This week I’m having a birthday. I’m a bit like the Queen, I celebrate as many times as possible. Since this year, my day falls exactly mid-week, aka as this Wednesday, this means I get to do something the weekend before, and on the day itself, and after work the day after, and then also the following weekend, and hey, I figure ten days that are all about me can’t be bad, right? 😉 *grin*. Allegedly my life begins this year, which means that I have an even better reason for celebrating than usual. I know, celebrating birthdays is a bit de trop. Admitting my age is not supposed to be the done thing. But look at is this way, when you’re moaning about the fact that you’re getting older…consider the alternative! Life’s too short, remember? So yes, whether I want to admit it to you or not, I’m going to be 40. Older, but not wiser, as you’ll see…
Being me, something I now clearly have some experience of, at least one element of this epic celebration had to include a ride, so I planned a birthday ride. Well, to be fair, I picked a date, set up a Facebook event, invited those to whom spending a few hours on a bike doesn’t seem like some form of insanity, and GB sorted us a route. It’s sometimes not more complicated than you think.
Until it snows that is. Honestly, more snow? Really? After the Lionheart we were all like, well, at least this means it won’t snow next weekend, right? That’ll larn us. What is it with the weather this month? Moan, whinge, do the English talk about the weather thing…

Nonetheless 12 of us turned up, at HQ, which in this instance was the Swindon Holiday Inn Express by Jct 16 of the M4 – easily accessible by trains, planes & automobiles. We were, variously, George & Simon, Peter (Mr Tour of Pembrokeshire), Gaz, Figgy (aka Chris), Herbie, Sean & James (fellow Cyclosport writers,), Martyn, GB, and The Pixie (aka Mark). Only one rider had bailed due to the weather, showing how hardcore we clearly are. However in deference to the fallen white stuff, GB shortened the route a little to avoid nasty descents in the slush. But we didn’t bail. Which is where our sanity comes into question…

“It’s not a sportive, it’s not a race, we take no responsibility, and off we go”…to précis GB’s rider briefing. So off we went. I can’t tell you much about the ride. Strava can. Both GB and Gaz have done a better job of writing about it than I’m going to. I do know it was cold, and that it was windy with it. It was, surprisingly, pretty much dry. But it was also bl**dy hard work! On a good day, it would be a stunning route. On a arctic day, it still had its moments, what with Avebury, white horses, all the picturesque snow, trees, & hazy views. I had my moments too, early on at least, but I was mostly outclassed, and to be honest, I was not having a good day. Which is a massive understatement. Initially I thought it was a hangover, since Peter had decided the night before that it was up to him to get me drunk, a task he attacked with aplomb, and I don’t suppose that helped. Nice Pinot Grigio though ;). However the hangover did not go away…and riding is usually the best cure out there for that. Which was probably a harbinger of what was to come. Clearly I had made the decision, since it’s a one or the other thing not both, to opt for celebratory drinking over the weekend, rather than taking painkillers. This turned out to be a monumentally bad call as, with cosmically bad timing, I was in for my worst patch so far…*sigh*. 20/20 hindsight is a wonderful thing. I apologise for metaphorically bleeding all over you guys – you were very tolerant!
After a session slogging down the A4 to Marlborough into the headwind, where the group split up to play with the traffic, leaving me on my own in the middle somewhere to get on with it, a coffee stop was less desirable, more essential. I may well have a quasi-religious relationship with coffee, in which case GB’s choice of venue was more than appropriate ;).

It was perfect. Large, friendly, plenty of bike parking opportunities, even inside for the more cautious of us. They put together tables for us especially, so that we could all sit together. Or to keep us away from all the other “normal” customers ;). The coffee was lovely – I think – it could have been instant at the point and I’d still have loved it. And the flapjack that youngest had made for me to take with me didn’t go amiss either. Maybe I should have had more than a banana and bad hotel coffee for breakfast? I got to sit back, listen to the conversation, enjoy the company, watch Figgy eat (it’s traditional) and if it had been a bit warmer it’s distinctly possible that I would never have left. Parting was such sweet sorrow…

…but it was time for another twenty unseasonal miles. There was a degree of elasticity to the group, having brought some race snakes out with us (when will I learn? ;)), but the G continued to be for Group, and it all worked out pretty well. Particularly the very long lovely descent somewhere near the end…that was more like it :D.

The G that is for George did her best to jolly me along on the way back, although I wasn’t really having any of it – I was concentrating too hard on keeping going. She did however insist on a group snow shot, which has turned out quite nicely really – so thank you George!

I got by with a little help from my friends, and survived the ride. It was really nice to spend some time with the usual suspects, as well as people I only usually see in passing before, during, or after a sportive! I am dead chuffed that everyone turned out to ride with me, especially considering the conditions. Thanks guys – you’re all lovely, and I really appreciate it. I’m a lucky girl. The night out afterwards was a good craic, and we put the world to rights for hours…I got to bed at 3:30am! Well, I needed to be sure that I’d sleep ;). It was a massive relief to get back on the pills the next day. It was not so cool to discover that the car had a flat battery but hey, at least by the time the lovely RAC man had kicked it back into action, I’d had enough time and coffee to be fit to drive home. Silver linings ‘n all that. Anyway, it’s taken 3 days to get analgesia back to tolerable levels, hence the delay in writing this. Poor show, old gal, no? 😉 I promise to do better next year…cos we are doing it again, right? 🙂
Cycling time: 3:09:25 hrs
Distance: 45.1 miles
Avs: 14.3 mph.
ODO: 16316.79 miles