.

I was still feeling a tad rubbish.  Just as I was recovering from my op and espying the light at the end of the tunnel, Boxing Day saw me come down with the worst cold I’ve had in a long time.  Great if all you want to do is lie on the bed and watch episodes of Criminal Minds, but not good for getting me back to the gym or on the bike.  We were not amused.  It was only the day before yesterday that I finally started to clear of it enough to get a sense of smell and taste back, and it’s still lurking around the edges.  I made it back to the gym twice before New Year’s Eve, on the basis that little steps are better than none.  And believe me, there is work to be done getting me back up to both speed and strength, but it was a start.

But I am feeling on the way back to better.  And the sun was shining, so not to ride?  Positively wasteful.  Rude in fact.  But to overdo it, try and train properly just yet?  Stupid.  Welcome to my plan, my compromise, my brownie point earning scheme.  I decided to take MaxiMe out for a short ride for the first time in forever.  A popular choice all ’round it would appear, and no sooner were we re-installed chez nous than we were kitted up and heading out.  Probably to save me changing my mind ;).

We did the Nyland Loop, as we tend to in such situations.  It’s familiar, easy, fairly quiet, and predictable, with several opportunities for photo ops along the way should the urge strike.  And here we are.

him and I by Nyland

Of course the sun chose that particular moment to be hiding behind an irritating, albeit dramatic, cloud, so it doesn’t look as sunny as it was out there.  It was however dry overhead and, mostly, underwheel.  There’s still a lot of gravel, holes, and puddles around, but we managed to avoid the worst of those, though my back wheel did slip on corners a couple of times.


Doesn’t it look nice out there nonetheless?

boy and tree tree

MaxiMe was very insistent that we take a photo of this swan, conveniently located in the rhyne by where we stopped, which has clearly been doing its own fair share of wheel sucking…see the mud on its neck? 😉  MaxiMe is almost useful that windbreak way now – as he’s grown again!  So much so that he felt a lot more comfortable on his bike.  His back problem, possibly caused by too much stretch to the handlebars, never manifested itself, though to be fair it’s not like we were out long.

muddy swanTime will tell, but he said he was feeling much more comfortable and he definitely looked better on the bike than before.  There has to be some advantage to the speed at which he’s growing right?!  He enjoyed it, I enjoyed it, and let’s face it, it was the best way to start a cycling year :).

maxime cube and scorpion mother and son

Stats for your delectation, should you be interested:

Cycling time: 0:49:37 hrs
Distance: 12.39 miles
Avs: 15.0 mph.
ODO: 15562.39 miles

Last year I cycled 5118 miles.  I have to admit to being a bit disappointed with only managing 177 more than 2012.  But considering that for the last two months I’ve barely ridden and done around 600 miles less than I did over that same period last year, that’s not too shabby, right?  And I do have my reasons, though I’m planning on trying not to use them as excuses.  It is very easy to get so lost in some of the rubbish that has gone on this year, especially latterly, but actually I probably need to remember that I did really well.  I did!  All those lovely sportives, the progress I made, my beautiful new bike, the wonders of the Dolomites, the great people I have met and/or cycled with?  Standing on the top of the Passo di Giau was such a highlight for me this year.  I should stop moaning :).

photo taken of me top of GiauSo ok, come to think of it, 2012 wasn’t as bad as it sometimes seems.  But for all that I am determined that 2013 is going to be a better year.  Plans are afoot and falling into place.  It’s a whole new year.  A new start.  And it’s going to be great – because I said so!  Come ride with me? :).


Islands in the stream

Today was the traditional mince pie run.  If it hadn’t been, none of us would have been out, as it was damp, dark, dank, dreary, dismal, dreich…dagnamit!  But apparently there are some rules to be followed in such situations, so there was nowt for it but to layer up and get on with it.

GB and I met in the Square.  In the rain.  We rode to Sweets, where every other foolhardy cyclist in Somerset arrived, in dribs and damp drabs, like dwarves arriving for an adventure.  This included Martyn and Grant, fellow ACG riders.  All soaking wet, all a little lacking in sanity, but all seasonally cheerful about it.  There was more than a little tinsel around, and even a pair of reindeer antlers.  See, us nutters get into the spirit of things whatever the weather!  The rather fetching Santa outfit being sported by the landlady was apparently appreciated too…probably a question of perspective.  T’was nice to see a whole heap of familiar faces – *waves hi* – though I didn’t get to chat to as many as I’d have liked.  Nice of you all to enquire as to how I’m doing too, and apologies if answers weren’t all that forthcoming.  The answer is “fine” or “alright”, and will be from here on in, because I’m bored of talking about it and you’re probably all even more bored of hearing about it!

Cycling time: 1:23:17 hrs
Distance: 20.9 miles
Avs: 15.0 mph.
ODO: 15550.00 miles

Not much else to say really.  Rode there, rode back.  Slowly, probably tediously so for those that had to ride with me.  I should possibly stop apologising for that too…but you know how it is.  It coulda been worse, coulda been better.  I’m glad I went out, I really appreciated the company, and I can’t wait to get to 2013 and get back on track.  There’s going to be a whole lotta training going on to get me back up to speed! 🙂  Merry Christmas everyone!

Wake up, wake up, wake up, yeah so tired of waiting…

I’m sure our new memory foam mattress is fantastic.  However to prove that, I’d have to sleep on it.  As opposed to just lying on it wishing my insides thought sleeping was as good an idea as I do.  *sigh*.  So when, for the umpteenth time last night, they decided I should be awake again, and I discovered it was 6:51am, rather than bemoan the earliness of the hour, I was just relieved to discover a time that I could officially call morning, hit the coffee, and get on with it!  And yes, I should probably re-write that sentence, or punctuate it better, but hey, if I wish to be irritatingly long winded about getting to the point, that’s my prerogative, n’est-ce-pas?  Habits of a lifetime and all that ;).

I’d like to pretend that the reason I couldn’t sleep was because there was an ACG ride this morning and I was excited about finally getting out on my bike again.  OK, there’s probably an element of truth to that, but actually I was more nervous about it than anything else.  It’s probably around 10 days or so since I’ve been out.  At least.  In the meantime, I’ve been away a couple of times, I’ve had a cold, I’ve had the usual IBS stuff going on and more, and yes I’ve been to the gym, but not as much as I’d have liked.  I’m seriously considering giving up eating for Lent…if it was Lent…which it isn’t, and I’m even too late for Advent.  But then I’m a tad on the agnostic side, so either would be fairly arbitrary anyway.  Still at the moment it doesn’t really matter what I eat, my interior is not happy, so as a result I’ve not been eating a lot.  Or enough, to be honest.  But hey, white wine has calories in it, right? 😉

So it was with no little trepidation that I dressed myself in my outfit of many layers this morning, and headed to the Square to see who I could see this morning.  Did I mention I have new longs?  My super support team Andrew – mechanic, bike midwife, dresser – had had an word in the shell like of the Kalas kit peeps that he works with, who have produced a pair of female specific bib tights.  I will admit to having had reservations when I first tried them on – let’s just say there were some cutting in issues going on if you happen to be more well endowed than your average racing female cyclist.  However today, over sports bra and base layer, they were far more comfortable than expected.  Apart from the whole inconvenience issues that is…I will miss that Gore zip!  I’m also pleased to report that however else today’s ride might have gone, they performed well – probably better than me!  Warm, comfortable, the pad was great, and there was no restriction around the knees – result!  It just remains to be seen how well they cope with proper cold, and whether they survive the combo of my clearly peculiar shaped behind & saddle better than the last such things have!

Right, back to riding.  We were due a fair turn out this morning, and had one no show and three extra shows, which made us nine.  Namely our esteemed leader GB, myself, Martyn, Mike, Steve and his MaxiMe Isaac, Grant, Ian, and Neil.  The latter two were new to us, and Isaac looks like cycling is what he was born to do!  Ah well, I’m not proud, being outclassed by a fourteen year old is probably a very good salutary lesson.  Besides which I’ve been abusing my system for way more years than he’s been alive, so it’s probably my own fault ;).

Our route went something like this.  I say something like beause it isn’t quite what was originally planned, and as it turns out everyone’s route varied, but I shall explain that in the fullness of time.  I do hope you’re feeling patient ;).

First off was the Gorge.  Closed to traffic, allegedly.  Whilst being almost as successful at this as last year’s Etape Cymru, it did at least mean it was considerably quieter than it might otherwise have been, which also made dodging the missing bits of road, piles of gravel and debris, and still flowing water, that bit easier.  I was actually very pleased with how I did.  According to the the few remaining Strava sections of the Gorge that haven’t been reported as hazardous, it looks like I did my second best time up there, so I wasn’t imagining it either.  I mean really – hazardous?  Downhill, ok, yes, maybe I get it.  But up?  Seriously?  I can’t go fast enough up there for it to be dangerous!  I’m far more likely to be going so slowly that I lose balance, fail to unclip, and end up in an ignominious heap on the floor somewhere with little more damaged than my pride! *grin*.

OK, Gorge done which, all things considered, was an achievement in itself.  As long as I ignored the fact that I’d just had my ar*e kicked by nearly everyone else.  According to Red Kite Prayer I’m fast anyway, so I’ll take comfort in that ;).  Sadly we lost three on the way up, as being less familiar with the Gorge and with time pressures on them, they decided to make their own way to where they wanted to be.  And then there were six…  Anyone else thinking Agatha Christie here, or is it just me?  At least I wasn’t the last to the top, which gave me time to initiate Isaac into the ways of the camera, and the essentialness of being caught eating by it ;).  He’s young, he’ll learn…but the force is strong in this one.  And hey, at least he seems to get on with his father… ;).

There were some interestingly muddy roads, with additional crosswinds, to be negotiated before one of my least favourite descents to Blagdon.  However the road from there to East Harptree is way more fun.  Oh yes :D.  I even got to do some of what I enjoy.  Silly fast stuff, down and up again.  Swoopy.  Which probably isn’t a word, but I like it.  I needed to remind myself of why I love riding so much, of what I can be good at, to let loose a little….  Mind you, after the last burst of such idiocy, my body informed me that such behaviour was foolish and foolhardy and if I continued to be such an eejot, it was going to be bringing out those lovely little sparkly lights around the edges of my vision that tend to imply that continuing verticality is unlikely…  Ah well, fun while it lasted right?  Hints of mojo, as the dearly departed Howie would have said.  Yes – I still miss him from time to time :(.  So I reined it in, and promptly got dropped, what with all the ups and downs on that road, and the interjection of motorvehicles into the mix…*sigh*.

On reaching East Harptree , where the peloton were patiently waiting, GB provided us with two options.  The longer, hillier, muddier, and frankly gratuitous route, which they all took.  Or the shortcut.  That’ll be mine please.  Coffee was at the New Manor Farm café place in North Widcombe.  Which sounded like North Woodcote when GB said it, but having been told it was the place with stables, I did at least know roughly where I was aiming for.  Not that this helped when I asked a friendly cyclist and his wife if they knew where I was going.  Hard to find a place on a map that doesn’t exist!  So I took a magical mystery tour to get there, because I had to find the bit of road where I knew I was when I last went there, which meant heading towards Litton and then going from there.  With the aid of a quick check on the Crackberry GPS maps just to make sure I wasn’t going any more than usually nuts.  This added a few miles, and stopped me arriving hours before the posse, so it wasn’t a complete waste of time.  To be honest I enjoyed a little bit of not having to keep up, and being me and my bike again too.  Head space 🙂  Having said that GB very nearly got a text saying “Got dropped, got lost, got bored, gone home…”.  Finally I arrived, parked the bike up, purchased coffee, parked me up…and five minutes later they all arrived.  Almost perfect timing :).  Actually perfect come to think of it, cos that way I didn’t have to queue for my coffee! ;).  Apparently the way to fuel a MaxiMe is as follows:


Even if I could eat it, I certainly couldn’t ride on it!  I don’t know if it counts as refuelling, or sabotage?  Still, looking at Isaac, the few minutes it spent on his lips is never going to equate to a lifetime on his hips…  Jealous, moi? 😉  Thanks to the minor colly wobbles earlier, even I decided food of some sort would probably be advisable.  Gluten free wasn’t an option in the range of fabulous cakes on offer, sadly tho’ unsurprisingly, but luckily I found an emergency “safe” bar in my saddle bag.  Think of me as a Boy Scout, though I’m usually more of a Girl Friday to be honest.  Anyway, I ate it with my coffee, that having been the point, right?.  Besides, I’d have been nagged into it if I hadn’t ;).

There were many plans for the way home.  And then there was mine.  Which seemed to appeal to some.  It had options too.  But essentially it meant going up East Harptree hill.  This having been my idea, I was supposed to not whinge about the hill on the way up.  I did my best…which may well have been lacking on several fronts ;).  Still, I got up it again, and it wasn’t entirely unpleasant.  At the top, having confused my Harptrees when considering my way home, we were opposite the Castle of Comfort and presented with two options.  Steve and Isaac headed for home, since even chocolate rocket fuel can only get you so far.  Age and treachery had triumphed over youth and skill 😉 (and that’s one of the Christmas gifts coming my way – thanks Mum & Dad!).  So then there were four…

Now, I believe I mentioned we had two choices?  So it was left, and doglegs, and Priddy, and down Westbury Hill to avoid the wind as best as possible.  Or right, with a headwind along the Burrington Road, left before the Combe, Charterhouse, the Mendip Shavings road, and finally down Shipham Hill.  Which was the way I was going, on my own if necessary.  And perfectly happy I’d have been to do so either, I really didn’t mean to drag everyone else with me.  Sorry!  However GB decided I was looking far too spacey, and should not be left to ride on my own…aw bless :).  So four of us took it in turns to fight against the wind, which no doubt made it a lot easier, and fought our way to the castle beyond the Goblin City…  Come on, there is a Castle type building up there along the way, it makes sense if you’re me! 😉  Ill-advised though it may have been, I took my turn at the front as often as I could, and I think I acquitted myself fairly well.  The same cannot be said for my performance on the up and down road after Charterhouse.  There was a rabbit on the road…the testosterone had to chase it down…and I was dropped once again.  Mind you I think the rabbit appreciated the tow!  I pootled along in my own sweet, and resigned, tortoise fashion, eventually but happily coming across a waiting GB, ready to shepherd me home.  Well, that or to stop me holding them all up any longer 😉 *grin*.

Just as well it was (nearly) all down hill from there then right? I love the descent from there to the Lilypool dip because it’s mostly straight and I can go properly fast, so I did :).  I enjoyed Shipham Hill, albeit cautiously, too.  Well it is wet and gravelly out there, and I did want to get home in one piece.  That just left one last fairly restrained run down the bypass, as I led out the train for GB’s sprint finish…and we were back in the Square :).

Cycling time: 2:25:24 hrs
Distance: 34.96 miles
Avs: 14.4 mph.
ODO: 15529.10 miles

As rides go, it went far better than I had any right to expect it would, and I really enjoyed the company when I was fast enough to keep up with it! 😉  Thanks guys – much appreciated.  And I do mean that.  Group hug? ;).

Besides, it’s December right?  Too early to be fretting about form for next year really, even if the lack of mileage is grating on me, and to be fair, I have a few more hurdles to get over before I get there anyway.  One thing at a time, little steps, etc.  Since I can’t bunny hop, I’ll not be jumping those hurdles on the bike, that’s fo’ sho ;).

Just because it’s Christmas, and this afternoon was spent drinking fizz (hic!) and putting the tree together…here’s our daft, but clearly under-impressed at being captured being so, cat, hiding under the tinsel :).

How old is your soul?

Another day, another ride.  On dry roads, which was vaguely astounding.  Mim and I were both in take it easy mode – I’m properly lazy at the moment – and it was darn nippy out there.  Due to the time constraints, our sloth, the weather, and the fact that we ride to be sociable, we opted for the very easy, roads likely to be clear, option and went straight out to Sweets for coffee and back.

And it was fine.  We rode, we chatted, we drank coffee & peppermint tea, and then we rode home again.  Simple as.  We didn’t notice the hideous northerly wind on the way out for obvious reasons, but man did it become apparent on the way back.  Bitter!  I gather it’s going to be like that for a while…time to dig out the winter hat I think.  And possibly the baselayer tights.  Can’t be much more I can wear and still have my limbs flex!

Sweets is expanding – presumably to make warm room for all the cyclists who love it there.  And in case you’re interested, they’re open to cyclists on Christmas Eve between 10:00am and 12:00pm.  I think a Christmas ride may be in order :).

Cycling time: 1:11:49 hrs
Distance: 19.7 miles
Avs: 16.5 mph.
ODO: 15494.14 miles

Just a mirror for the sun

Yesterday I didn’t ride.  But I did do something constructive – I finally washed the Cinelli!  Washed, scrubbed, flossed, sprayed, polished, buffed…all thanks to my Purple Harry kit.  Not only are you to admire the transformation, but also my groovy little bike stand, which made it lot easier to clean it.  It’s so elegantly simple whilst totally doing the job, and it’s making storage easier too as the mob can’t knock it over all the time!  As for the cleaning – I did it all.  Spray to clean, scrub to clean, bike floss to get the cassette and other tricky bits, spray to keep water out of the bottom bracket etc, and then proper polish.  BTW, the polish is awesome!  And talk about OCD…why oh why did I get a white bike?!  But man, it does look pwerty now – all shiny and clean and just begging for a warm dry day to be shown off on.  Best develop some patience then right?  Could be a long wait! 😉


OK, so yesterday I decided not to ride on my own through floods.  Today I could have done the same, but I’m so fed up of deciding not to ride the bike, and I don’t know when the next time I’m out there will be, that I just wasn’t bailing again.  Monday can’t be a rest day when I haven’t done anything the day before, now can it?  The weather seemed ok, the forecast was fair, and I wasn’t even looking for excuses not to go.  It was however a tad nippy, so it was finally time for winter gloves, and for my new Rapha winter collar to be more than just a fashion accessory.  It comes in very useful in my chilly office let me tell you!  And it was good on the ride.  Doesn’t slip down, can be pulled up over the face to keep your chin warm, and breathes enough for you to undo the zip a bit and get some temperature relief without wishing you hadn’t.  I knew I liked it 🙂

I did the usual kind of loop around the Levels.  The roads were better than I was expecting, with the odd inevitable exception to the rule.  Interesting missing bits of road surface, some debris, some standing water…but nothing that soaked me to the skin, or that necessitated a detour.  I avoided those roads I know are liable to be bad, and although the rivers, rhynes, and even fields around me were frequently full of water, my route was essentially clear.  The air was chilly, there was a bit of a breeze, but it didn’t rain on me, and there was actually a fair amount of sunshine.  Sunshine, reflections, seagulls, starlings, and remarkably well behaved traffic.  Nice! 🙂


I didn’t take many photos – winter gloves are not conducive to such things – but I did have a brief stop about an hour in on the bridge near Burtle.  The water was wide, murky, flowing fast, and I’m guessing not far below the top of the arch.  The boat that usually languishes about 8 feet below the bank here finally seemed properly moored up and, if the water gets any higher, might be properly useful.  I’ve always wondered if they ever use it as it never seems to have moved…maybe this will be the week?  I hope for their sakes that it isn’t!

Although, and I know I keep banging on about it, I’m not on form, I did end up at going along at a fairly reasonable nick, though it probably felt a little more like hard work than sometimes.  But overall I didn’t feel too bad, so there was some positive around the edges there.  Bella will tell you what I did, that is if Strava hasn’t already.  I’m glad I went out, even if the pleasure of my own company is debatable ;).

Cycling time: 1:48:39 hrs
Distance: 29.52 miles
Avs: 16.3 mph.
ODO: 15474.44 miles

Back home, where there’s still a lot of water going around.  Bet they could have filled a second reservoir without even trying over the last week!  Forecast is ok for the next few days, so hopefully some of the water will have time to drain away…




I’m going slightly mad

So, as I mentioned yesterday, the old bike is now the winter bike, and that winter bike is now winter ready.  Or at least it was in theory.  The only way to find out for sure was to ride it and put it to the test.  That’s the whole thing with theories, right?

However, after the second storm last night I had grave concerns about the state of the roads.  The field behind the house had seagulls bobbing around on it.  Possibly ducks too, but digging out the binoculars to check that out seems a tad de trop, so I didn’t.  After some internal debate, and considering that the weather was currently still and approaching sunny, I decided to just go out for an hour or so, see how the bike went, see how I went, and leave it at that.  All this not riding, and complete lack of head space, has been doing my head in, and I needed a ride, even it it wasn’t likely to be a memorable one!  Better out than in, etc.

Sometimes rides that have no purpose, goal, rhyme nor reason, are a good thing.  You feel more able to stop and smell the roses.  However, what with the roses being past their best, I decided to go and appreciate the reservoir instead, partially because I was curious as to how full it would be, and also because I like it up there – wide open spaces ‘n all.  And dog walkers to irritate by my very existence, and to whom to be relentlessly polite and cheerful.  Always fun ;).  It was gorgeous up there too – like a big mercury mirror.  Not as dark as it looks in the photos, but that’s what you get for not being a photographer and pointing your lens towards the sun.  Kinda more atmospheric my way though I reckon, so maybe I’ll pretend it’s come out that way on purpose, or just put them on Instagram and pretend I’m arty…


As I cycled my way around the edge, it occurred to me that eldest, having walked to school to avoid riding through the floods, would be walking home again in the dark.  I wasn’t that keen on him doing it yesterday in the storm, and since youngest and friend were to be collected anyway…I had a three birds, one stone, lightbulb moment.  So I actually used the bike for a constructive purpose, and popped in to his school to leave him a message to tell him he’d be picked up later.  I felt positively efficient.  Not to mention the whole rosey glow of doing something nice for someone that they weren’t expecting – that wasn’t a bad feeling either :).

I did a simple, made up as I went along, loop.  I tried to avoid hills, as ever, and roads that I know are liable to be under water at the best of times.  Those roads I did use were indeed very wet, with a lot of standing water, and frequently covered in debris.  Unsurprisingly they’re were not muddy – in fact you can hardly tell I used my bike, which is a bonus!  Since the purpose of the ride was to check the bike out, I should probably tell you that that bike was feeling pretty good, apart from some alignment issues in extreme gears – top top ring of the triple is scraping so I had to keep half a click down.  You either understand what that means, or you don’t…but most of you will :).  The winter tyres kept me rubber down, though I was most definitely not pushing it.  We were made for each other – a bit slow, a bit under-used, a bit off form, and not perfectly aligned *grin*.

It was good to be finally back out there again, even if my form is still way off.  Good for the head if nothing else.  Mind you, I guess I’d have been faster without the photo ops, debris avoidance, and mental meandering… :).

Cycling time: 1:01:32 hrs
Distance: 14.7 miles
Avs: 14.3 mph.
ODO: 15444.92 miles

I’d probably better not think of what’s happening to my mileage stats now, right…?

On a steel horse I ride

Yesterday I was supposed to go for a ride with Velopixie.  You’ve not “met” him before, and either had I!  That’s the wonders of twitter for you.  And it’s always a little nerve wracking meeting new people especially when, as I may have mentioned before, I can be a bit shy underneath the brash exterior.  Riding is good for such things though, because there’s frequently things to talk about, to be distracted by, effort and hills and scenery to fill any awkward gaps…

…but the weather meant that riding was not to be.  It was horrible from the start, and then got worse.  Getting from Chippenham to here was apparently a journey of a thousand flooded miles.  At some point amidst the flurry of updates, tweets, texts and calls, a judgement call was made.  Even if the weather were to clear, which seemed unlikely, the roads were still going to be horrible, and time was running out.  However, being nearer here than there, we decided to make the best of a bad deal.  I had time to change into civvies and make myself presentable, as I had to work later, and when the man himself finally rolled into town, we had to roll out again so that we could head to Cheddar in search in coffee.  Well, we’d picked the one day the Almshouse is closed, to add insult to injury, so there was no room at the café ;).

We headed for Costa in the Gorge.  Not possibly everyone’s first choice, but it’s always open, has a free car park opposite, and does gluten free brownies to go with perfectly acceptable coffee.  What’s not to love?  It’s not Starbucks right? ;). (ooh, look at me getting all topical).

I clearly hadn’t thought this through.  Blame the nervous babbling.  Because, as I mentioned, there had been a lot of rain.  Possibly biblical amounts.  There were floods everywhere as we made our way there.  And what caused the Gorge?  A river.  From a river it came, and thanks to the overnight and continuing downpour, to a river it had returned.  Back to it’s flooded roots.  Because if they weren’t flooded the water wouldn’t have been overflowing everywhere, bubbling up from down below, to join that already pouring down the road.  I’ve ridden the Gorge in some truly horrendous weather, but I have never seen it like that.  So much water, so deep, flowing so fast, that without decent wellies you couldn’t get from one side of the road to the other.  We went a little up past the car park, which was not all that accessible in such conditions, parked on the bend, and contemplated canoeing, since that was going to be the only way to get anywhere without wading, and I so wasn’t dressed for that…


Back in the car then, and time to formulate a Plan B.  The rest of the Gorge was busy sandbagging or being out of season closed, so we headed to the little community café back in town for coffee and gluten free shortbread instead.

It was all very pleasant.  It turns out that pixies aren’t scarey at all 😉 *grin*.  We chatted, exchanged the usual stories, had more in common than just cycling, and happily killed a couple of dry warm hours.  Next time we ride though!  Honest…though since the second storm has arrived this evening, I’m starting to wonder when I’ll ever get on a bike that isn’t in the gym ever again!  Yes, I’m sulking and, to be fair, I’m very good at it ;).

Today my fantastic mechanic Andrew performed his usual magic on my old bike.  My poor Cube, it’s been through so much.  This time around, as suspected, the bottom bracket was seized.  Luckily Andrew had a second-hand spare to tide me over until we get a new one.  It also now has a new front wheel to replace the one I borrowed earlier in the year, so that at least one bike – his t’other half’s – has matching wheels.  He’s handy like that – so many bits and pieces lying around, from bottom brackets to wheels!  He put the winter tyres on both wheels, tightened up the loose cassette, and hopefully it’s now ready to ride…again with the if I ever get to!  Thanks Andrew :).  We agreed to get a bigger cassette – 12/32 for the Cinelli, and I’m going to try out some Kalas winter tights through him as well.  Yes I’m a girly wuss.  Bite me ;).

In the meantime the Cinelli stands in the hallway forlorn and still filthy.  However I now have my lovely gold bundle from Purple Harry and if I ever get enough time to do so, it’s going to get a darn good cleaning before resting up over the winter.  Well, I don’t currently envisage much by way of sunny dry days, do you?  But just in case…it’ll be there ready and waiting and raring to go :).

Girl you just can’t dance forever

I rode with Mim yesterday which was, although undeniably pleasant, not all that noteworthy.  It looked a lot like this, which it would, since recording it is what Bella does, and she’s very good at it.  It was familiar, without contempt, grey but mild, flat but fairly fast.  ‘Nuff said really.

Cycling time: 1:52:26 hrs
Distance: 29.36 miles
Avs: 15.7 mph.
ODO: 1103.15 miles

Today was a different kettle of fish.  It may seem a little daft to drive for 80 minutes just to ride with a friend and then drive 80 minutes back, but it’s not, honest.  Well for starters if I rode to Minehead to ride I’d have to go through Bridgwater, and that’s never a pleasant experience.  And by the time I got there I’d be too tired to go up the unavoidable Exmoor Hills and Gaz would drop me like a stone!  So, however un-environmentally friendly it may be, t’was the car or nothing, and the car it was.

It was a little grey and miserable and drizzly when I arrived, which seemed only reasonable as the weather is always like that when I go to Exmoor.  Whether or not that weather is something I bring with me, or generate by my very presence, is frequently a subject for debate.  However, somewhat amazingly, by the time the bike was reassembled and I was appropriately attired, it had brightened up somewhat, and it only continued to improve as things went on.  Exmoor with hints of sunshine, and blue skies…unprecedented!  It’s pretty even when it’s ‘orrible out there, albeit in a bleak and statuesque fashion, but today it was doing the autumn colours and sweeping views thing…just beautiful.  Which is yet another reason it’s worth going that far away to ride.


It wasn’t my route, so I don’t know the names of details of much of what we did.  Bella knows though.  Told you she was good ;).  It seemed quite lumpy, though mainly in a fashion that I can cope with.  As ever it took me ages to warm up, and in fact I think it wasn’t until we were cooling down again at the top of the Wheddon Cross climb that I realised I was feeling semi-human at last, and that was around an hour in!  I really need to figure out how to speed that process up…


The sun was pretty much out as we sat in the quite attractive bus stop taking a breather, waving at other passing cyclists, and rehydrating.  There were even free toilets, if you needed them, in a building covered in mosaic work.  Interesting.  Still, this was not an architectural appreciation trip, this was a ride, so it was time to get going again.  After the Wheddon Cross climb, which was a long one, the subsequent climb to the top of Dunkery Beacon was easier, although maybe deceptively so, and with sun and views and sweeping moor land, it was also properly enjoyable.



I wish the same could be said for the descent.  Well, it was stunning with regards trees and foliage, but steep, wiggly, and extra hazardous thanks to the wet, muddy, leafy road surface…my back wheel was feeling a serious urge to go sideways by the time we finally reached the bottom, after the bone jarring cattle grid.  Shame, cos we’d earned some downhill fun!

Not too much to do now.  A lovely pootle through some very attractive villages, a last draggy slog up the main road back towards Minehead, and then some silly fast stuff for a laugh.  If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m not familiar with that road and felt liable to overshoot the left turn to get back so was being a bit restrained, I reckon merely fast might have been replaced with proper enthusiastic sprinting *grin*.  Next time? ;).

Cycling time: 1:50:22 hrs
Distance: 22.40 miles
Avs: 12.2 mph.
ODO: 1125.55 miles

It’s been nice being out on the bike.  It’s a good place to be, and I’ve had good company to be there with.  Shame I can’t do it forever…sooner or later it’s back home and back to the real world :/.

White lips, pale face

I was kinda dreading this morning’s ACG ride, which was probably not the best way to approach it.  I think it was the having seen GB’s planned route beforehand thing, knowing that it involved hills, thus allowing me to fear the known not the unknown.  I’m not sure which is better.  Or is that worse?  Things were not helped by the fact that with immaculate timing, as ever, my insides decided that the best way to process food was as fast as possible, do not pass go, do not hang around, do not impart any nutritional benefit along the way…*sigh*.  So I wasn’t feeling at my best, even if I could remember what that is anymore!  Of course this didn’t stop me layering up appropriately and rocking up in the Square at 9:00am.  Well if I didn’t ride every time I felt crap I’d quite possibly never get out on the bike at the moment ;).  Besides, I’m not going to get my form back unless I do some training, now am I?

Unexpectedly and surprisingly there were seven of us.  Quite some turnout for a winter ride.  Myself, GB, Martyn and Paul, Dave, Robin (of Dartmoor Classic fame) and Ian.  I’ve mentioned Paul before – he’s a compatriot of the infamous Paul Baker.  Ian has been out with us in the past, took a brownie point break upon the arrival of mini-Ian, and has since been riding with a certain Paul Baker.  I’m thinking of banning people who know, work for, or ride with Paul Baker – they’re all too bleedin’ fast…bit like Paul Baker himself! ;).

Posse all assembled, we headed out along the usual familiar wet muddy lanes.  I was doing ok…unless there was a gradient involved, at which point I would fall off the back of the pack like a stone and have to catch them up when conditions were more in my favour a little further on, ie downhill or flat!  I’ve decided that however girly wussish it might be, I’m getting me some lower gears for next year.  I wouldn’t mind it being harder work if I was getting up the hills faster, but I’m not.  I’m just finding it harder work and less pleasant with nothing to show for it, and since a lot of next year’s riding will inevitably involve hills, it’s time to address the issue.  I’ve tried it out, I’ve done over 1000 miles with this set up, and I’m sorry, but it’s time to wimp out ;).

I was finding it all a bit frustrating really – trying to keep up, not having warmed up, not feeling great.  I was dropped even before we reached the bottom of Canada Combe, as there’s a nasty steep bit on the Locking road there.  It’s not that long since I last went up Canada Combe.  Maybe if I hadn’t mentioned it back then it would still have stayed off GB’s radar?  So it was with a certain lack of enthusiasm that I turned left to follow the lads up the hill.  Martyn kindly dropped back to keep me company, in solicitous fashion.  You know that thing when you’re feeling fragile and then someone is nice to you and you feel like crying?  Yep – that.  Poor Martyn nearly had an emotional me to deal with, and I’m not sure he was ready for that! 😉  Luckily the state of the road and the steepness of the climb meant concentrating on that and breathing, and was just distracting enough to head me off at the pass.  I was even slower up it this time than the last, if that’s possible, which clearly it is, but I still made it.  Paul was clearly not on form as he had to resort to Shank’s pony, much to his disgust, and he left us earlier than planned, albeit not until much later, so I hope he’s feeling better soon.

The peloton were patiently waiting at the top for us, and kindly continued to do so whilst I took photos and had a drink.  At least that was due to be the biggest hill of the day, so it was all downhill from there, right?  Actually the downhill from there is good fun, so there was some return on my investment at least.  Life was indeed somewhat easier from here on in.  Well, it’s not hard to be easier than that!


After a silly stretch where I got to semi-sprint and lead the way down the road by the railway line, Ian led the way across the mostly flat, to the coffee stop, making it all look enviably easy.  I couldn’t compete with the sprint finish though – much though I’d have loved to, I was definitely outclassed.  Although everyone will no doubt deny that that there was any racing on any sort going on… 😉

Coffee was at the NT café at Brean Down which, even with signs indicating the contrary, was actually open.  It’s a funny place – oddly barren on the atmosphere front.  Still the coffee was nice, and they had some gluten free biscuits.  With breakfast unlikely to have been much use to me, I figured I should probably eat something, and so I did.  Well I shouldn’t have.  Today is clearly not a day for consuming solids of any sort :(.


Having coped with the consequences of that, it was time to leave.  I was not feeling happy on many levels, and I did warn GB that I probably needed to take it little easy on the way back.  Another wobbly moment was narrowly averted when he was just nice enough and not too nice ;).  However although I should have been taking it easy, I didn’t for a while.


There’s a sort of chasing demons thing that comes into play.  If I go hard enough and fast enough maybe I can kind of ride them away?  It sort of works, but there’s always payback somewhere along the line.  However fast I go, most of the lads can, and do, go faster, and eventually I just can’t keep up anymore.  GB took pity on me and tweaked the return route so we didn’t go over Brent Knoll, or in fact past the Webbington.  I may not have said so at the time – but thank you!  If I’d been dropped on one of those, again, I don’t think I’d ever have caught up.  As it was, on the flat, I mostly held my own.  I may have even taken the odd stint on the front…but eventually I was happy to sit at the back, chat to GB, and left those that wanted to to get on with it!


Various folk peeled off as we went along, until just 3 of us arrived back in the sunny Square at around midday.  Lunchtime, if lunch is something that you can do.  Yep, still moaning *grin*.  Still I think we all had a good time, or maybe we were just smiling because it was over? ;).

Cycling time: 2:12:50 hrs
Distance: 35.78 miles
Avs: 16.2 mph.
ODO: 1073.79 miles

For all my complaining, it wasn’t a bad ride really.  The weather was kind, the company was good, and the scenery was pretty.  My form is not back, though there were occasional flashes of it, which was good to see.  It’s just the hills that need work really.  Nothing new there then.  I guess there must be some residual fitness in there somewhere right?  Onwards, if not upwards…  But man, you should have seen the state of me and my bike afterwards!


I gave lunch a miss, unsurprisingly…  White wine later methinks – that has calories in it right? ;).