Category Archives: Events

Events I have done, or plan on doing…or…whatever!

Exmoor Beast 2013

A 4:45am alarm.  Well, it would have been if the combination of the storm outside and the turmoil inside hadn’t removed any ability to fall asleep naturally, so I’d had to resort to a little white pill, on the basis that riding around Exmoor for the day on no sleep at all seemed like a really bad idea.  It worked.  It also meant that the alarm took 12 minutes to get through the many layers and drag my consciousness into the light.  Well, not light.  It’s no more light at 4:57 than it would have been at 4:45! 😉

Still, as always, I had pretty much prepped the night before, so all I had to do was dress, eat cereal, and wait for Chris to turn up and load my rather dirty winter bike into the back of his car.  To give me some credit, I had warned him about its state, and what with it being dark, maybe it didn’t look as bad as it really was.  This is however the man that couldn’t bear to let me ride the Quebrantahuesos with my cassette the way it was, and insisted on cleaning it to within an inch of its life for me before I rode again.  He did a very good job of not commenting though as the bike, and various bags, were loaded up.  Probably because no-one is that chatty at that time of the morning.  Robin Williams had it right, OMG it was early!

HQ for the Exmoor Beast used to be at Butlins in Minehead, a town that can be somewhat tricky to get to thanks to the joys of the A39.  It now starts from Tiverton, in Devon, which is beyond easy to get to.  Straight down the M5, and you’re practically there.  In fact Guy was there well before us, stayed ahead of us all day and was never to be seen.  Well it’s hard enough to find an individual cyclist at an event when it isn’t pitch black and everyone is wearing matching or co-ordinating shades of luminous whatever!

Parking up was easy.  We were marshalled on to the sports court along with everyone else, in plenty of time to head for registration, via the facilities.  There was no queue, other than us two making our own of two, both being Ts!  I’d been a bit worried about that as there were time limits in place for getting everyone away and so on, and queuing could have cut into those.  But no problem, here’s your envelope, go over there to check it works, and you’re done.  Alright then.  We were done.  We bumped into Gaz on the way back out to the car, though unlike Guy, we were destined to see him at least again!  We then faffed so efficiently that it probably can’t even be called faffing really.  In no time at all we were heading for the start, and marshalled into what was probably the third pen to be let go.  After a bit of hanging around, presumably to allow time for the previous pens to spread out a bit, we were given our briefing and sent off into the damp Devon countryside, a little after 7:00am.

sports hall mechanics

The Exmoor Beast has a fairly fearsome reputation.  Not only is it pretty lumpy but the weather in October frequently ain’t great, which tends to make the whole thing even more challenging.  I was supposed to do it last year and had to bail due to ill health, so it was my last remaining unfinished business ride, having got the Magnificat out of my system earlier this year.  Predictably the forecast was horrible.  In fact that being the case was so predictable that I wasn’t even troubled by it.  Rain, wind?  Put on the layers and stash the waterproof – just like the last few rides in fact.  It was still due to be fairly mild to go with it, which always helps and, let’s face it, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve ridden around Exmoor in miserable weather, and I’ve survived so far!

queueing for the start flying along

As we set off it was, as I believe I may mentioned, dark.  It’s a good thing my new pair of Knog strobe lights turned up on Saturday morning.  A stream of flashing red lights illuminated the road ahead and it was, for those of us that don’t commute, a fairly novel experience.  Somehow the miles seem to pass faster, even when going uphill as things started to do fairly quickly, when you can’t see where you’re going and have to concentrate on the road.  It was damp under wheel, and behind wheel, and occasionally from above, but there wasn’t much of it and it was definitely too mild for the waterproof.  There was quite a lot of up to make you warmer too, but I don’t remember any of it being more painful than usual.  Maybe I should ride in the dark more often?

mtb stylee

We kept going up, and the sun came up too, or at least it must have done to make it light.  I climbed the hills at my usual sloth like pace, but mostly I kinda liked them, in so far as I ever like hills.  They were long and not that steep and just plod alongish…while Chris practiced his low cadence high resistance work to give him something to do whilst keeping me company.  The weather deteriorated though and being as I was already damp, I started to turn into also being cold, and the rain was getting heavier…  So as we neared the top of wherever, which may have been Wimbleball Lake, we stopped, I put the waterproof on, and we both grabbed a bite to eat.  I seem to recall not wanting to go anywhere near this place again after the last time, but then I swore I wouldn’t do the Tour of Wessex that took me there again, and I’m going to!

wimbleball lake a wet but cheerful Chris

There were some nice descents to be had during the day, although I was grateful of my winter tyres and my natural tendency to be somewhat over-cautious when I can’t see what’s coming next.  A couple of times my rear wheel hinted that it might like to be somewhere other than where I would like it to be, but never more than that.  I gather there were some that weren’t so lucky, and on the long descent towards Dunster there was one nasty bend which I bet caught some out.  I was being careful and as I went around slightly wide nonetheless, found the road was blocked by a group of riders going down and a car that had presumably stopped on meeting them, coming up.  It looked like there had been an accident…but there hadn’t, so I’m not sure what was going on there.  A near miss presumably?  There nearly was an accident as we, and others behind us, came around that corner and nearly piled into them all though.  One descent where a few “CAUTION” signs or a flag waving marshal would have come in useful, and it wasn’t the only one.  There were a few “SLOW” signs dotted around en route, and I gather the residents are quite keen on removing signs, but even so, I think a few more would have been good today, especially when the roads, though generally pretty good on the surface front, were wet and covered with whatever crap the recent bad weather had brought down.

conquering the beast

one rider Conquering the Beast… 😉

Maybe these hills would have troubled me more if I hadn’t known that the real killer of the day was still ahead of us, so there was no point protesting too much…  Maybe there’s something to be said for having low expectations.  If you expect it to be a crap and miserable day in the saddle and it isn’t actually as bad as it could be, well, I guess that has to be quite good for the PMA?  Whatever the reason, I was actually feeling pretty good about it, which I hadn’t been expecting to be the case at all!

food stop soup kitchen

Around halfway through the ride came the first food stop, by which time it had actually brightened up considerably and, having just gone downhill for quite a while, so had I ;).   Talk about well equipped.  As well as a row of portable toilets there were several tents dishing out water, Accelerade, even hot soup!  There were also little lunch bags for everyone which, though it sounds like a good idea, was proving to be quite wasteful.  Each bag had a banana, flapjack, piece of cake, and a sausage roll, and a lot of folk were just taking the elements of choice – a banana in my case – and jettisoning the rest, which seemed a bit sad after all the effort that must have gone into bagging it all up.  I think there was mechanical support there too; there certainly was at HQ and there were outriders and medical support on the route too.  As we milled around, we found Gaz there, as well as lots of other riders variously stripping off as the many layers being worn proved altogether superfluous.  I joined them, stuffing my waterproof and gilet back in the saddle bag.

Dunster church Dunster high street

After chatting for a bit, it was time to head for the roads around Minehead which, thanks to having ridden around here before with Gaz and also for the Exmoor Beast preview ride last year, are quite familiar.  So I wasn’t going to be pushing it, as I knew what was coming all too shortly!  Having done my fair share of climbing already it became clear that life was getting a little more painful and some shiny pills might be a good idea.  I managed to drop my bottle whilst failing to co-ordinate washing them down with being distracted by two riders going past me and suggesting my back brake wasn’t down.  It was!  I’m still bemused by that one…  Having left Gaz a little way behind he was perfectly placed to pick it up for me though – ta! 🙂  Right.  Dunkery Beacon here we come.  *gulp*.  I’ve ridden the first section before which did mean I knew that bit at least could be done, but I was still a bit apprehensive about it.  There was a marshall guiding riders over the matting covering the cattle grid at the bottom and I had my heart in my mouth riding so slowly over it, but I did manage to stay upright.  The road loomed up ahead – steep, wet, and with plenty of other riders around to add to the challenge.  Avoid the walkers, the zig zaggers, the cars having the audacity to use the road at the same time as us, feel the front wheel lifting, adjust balance, and just keep going…

starting the beacon first stage behind me

It’s a hill of two halves.  There’s that bit, familiar, now under my belt, going up through the trees to the fork in the road.  Where she chose left, not down.  Not that there was any choice, I do what I’m told and that’s what the arrows said, however much more down might have appealed.  There’s a brief flatter bit here, time to catch your breath a little, and then it starts all over again.  Constantly steep, climbing out of the trees, able to see far too clearly what lies ahead of you, and it just goes on and on and on.  But I wasn’t going to walk.  I knew that Phil (of sportivephoto fame) was going to be immortalising us all at the top, and could in fact see the flashbulbs firing in the distance.  I may have jested with him last week that in that case he could take photos of me walking, but there was no way I was going to let that actually happen.  So I kept going, unlike many which, like it or not, is good for the ego.  I knew where I was aiming for, I had company, and something to laugh at – watching Chris trying to ride as slowly as me is actually quite amusing.  And it’s only a hill right? 😉  I hailed Phil as I went past grinning, and he said if I was still smiling it couldn’t be that hard ;).  That was a smile of achievement that was, but somewhat impressively still a smile, not a grimace.

second stage ahead second stage behind me

How nice was it to have that behind me?  Very!  Especially as after a bit more of a climb around Exford, it’s pretty much flat and downhill from there all the way to the end. 20+ miles of fast?  Don’t mind if I do :).  I’d like to pretend it was all going so well that we were tempted to take the longer route when we reached the route split, but I’d be lying through my teeth.  Given a choice between 20 more miles or 60 it was, again, no choice at all.  The 100 mile route never had appealed, and it still didn’t.  Since it was going well, there seemed no point pushing that envelope.  T’aint broke, don’t fix it!  Time to sprint for the finish.  Kinda ;).  I even took my turn at the front from time to time.  Chris reckons that’s because I like to be the one at the front as we go rabbit chasing, and he may have a point… ;).  There wasn’t much left in my legs on the climbing front, so on the odd couple of occasions where we did hit an up, I went backwards as usual, but that did break up the competitive mini-peloton that had formed around us and which was pushing me just that little bit more than I wanted, so it was all good.  Other than that, and getting a little tired towards the end, it was an absolute blast!  Exmoor was looking pretty, the skies were at least partially blue, and considering the day had been supposed to be hideous, we were getting away with it.

I think the locals had been at it again on the way back into Tiverton as just towards the end the signs vanished.  Luckily Chris has done this before and knew where he was going.  I haven’t, but I know how to follow Chris!  And there we were, back at HQ, rolling over the timing mat and into, yes into, the sports hall.  We dismounted as instructed, shook hands, and the tannoy lady announced our arrival, which nearly made me jump out of my skin!  Welcoming everyone in was a nice touch though.  Almost as nice as the free Exmoor Beast tankard to be filled with free Exmoor Beast ale to be drunk as we hung around and kicked back for a bit.  We also printed out our times, to discover we’d scraped in under 5 hours by the skin of our teeth, which was oddly satisfying.  Guy was already on his way home, and after a while Gaz arrived back and joined us.  We were frequently reminded to drink responsibly, which we did.  I was responsible for drinking and Chris was responsible for getting me home in one piece! 😉  Free beer with a chauffeur?  One way to guarantee a post ride nap when you get home!  More sensible folk were eating, or having a massage, or admiring the shiny kit and bikes on offer.

exmoor beast ale printed time

After a while the hall filled up and as a result warmed up, but we were inevitably starting to get a tad chilly, and much more Exmoor Beast would probably have been ill advised.  It was time to load up the car, change into something marginally more presentably but much warmer and drier in the Ladies, and then be driven all the way home.

Cycling time: 4:37 hrs.
Official time: 4:59 hrs
Distance: 66.1 miles.
Avs: 14.3 mph.
ODO: 16672.9 miles.

I know this is going to sound weird, but it just wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be.  That doesn’t mean it wasn’t hard work, as it was, but actually it went pretty well, and I think I can even say I enjoyed it.  Mad.  Who’d a thought it?  Unfinished business – finished!  Many thanks to the ever-patient Chris for the ride there and back, and the tow around :D.  Only one more sportive to go this season, and he’s stuck with me for that one too! *grin*.

Time and space will pass us by

reservoir steps

Well, large parts of my life may be heading to h*ll in a hand basket, but the rest of it would appear to pretty much revolve around cycling still.  Well, it is a many splendoured thing, working as it does on many levels.  T’is both meditation and medication.  And that’s just the actual act itself.  Throw friends and work into the mix and it’s the whole enchilada.  Or something.

So I have been riding, but I haven’t always been writing.  I have seen cycling friends but I haven’t always been riding.  Sometimes when I couldn’t be riding, I’ve even been walking.  But you can see the trend there, riding is still the glue sticking my life, and me, together.

Adam, Dean, Matt, Yanto, Magnus.

Adam, Dean, Matt, Yanto, Magnus.

Last week I went to the annual Cyclosport party.  Since it now takes place during the week, and my hands and purse strings are now somewhat tied when it comes to getting away, I could only run to one night away and couldn’t get up there in time to do the ride part of the event.  Still I’ve done it twice, and lovely though it is, there’s no way it’s worth getting out of bed at hideous o’clock to drive up the motorway for hours just to ride up Box Hill again.  Maybe next year…?  Mind you, since life can get a tad all work and no play, doing the reverse occasionally surely can’t be bad.  Sunshine, nice lunch, drinks, good company?  Sounds pretty fantastic to me…and that’s because it was.  Definitely a good day at the office ;).

kilo to go sign

And just in case the gentleman from KiloToGo is reading this – I said I’d take down your errant sign, so I did.  See, here’s the proof!  Regular readers will know how important it is to have a sign in here at least once a week, so it’s a win/win thing for us both :).

girls abroad

I did go actual riding with the girls yesterday. Round the rhynes and fairly flat.  Anger is an energy, and I wasn’t in the best of moods, neither was I feeling that chatty.   Sometimes being in a less than great mood means you can ride better, and if you ride well you then feel better.  Therapeutic and cathartic.  I told you cycling was good for me, right?  Fast and flat I can do, remember, so I just kicked off, and kicked ar*e for a while as and when, and then let them catch up when I’d had enough of being an anti-social cow.  Mim reckons I must have had three Weetabix that morning ;).  However if I hadn’t had the company to go out with I’d probably have bailed, it being easier to stay at home in my comfort zone, with my warm dry Wattbike, than risk a soaking.   So company was good, even if I wasn’t good company!  And top it all, I beat the rain home by 30 seconds.  Result :D.

Cycling time: 1:38 hrs.
Distance: 26.8 miles.
Avs: 16.2 mph.
ODO: 16606.8 miles.

Swans in the rhyne at Mark

Tomorrow is the Exmoor Beast...wish me luck? *gulp*
And if you don’t want to get soaking wet, don’t go anywhere near that end of the world tomorrow, my ability to bring rain to Exmoor is verging on legendary!

Cycletta New Forest 2013

I have to admit to having my reservations about women only cycling events.  I think sportives should be made more accessible/welcoming to all, rather than there being an alternative just for women.  You’ve never seen a men-only sportive have you?  Even if it feels like it with only 5% of riders being female on average.  Going down that route feels a bit on the exclusive side rather than the inclusive.  But you shouldn’t judge things about which you know nothing, so when I was asked to review a Cycletta, it seemed like a good chance to see what they were all about.  I opted for the Cycletta New Forest because it’s one of only a couple of their events that has an 80km route. Most of them offer three routes – c.20, c.40 and c.60km tops.  In supermodel fashion, I’m not getting my arse out of bed and driving 2+ hrs somewhere just to ride for a couple of hours and then drive home again.  Besides, 60km would barely tick the two hour rule box.  But since the New Forest is pretty, and pretty flat, I figured 50 miles was just about worth it.  Ooh, get me, cycling elitist ‘n all ;).

My 5:15am alarm woke me to a dark, wet, and windy morning.  Not what you’d call motivational, but very typical for a sportive at this time of year!  Still it’s not like I was sleeping well anyway, so rolling over and going back to sleep wasn’t that attractive let alone not being optional.  Having eaten porridge and packed up the car, I was on my way by 6:00am.  I can’t be said to have enjoyed the drive much, especially up a pitch black Cheddar Gorge, and the fog on the top of the Mendips above Shepton Mallet was a challenging touch.  But it was pretty uneventful.  I’d like to say the sun came up at some point, but I’ll stick to just saying that it got lighter, in barely discernable increments.  But at some point night had finally departed, and it was day, and things were a little bit drier…

In pleasing fashion, I beat the satnav’s ETA to HQ. Via a detour into the wrong carpark because I followed everyone else and not the satnav, which will larn me.  But it was a mere bagatelle, and 5 minutes later we were all slowly driving down the main entrance to Beaulieu Palace.  The official car park was off to one side before that for the tourists, by a ruined church sort of bit which was pretty much all I saw of the palace.  Maybe I was just looking the wrong way all day?  Anyway, everyone was parking pretty much in organised but unmarshalled fashion so I cheated and nipped down the first aisle to a little space I could see.  Gotta love having a diddy car :).  That put me right at the front, nearer the toilets than most, but with still a short walk to where I presumed the start was from the general flow of folk.

event village

Being relatively early, the queues were still small, so I nipped to the loo before faffing in the not to be dry much longer.  Definitely layers.  And the waterproof stashed in the saddle bag.  It didn’t take long though, since I drove pretty much dressed and ready, and I headed off, over the cleat clogging grass and gravel, to pootle around the event village a bit.  As I watched the kids doing the Scootathlon the rain started…


But it was a nice idea, and the kids were having fun.  They’d set up a little loop around the paths near the start line, and groups of age-similar kids were doing laps like Ironmen.  Or maybe iron childen ;).   Scooter lap, riding lap, 2 laps of running and then over the line.  Sounds like hard work to me, but they seemed to be enjoying it, along with a fair few proud lycra-clad mums in attendance clapping, and waiting for their chance to get over the start line too.

winner of the 6:7s

I still had about half an hour to kill before 9:00am when Challenge route riders were supposed to start. I decided that the rain wasn’t funny anymore, and parked up the bike, put the waterproof on, before nipping to the toilets again. OK, that was the plan, but if you’re going to have hundreds, or even a rumoured two thousand, fully clad female cyclists at an event, four mini toilet blocks (4 in each) and two single toilets, ain’t going to cut the mustard.  Even normal sportives can get that wrong!  Still, we all stood in the queue and put a brave British face on it as the rain continued to get worse.

queuing for the start

Marvellous.  Ah well, at least the jacket was toasty.  Ish.  But I was more than ready to get on the bike and get going after that.  The start queue had finally formed and I was a way back as a result of my unplanned delay.  At least I had time to get all the grass and mud out of my cleats so I could actually clip in and out without causing some sort of less than amusing domino effect in my vicinity…  Tip to the lady next to me.  When surrounded by a lot of clearly new, or amateur, or just not very experienced cyclists, standing over your posh expensive bike, all skinny and in shorts, talking loudly about your recent trip to the Pyrenees is a tad de trop.  Just saying.  OK, so the chances were looking good that I might compare favourably with a large percentage of the crowd, but I wasn’t going to be rubbing anyone’s noses in it.


Rain, rain, and more rain, but there was quite an atmosphere of camaraderie going on, and we weren’t downcast.  I’m not used to be surrounded by people who are excited about the challenge ahead, everyone I know, and on the events I do, seem to have gotten rather blasé about what it is that we do.  Slowly we crept forwards to stand at the start line and be briefed and then let away in batches of ten.

damp riders

Off we went onto wet wiggly country lanes.  In order to maximise and simplify for the organisers, it’s a figure of 8 kind of route. Start with 1 bigger loop. Take a straight section to a shorter loop. Take the straight section back to the Start. And, if you’re on the Challenge route – repeat.  This has its pros and cons.

  • Two laps mean you know what you’re in for halfway ’round which, if it was hilly, could be quite a deterrent. But since it wasn’t, and there wasn’t much climbing at all really, it means you know that maybe you could go a bit faster second time around, and that there’s nothing to fear.  
  • The figure of eight route means that 2 “treat” stops become four with no effort at all.  Both stops were well equipped with food, friendly folk and mechanical support, putting a very brave cheerful face on standing around in dayglo overalls in the wind and rain all day!

On the downside

  • Though being first away for the long route means very little traffic of either sort on the way out, by the time you start the second loop it’s full of all sorts of traffic and you spend your entire time over-taking cars and bikes.  If you’re on a mountain bike slogging along into the wind and rain at no speed at all, being over-taken by me with my head down and going 15mph faster than you, must be a tad annoying/demoralising.  Sorry.  Kinda ;).
  • That straight section being used both ways, and for me, twice, meant that there were cyclists of all abilities going both ways down it with plenty of cars trying to get past in both directions.  And sometimes cyclists overtaking too.  Chaos.  I bet the motorists of the New Forest hate “us” even more now, even if they were all generally being more pleasant because we were girls.
  • Overlapping the route is confusing because if you didn’t know that was going to happen – if you’re on one of the other routes – it’s quite easy to worry you’re going the wrong way, and there were a lot of temporarily worried faces around.  Luckily there were plenty of marshals to point the right way as and when necessary and reassure the bemused.

treat stop support

There was a mix of terrain. Country lanes, forest, wide open moor land (for which also read exposed!).  Very scenic, in a damp drippy way.  Apart from a couple of stretches of bad surface, and signs warning you of that to go with them, the road surfaces were pretty good too.  Thanks to the marshals at all the main junctions, and the big black arrows on yellow backgrounds it was pretty hard to get lost, though the odd repeater sign would have come in useful.  At least second time around the route you know you’re going the right way!  Down by the coast, around Lymington, the scent of salty mudflats had me thinking of rocks, and crabs, barnacles and anti-foul…Dad will know where I’m coming from even if you don’t :D.


Luckily only the first 10 miles and last 10 miles were really wet.  I stashed the waterproof half way around, on my one and only stop, because life was getting a tad too boil in the bag for my tastes.  By the time the wet stuff started again near the end, I was essentially past caring and more interested on getting to the end as fast as possible.  There was a really nasty headwind on a couple of sections, but the loopy route meant it was also behind you at some points too.  Swings and roundabouts.  A couple of very doable climbs meant that there were even a couple of long downward bits. Nothing excessive, but enough for the odd grin.  Apologies if I went past you very very fast.  I wasn’t showing off, I was having fun.  Honest! *grin*.

more wet moors

OK, I’ll own up.  This was seriously good for my ego.  Don’t worry, the Exmoor Beast next weekend will put me properly back in my place. But to be flying around, overtaking all and sundry, feeling pretty good?  It quickly became clear that I was going to be able to do this and do it fairly well, so I decided to set myself a goal and see if I could do the 50ish miles in under 3 hours ride time.  The mental arithmetic to work out the average speed required took a while too, which handily ate up a few miles 😉 Doing the math has never been my strong point.  Although English was/is so let’s call it maths ;).  It was just bliss to spend three hours being somewhere else in every sense.  Not racing, but at least pushing it to see if I could do it, and just focusing on that.  Plenty of very much appreciated head space and not much thinking at all :).

finish line one finish line two

And I did it.  After some daft shenanigans with cars and overtaking and…*grrrr*…which I made up for by overtaking a group of younger fit looking Rapha-clad women trying to race to the finish.  Tee hee hee…  As eldest would put it – *smug face*.  When I crossed the start line my Garmin said 2:55.  The text I got shortly afterwards informed me that my official time was 3:03.  Strava reckons my average speed was 17.3mph.  Now that ain’t bad.  What’s more I came 7th.  Not just 7th out of the girls, and rubbish overall, as would otherwise be the case.  No.  After all, we were only girls…so I was 7th overall.  7th?!  Did I mention how good this was for the ego?  😉

spa facial

Having collected my medal and sample filled Liv/Giant goody bag, it was still pouring down, and the outdoor event village was not really somewhere for pleasant hanging around.  The only place properly undercover was the Beauty Event Spa tent.  Yes, there’s a spa tent.  Yes, I’m guessing it is a girl thing *grin*.  There was a choice of (free!) treatments on offer.  Stretching (I’ve been told that’s good for you…but not for me), leg/foot massage (20 minute queue), dry shampoo/hair tidying (as if), and facials.  Why not?  Well by the time we’d been talked through all the stuff to put on our faces, and applied step by step as instructed, at least my face was clean and lovely!  The rest of me was cold, and wet, and only getting colder…  Time to head to the car and do that hiding in the boot contortionist getting changed thing.  At least I could have the engine running to warm the car and me up.  Some form of changing facilities would have gone down a storm after the storm, as it were!

So what do I think of Cycletta now?  Well it’s not really a sportive for women.  It’s a women’s cycling event.  Which is great, don’t get me wrong.  There were all sorts of sizes, shapes, and abilities doing all sorts of rides. Short, long, solitary, with friends, on road bikes, mtbs, even tandems.  The lack of testosterone was refreshing.  Everyone seemed to be having a very good time, a lot of money was raised for charity, and there was an entirely different atmosphere to it, with a lot of family involvement.

But for me to want to do more, it would need a longer route still, and one that didn’t repeat. Which I gather from the post-ride survey is something they’re thinking about.  I quite like the after-ride bonding spa experience – very novel.  So stretch the route, throw in some more toilets and some changing facilities, then yes, I’ll be there.

I’ll add this, in postscript fashion…  Is it ever going to get women cyclists into the mainstream, or will it remain a stand alone thing?  How many graduate from Cycletta to “normal” sportives?  Now there’s something I’d like to know…

Cycling time: 2:55 hrs.
Distance: 50.8 miles.
Avs: 17.3 mph.
ODO: 16580.19 miles.

Cheddar Cyclosportive 2013

On the Saturday I treated the bike to a thorough Muc-Offing.  I washed, cleaned, oiled and polished.  Good for the bike, very bad for fingernails!  But since so many cyclists I know do the Cheddar Cyclosportive, the bike at least had to be looking good.  Appearances are everything right?  Including deceptive.  Since it is so local, Guy and I took advantage of our proximity to it, and went down and registered both us and my Dad at our LBS the night before.  We weren’t the only ones, but there wasn’t much of a queue.  File in, sign, and get a little goodie bag that contained the bike number, with timer tag attached behind it, and an assortment of edible pre, during, and after things.  Well that was easy :).

Another advantage of a truly local event was the less than hideously early start in the morning.  An alarm set for 7:00am?  Unheard of!  Dad arrived, early as ever, for a little pre-ride faffing, and we were in the Square, with a small peloton of others at 8:00am, ready to ride to the start.  It was chilly, and the forecast was truly hideous.  Rain wasn’t due until around midday, but there had already been an unforecast shower, so my faith in that forecast wasn’t all that strong!

registration mechanical support

So much for making my bike perfect.  As we rode to the square I noticed that the front axle was squeaking like the darn dawn chorus!  I knew I should have left all the dirt where it was…  The first thing I did on arrival at HQ was head straight for mechanical assistance.  Paul reckoned I was doing it on purpose just to test him out for my review! 😉  Nonetheless he squirted something lubricating around it, spun it around a few times, repeated and…after a little while the squeak went away.  Phew!  I’m thinking that could have been quite annoying after a few miles – if not sooner!

Much relieved, not least because I’d used the toilets while I was over at HQ, I headed back to the start line where a veritable plethora of ACG and affiliated members was growing…after a while we lost count!  We were, amongst others, Guy, Gaz, my Dad, Jon, Martyn, Steve, Paul, Chaz…yep, I’ve forgotten the rest now.  You get the general idea though.  The plan today was to ride as a Group, and domestique Gaz to his first 100 miler.  Best laid plans…

start queue Paul briefing us

Some of our group got split up as the waiting riders were briefed and let go in batches.  And some of those that didn’t were never seen again, both in front and behind.  We also managed to lose Dad almost instantly, which was unfortunate, and a bit of a shame.  Well, the speed I was liable to be riding at, I could quite cheerfully have kept him company!  I’ve come to the conclusion that at the moment, I’m better off doing sportives on my own.  Last weekend I managed 117 miles on my own without feeling it, today I was constantly aware that I was keeping up, falling back on hills, and generally just not up to the grade of those around me.  Hard work in other words!

The first section of the ride, out to Wedmore, Glastonbury and beyond is pretty fast and flat, ignoring the small grind at Cocklake and the lump of Mudgeley, which took a few by surprise.  It is in fact, unsurprisingly, pretty Level ;).  It’s also quite pretty.  Well, prettier when it isn’t windy and grey, but still…  The terrain did mean that it took quite a long time for riders to spread out, and it felt quite busy early on.  Just as well the roads were fairly empty, as we were frequently more than two abreast!  Tut tut 😉  In the meantime I had a nice chat to a gentleman by the name of Rob, the second time in two rides that someone recognised me – which is very gratifying, not to mention sociable :).

determined riders heading for Glastonbury Tor

Sadly it was too early for the denizens of Glastonbury to be doing much by way of living up to expectations.  Not a set of fairy wings in sight! *sulk*  After a little time spent negotiating the streets, and enjoying the antics of the small car completely failing to indicate and going all the way around the mini roundabout at the top of the town despite our presence, we were heading back out into country lanes again.

Tor view

Although these are roads I’m familiar with I don’t get out quite this far that often, and I always forget that it isn’t totally flat.  I only had the thought of the High Ham Hill climb in my mind, and considering how I was going up hill I was dreading that.  However there were a couple of bumps in between to cope with first, which were as much fun as might have been expected.  At least that meant some fun flying downhill from time to time – silver linings and all that.  As we flew down from Butleigh towards Somerton a train went past us, and turned out to be the first steam train of the season!  It was a little odd, as I commented to Guy only the other day that we hadn’t seen one all year.  Anyway, it’s probably something to do with my Dad, but steam trains always make me smile 🙂  Shame I couldn’t get the camera out in time!

bridge at Somerton

After the grind up to Somerton the back lanes were quieter, narrower, and flatter, and there was actually time for a bit of a chat from time to time.  I could pretend I was riding slowly to converse rather than because I couldn’t keep up! 😉  T’was a but a brief respite as High Ham was looming…  There are other ways up this hill and I only ever do this particular climb on this event – why would I put myself through it voluntarily?  It’s steep, hard work, with wet roads and stuttering traffic on it.  17% rumour had it.  The rider in front of me had had to stop, and then swerved all over the road trying to get back on and clip in again, which was a bit hairy for a minute.  Visions of failing to unclip and hitting the deck flew through my mind…but with a “we’re behind you” shout from us, he managed to get out of the way, and the moment had passed.  *phew*!  At least I made it up, a fair few were walking.

The first food stop of the day was in the village hall, staffed by three very lovely ladies.  Aka George and her minions ;).  It was lovely to see a friendly face, and not just hers – the rest of what remained of our peloton were already there waiting for me.  They’d like to have been underway sooner, getting chilly ‘n all that, but I needed to take five to top up the bottles, use the facilities, and get myself together first!

first food stop

But it was only five minutes really, before we were on our way again.  Down High Ham Hill the way I usually go up it, with the obligatory photographer waiting on the apex of the sharp right hand bend at the bottom.  It’s just possibly I was grinning at the time, rather than gurning for a change ;).  A stretch of fast and flat and temporarily on form took us to the bottom of Pedwell Hill, where Steve was kind enough to keep me company chatting all the way up.  It’s a more gradual climb and I actually quite like it as these things go.  I don’t quite like negotiating the A39 so much though – too busy too major.  It’s a relief to be the other side of the dogleg needed to cross it and to see Brent Knoll in the distance – somewhere to aim for.

view to Brent Knoll

Shapwick, Catcott, Edington, Chilton Polden…we undulated our way along, in somewhat nicer weather.  I quite like the names of the villages along here, up to and including Woolavington, where I got to go downhill again – ‘rah!  Just for once the long road to Bason Bridge after that wasn’t too much of a slog, so it’s just possible the wind was behind us.  Or maybe I was just sitting on Guy’s wheel so was sheltered ;).

On to one of my least favourite parts of the ride.  The traffic in Highbridge, followed by the cyclocross gravel path along the coast to Burnham on Sea which, though scenic, is a shared path.  A delightful woman with four children, two on scooters, who had to move slightly, informed us all repeatedly that we didn’t own the path.  Impressively everyone seemed to be failing to respond to this in the fashion that it might have warranted…ooh, the restraint ;).

estuary boats

In previous years going through Burnham on Sea has been a bit of a nightmare, but I guess the actual weather and the rain due meant there were less people out and about, and at least when we went through it wasn’t too bad.  The main worry here is always that some eejot will open a car door as we go past, so it’s always wise to leave a wide berth!

Burnham on Sea

As predicted, since statistically speaking they’re bound to get it right occasionally, the weather was starting to deteriorate now, a bit like me.  By the time we’d wiggled our way to the second food stop at East Brent, the rain was starting for real.  Oh and look, we do stop for traffic lights!

stopping for traffic lights second food stop

Time for the donning of marvellous waterproofs, as well as eating, drinking, etc.  I decided that the forecast was proving to be entirely too accurate, everyone else was too fast for me and I wasn’t going to get any faster.  Throw in the fact that all the big hills of the 100 mile route are in the last forty miles, and that I had some things at home that I would be better off sorting out and…I decided today was a medium route day.  Let those better than I take the laurels.  Hey, I did the full route last year, and I can ride up Cheddar Gorge in the rain twice a week between now and March! 😉

That decided, a weight was lifted, and the last section was far more enjoyable for me.  Not faster, just more pleasant!  Besides which I quite like those roads.  Flat, some up and down, but not too much, scenic, and more importantly on the way home.  With a castle thrown in for good measure 😉

Banwell Castle

The biggest hurdle to negotiate were the traffic lights to turn right out of Winscombe and onto the A38.  I think the motorway must have been screwed again as the A38 was backed up Northbound, there was a long queue for the lights, and the phase is notoriously slow.  It’s virtually impossible to sit in the queue, get up the hill and round to the right before the lights have changed if you’re a cyclist.  And the motorists were not pleased to be being beaten to the front by cyclists.  There was a lot of engine revving, and stealthy road positioning going on to try and stop it happening, making for a somewhat uncomfortable atmosphere.  In fact I, and a couple of others, ended up making our way right to the front ahead of the lights to get away from the prat in an Alfa behind us, just in case he got even more agro!

ACG posse

From there it was just a case of flying down hill, down the bypass, down road to Cheddar, waving a cheerful farewell to the stalwart few carrying on in the rain, and rolling myself over the finish line to HQ.

I handed in my tag, grabbed my voucher, and headed off to find my free coffee.  As we queued, the rain started to come down for real, and being wet already, I didn’t regret my decision one bit!  I decided to get my coffee, go and hide from the torrential rain under the gazebo, and wait for Dad to come in so that we could at least ride back home together.  As it turns out, I may have been feeling crap, but that’s more by comparison to everyone else than myself!  I was still a Silver and also third woman overall.  Which is why I should stop judging myself by other people’s standards instead of my own! 😉

free coffee queue

I’m pleased to report that the remain four musketeers completed the whole route, despite the weather, and Gaz did indeed pop his 100 mile cherry.  Chapeaux guys! 😀

Cycling time: 3:47 hrs.
Distance: 62.7 miles.
Avs: 16.5 mph.
ODO: 3803.7 miles.

Southern Sportive 2013

Today’s sportive was the Southern Sportive.   Whilst not a new event to me, I’ve only done it once, back in 2007 which is many years and a cycling lifetime away.  It starts from Petersfield, which is a non-motorway 2.5 hour drive from here, so I indulged in a night at the Premier Inn before hand so that the morning start wouldn’t be too hideous.  Just for once I let the bike sleep in the car, tucked up in its very own blankets, rather than fuss around getting it out, in and back out again.  After a pretty good night’s sleep myself, I woke up at 6:00am to a variable weather forecast, wet roads, and a distinct chill in the air once I was brave enough to open the window to check it out.  Hm.  Layers then.  Of course the downside to not being at home is that when you unpack your kit and realise you’ve forgotten your sports bra, there’s nothing you can do about it.  At least the one I had with me for the drive home after was fairly simple…and no bra is just not an option. D’oh!

HQ, at Churchers College, turned out to be all of 5 minutes drive away and since I was there a bit before 7:00am, I was one of the first there and so benefitted from parking on site right next to registration and all the facilities.  The early bird gets the worm right?  First things first – off to register.  No queue as they were still really just setting up, and the only real wait was for the lady behind my part of the desk to be briefed on what she had to do!  Find number 673, hand over the bike number and hub mounted timing chip, point me at the zip ties and the disclaimer form to sign, and that was it.  Easy.


Back to the car, and faffing.  The surrounding cyclists and I indulged in the usual what to wear considering the temperature and forecast rain discussion.  Having recently been tempted by an extra 10% off sale prices offer from Rapha, my lovely new rain jacket arrived on Friday.  I was hoping it would be magic and that having spent the money I would never have to use it – a bit like an insurance policy.  But since I had it, leaving it behind would have been both daft and also guaranteed rain!  So, Cyclosport jersey, arm warmers and gilet, Skins tights (can’t tell you how much I love these), toe covers, and new jacket in capacious saddle bag.  While I was faffing, other cars were filing in, and I could have sworn I saw Henry (of past Cyclosport fame) in one of them…and it turns out I did, I did, I did taw a Henry!  He came past on his way to registration, and it was nice to have a brief chat to a friendly face.  Albeit a young, skinny, very fit friendly face who was liable to do the whole thing in half my time and at twice my speed!

start line

I had a bit of time to kill and considered buying myself a cup of coffee.  However the man behind the table was telling the guys in front of me that he didn’t yet have any change and I didn’t think my £10 note would go down well!  Instead I grabbed the bike and headed over to the vicinity of the start line to wait, use the toilets, and wait some more.  Riders were due to start in batches according to route length, though this was more advised than regulated.  Since I was down for the Full route, I wanted to get away as soon as possible, and long route riders were allowed to start first.  There was some discrepancy in the pre-ride paperwork as to when the start time was.  7:30am or 8:00am?  It depended what you’d read.  Well, due to what looked like some difficulties setting up the timing gear, it wasn’t just not 7:30am but a bit past 8:00am when we were finally called to the front line.  Then followed a rather long-winded welcome, and a rider briefing.  We were all standing there, getting colder all the time, just waiting to get going…patience is not my strong point it would appear! Ok, ok, so you all already knew that ;).  Kudos to the guy at the very front who had TT bars and a conehead TT hat too – clearly desperate to do it as fast as possible.  Admirable…or something.

rider briefing

Right.  Finally we were off.  I was with the first group away, heading out on damp roads, and glad of my layers.  There was precious little time for warming up though, well, not the legs anyway.  Warming up otherwise came shortly.  After a brief stretch of flat, past swans floating serenely on a misty pond, the first climbing started all of a couple of miles in.  No fair! But I had a pretty fixed mindset for today.  I’d looked at the route times, I’d looked at the distances and considered my form, or likely lack thereof.  The times I’d seen were for the Gauntlet route – which I’ll explain later – but even so I could see it was likely to be a long day.  It was Sunday, I was riding my bike, I had nowhere else to be and nothing better to be doing, so even if it took me ten hours and I suffered, why not?  So uphill I went.  Exceedingly slowly as usual, but without too much strain.  And with that attitude, and the fact that I was already feeling way better than last weekend, I was actually feeling fairly good.  Up hill, down a bit, up more hill…wet roads that suddenly seemed to be becoming wetter.  Drizzle turned into drippy rain, at which point Henry drew alongside for a bit before dropping back to be with his peloton again.  And then the rain turned into downpour and the donning of the rain jacket became unavoidable so I had to stop half way up one hill or another to do so, at which point I imagine they passed me and disappeared into the distance never to be seen again.  For the record, he was 2 hours and 7 minutes faster than me!

drying up first food stop

There’s a distinct lack of photos for today, because the by now infamous jacket came and went three times, and taking photos in the rain is neither easy nor advisable.  The wet also meant concentrating more, mostly on the road for obstacles, potholes, puddles…all things that tend to imply that keeping both hands on the handlebars might be a good idea 😉  Thanks to the weather today, there were sadly a great many riders with a great many punctures…I think the record may have been the rider who had six, but who wants to beat that kind of record?

A while later the sun came out again, starting today’s trend.  Rain, sun, clouds, wind, rain, sun…you get it right?  At least the wind warned you what was to come…and it went away again when the rain did.  There was lots of up, but mostly they felt like climbs, not hills, which may seem like splitting hairs, but I know what I mean.  The first food stop came around 24 miles in, at which point the weather was looking lovely, making all the waterproofs look a tad superfluous, and there was a lot of stripping off going on.  No toilets though – as with all the food stops – which you all know annoys me immensely!  Incidentally, note to self, if you wear a normal bra, and unzip your top for ventilation purposes, you should remember you have done so.  Cleavage at food stops seems to be a bit distracting ;).

Start of Duncton Hill Goodwood climb

I remember the hill from Duncton Mill to Duncton Quarry.  The names should have given it away really.  Mills are at the bottom where water flows down valleys, quarries are at the top where there’s plenty of space to dig big holes.  Still my kind of climb though.  After the second food stop, 49.6 miles in, I remember the long climb to Goodwood race course, which was the only memory I had of doing this first time around, and the connection kinda made me smile for some reason.  Hey I can go up hill – just slowly! I can tell from Strava that there was actually a lot of climbing overall, but there was also more flat than I was expecting.  And some of the views from the top, especially earlier on, were awesome.  All the way across the rolling green countryside to the sea beyond.  Or is it the Solent from there?  The views were good, but mostly the rolling scenery was pretty but unremarkable.  Lots of the same.  Seems churlish to complain and hey, in the the sun, it might have been a completely different story.  At least all those ups provided a fair few downs which I could enjoy during those patches when the roads were dry.  In fact at the bottom of one of them, coming into a village, I even managed to set off one of those you’re going too fast flashing signs, which may well be a first :D.

going up

Ok, so there were no toilets.  Field stops then, not ideal but proof at least that I was hydrated.  The full/mid route split came quite early on, and I was surprised to see people taking it, since we were all supposed to be on the longer routes but then either they were wimping out, or so fast they’d started later and passed me already!  The writing on the split route signs was a bit small, and without a reminder that I was on the right route I did spend a while wondering if I’d gone the right way.  At least the orange reminder ribbons and signs reassured me that I was on a right route if not the right route.  I love repeater ribbons 🙂  But the miles ticked by and I didn’t reach the end, so I figured I must have gone the right way!  Various groups went past me, and quite a few of them actually said hello as they went past which was a)unusual and b)much appreciated.  Anything that makes you smile on a long ride goes a long way :).

pretty properties

On to the route options.  The original Southern Sportive was the usual 100 miles long.  T’aint broke, don’t fix it, so the Full route remains.  But to add a little challenge to life, they’ve added a Gauntlet option, which adds an extra 20 miles ish, all of 20km from the end.  I was considering doing it, and when I reached the third foodstop, presumably around 75 miles in, just before the 2pm cutoff, the marshall was walking around asking who was doing it, so that he could take numbers and keep track.  I’m thinking an extra timing mat here and there might have made keeping track of folk easier?  Anyway I said I might be possibly, to which he said if that was a definitely maybe, he’d note it.  I was the only one, and one of the other riders around me was heard to comment as to how that made me truly hardcore.  Funny!

But hey, nothing better to do right?  Good intentions and all that.  And at that point the rain jacket was still back in the bag, and I was feeling ok, so why not?  Time to head off again and see what happened.  Apparently there were two more climbs between me and the end on the 100 mile route, and I have to say that the climb to Butser Hill seemed to pass me by somehow, though it did amuse me to realise I’d been up the other way on the Wiggle Magnificat earlier this year.  At least I think it was that one, I have done a few sportives this year ;).

changeable weather

I spent most of the ride happily on my own, pottering along, and letting the mental cogs go around.  At some point, just before what was the start of the third, longer, rainy patch, I was joined by a very nice chap called Rupert, riding with his brother Humphrey, who had spotted the kit, realised who I was (ooh, the fame!), and had actually read some of my reviews.  Aw shucks, a fan 😉 *grin*.  We chatted for a bit, and then he kept me company for a while too, which was very nice.  He was so clearly faster than me though I started to feel bad about it, and also try to keep up, which is never good for me.  We parted company for a bit when we stopped to put rain jackets on as the rain returned…and then came the final route split and there they were, standing in the rain, trying to decide what to do.  Now quite a lot of me was leaning towards the 100 mile option but…with remarkably little arm twisting I found myself going left and manning up, as it were ;).  And I’m glad.  Sure, it was raining.  But a little bit of me wanted to do the whole thing, just to prove I could.  Although you’d think I’d be past proving anything to anyone by now!  We hung out again for a while, but soon it was just me, happy doing my own thing, going up and down hills in the rain.  The only other riders we had passed were going the other way…and we finally twigged that we were going to loop and then rejoin – they weren’t lost or finished already and heading home!   After a while pootling around on my own, wondering if there would ever actually be a final food stop, or if they’d packed it away already, it suddenly materialised in a wet wood, from where Rupert was just leaving.  Again with the nice to see a friendly face.  I had a chat with the food stop guy, who reckoned there might be all of two guys behind me if they hadn’t bailed thanks to the rain, but the idea of it being me as lanterne rouge oddly didn’t bother me.  Someone has to be right?

map routes

Right.  Twenty or so miles to go.  Nearly done, just me to please and nobody else.  So I did.  I climbed my way up a couple more hills before an essentially downhill ten miles back into town.  At some point, eating a bit of bar, something stung/cut the inside of my cheek, which was seriously painful but may well have distracted from the pain of the last few miles!  I felt a bit lost on the way back in, as I went past the same pond again…I was worried I was starting over!  Maybe I should have paid more attention to the map beforehand which would have explained it all…but some nice, slightly bewildered, lady pedestrian reassured me I was heading in the right direction and clearly I was as, around 9 hours after I set off, I rolled into a practically deserted HQ, over the line, and handed my chip in to a team busy packing up to go home.  I grabbed my free cup of coffee, passed on the free muffin, picked up my free orange t-shirt, and headed happily back to the car to sort my life out, where I found Rupert and Humphrey already there, packing up, drinking Costa coffee from the petrol station opposite, and doing sensible things like stretching. B*gger that for a game of monkeys ;).


Today’s sportive was all about Zen and the Art of Momentum Maintenance.  I don’t have a motorcycle, and everyone knows that bicycle and maintenance are not two words that go together if you’re me.  I’m pleased to report I actually wasn’t the last one over the line.  No red lamp for me – believe it or not there were a few even slower than I.  A very few 😉  But hey, you know what, as it turns out, I was the only girl to complete that route.  The Southern Sportive threw down the Gauntlet, I took it, and I won.  I even got a Bronze!  Turns out I am hardcore after all! 😉

Cycling time: 8:26 hrs.
Distance: 117.7 miles.
Avs: 14.0 mph.
ODO: 3709.4 miles.

Note to self – pack sports bra next time!  Whilst apparently comfortable enough on the ride, two days of bruised ribs from the underwire is less comfortable!  Oh, and my new rain jacket kicks ass :D.

Malvern Mad Hatter

So, just one week after standing on the top of a mountain, it was back to the siren 5:00am alarm call that summons the mad to early morning miles.  Before I get started, I’d like to point out that the Malvern Mad Hatter is a lovely event.  It’s really well organised, not very lumpy, very pretty, and the fact that I had a rubbish ride has absolutely nothing to do with the event.  Go do it next year, in fact come and join me doing it next year when I fully intend to do it better!

Right.  Where were we?  Ah yes, waking up at 5:00am.  Following a weekend of not a lot of sleep, not a lot of food, and quite a lot of white wine.  I think it’s safe to say my pre-ride preparation was somewhat lacking.  Add that to my post holiday lack of form, the pill/pain combo and so on…and this was never likely to be a good day at the office.  But that wasn’t going to stop me at least trying to do it since as you know, I hate bailing.  Besides, all I had to do was sit in GB‘s car, ride around in the sunshine, and sit in the car again.  When you put it like that it doesn’t sound too bad does it?

GB was prompt, as opposed to his usual early, and we were off up the M5, with the usual “service stations we have known and loved” stop on the way, in very chilly sunshine.  HQ was at the Three Counties Showground in Malvern, which is conveniently signposted from quite a long way out, making it easy to find, which is just as well as GB’s satnav is no longer working.  And hey, it’s not like anyone actually uses maps anymore.  We joined the inevitable queue of people in metal boxes doing exactly the same as us, and were slowly marshalled into the venue, where we all parked up in organised but self-policed fashion.  GB parked us right next to the toilet block as it turns out – result!

We walked over to the main block to register, and lined up in our respective alphabet organised queues, once again proving that T surnames trump B surnames when it comes to be waiting around.  Or not waiting around if you’re me :P.  There was my name in black and white, just waiting for my signature, and its corresponding timing to be peeled off and stuck on my helmet.  My bike number, tags, and pre-ride goody bag (gatorade pre-ride, recovery and bottle) were handed to me, and I grabbed the car keys from GB to go back and wait for him there.  Well, who knew how long he’d be? 😉  Other than removing my leg warmers there was surprisingly little pre-ride faffing to be done.  I must have gotten the hang of this by now or something.  In no time at all we were off to the start line, where group by group, riders were being briefed and sent on their way.  Since this ride is associated with Cycling Weekly and a certain Mr Chris Boardman, although run by ukcyclingevents, there was a large TV style camera being point at the front row of our group as I chatted to Martin (the one with the big sign) pre-briefing, so there’s no doubt footage of me talking rubbish and looking bad in lycra out there somewhere.  Marvellous.

queuing for the start rider briefing

Time to set off.  Out of the showground, left at the lights, at out into the countryside.  There are three routes on this event, petal like loops out from the central point.  The original plan had been to do the Epic 104 miles.  I already knew that was seriously unlikely, and that we were probably talking the Standard 74 miles instead.  Let’s face it, it’s not actually a massively lumpy course.  Flat, undulating, big lumpy Malvern Hill bit, and then more of the same.  Still, however essentially flat and rolling, it just wasn’t doing it for me.  I tried, but to be honest I was suffering!  Entirely my own fault.  It took me an hour or so to start to even feel semi-human, and also to start to pay attention to really very beautiful scenery, appreciate the sunshine, and come anywhere close to enjoying the ride.  I was kinda cheered up by the Boardman peloton saying good morning as it/he went past.  Followed by a group of riders with so much testosterone it was hilarious ;).  There were quite a few pelotons today.  That one was, though fast, well behaved.  Not to mention polite obviously.  The same can’t be said for some of the others.  I nearly got knocked off by a eejot in one of them, and actually had to swear at another rider which I’m not sure I’ve ever done before. Hold your line, say coming through, whatever it takes.  Just show a little respect for your fellow rider – is that too much to ask?  The last thing I needed to was to be knocked off on top of everything else!  GB got quite grumpy…;)

oast house and riders

As we know, I have proper problems with hills these days on – as in they quite literally hurt – but GB wasn’t just having to wait for me at the top of anything with a gradient, but also frequently in between times too.  It wasn’t hard to get separated and spread out on the quiet yet quite narrow sometimes country lanes.  To say we’re at opposite ends of the spectrum right now would be an understatement.  He could ride forever, I could barely ride at all!

riders behind me

It was very pretty out there though.  Green, blue, pretty houses, oast houses, rolling fields, you get the chocolate box picture right?  The first food stop came around 25 miles in, and also came as somewhat of a relief – a proper excuse to stop for a while!  Having been dehydrated before we even started out (yes, yes, I know), I was playing catch up and the bottles needed topping up.  I ate half a banana, and walked past all the queuing Gents to use the Ladies, which always give me slight “smug face” as MaxiMe would put it.  Incidentally there seemed to be quite a few ladies on the ride today, which made a nice change.

first food stop medical support

We had a good look at the route map and evaluated my options.  It turns out there’s also a Short 46 mile route, which might sound like a cop out, but does include the big climbs that make up the loop of the Malvern Hill.  I figured as long as I’d done the climbing it wouldn’t have been a complete waste of everyone’s time.  And 46 miles is still longer than my usual training rides.  We didn’t make any decisions there and then, but it was good to know what the options were.  Standing around in the shade was getting a little chilly, so it was time to head for the Hill that had never been far from view all morning…

heading for the Malvern Hills

We set off again, but I still hadn’t really perked up, and was starting to feel a tad sorry for the long suffering GB.  Still, he was happy enough, and when it comes to hills, he gets to do them his way, and then wait for me at the top.  Well it took a long time to get to the top of the Malvern Hill.  There are two long climbs, both of which suit me.  The first, after some steeper hair pin bends at the bottom, settles down into my usual plod along style long slog.  On the corner at the left hand turn that marks the top sits a bench which looked ever so tempting…  There was some beautiful flying down to reward us afterwards, though since there was a lot of parked cars around lining the roads, I was a little paranoid about someone opening a car door without looking, and the speeds we were doing?  It would have been very messy…  At some point, I think between the two climbs, we went through the very genteel town of Malvern.  Or is it Great Malvern?  Not sure.  Very nice indeed though.  And no doubt very expensive!  The Rose Bank Gardens have an awesome sculpture too – check it out here.  I’d post the photo direct but copyright worries me.

And then there was the second climb.  I think it was in that order anyway.  It’s all the usual blur, but overall I remember lots of up.  I remember spectators, clapping, a cowbell, and lots of truly awesome views which, according to the blurb, stretch to the Brecon Beacons and the Black Mountains.  I don’t know about that, but they sho’ were pwerty ;).

long climb up on top of old Malvern

By the time I’d finished going up, and up, and down, and up, and up, and then not down enough, I finally discovered GB waiting for me, as he had been for the last 7 minutes, on the left side of the road a little ahead of the first route split.  We stood, talked a bit, and I contemplated the very real possibility that I might faint.  We also debated what to do.  I was nearly up for heading for the middle route, especially what with all the climbing having been done and then now presumably behind us.  But that was almost the problem.  It was just going to be much more of the, admittedly quite lovely, same.  But considering how I was still feeling, GB tipped the scale in the right direction for me, by pointing out that I really wasn’t with it!  That and the fact that riding the bike is supposed to be fun, and overdoing it would not be.  We decided to take the left turn for HQ rather than the right turn to carry on, live to fight another day, and go find some lunch afterwards instead.

the finish line Chris Boardman handing out the medals

So, readers, that’s what we did.  We hurtled down the very enjoyable descent.  We had a daft but very enjoyable sprint down the long ensuing straight.  And in no time at all, we were back into the showground, rolling over the finishing line, and being handed our finishers’ medal by that same Mr Chris Boardman.  Well if he only did the short route, I didn’t feel so bad about my pathetic performance! :).  We even had a bit of a chat, before I got a photo of him doing his job.  We grabbed our finishers’ goodie bags – which varied in contents, from free locks, to Cycling Plus socks, to Cavendish DVDs…all a tad random.  We packed up, cleaned up, and then we went to Tewkesbury, where the car park didn’t flood (can you even be prone to occasional?), the Abbey looked gorgeous, and a bowl of chips with a pint of lager at the unusually untouched pub on the high street went down a treat.

All things considered, it’s a miracle I managed to ride.  Even more so that I even enjoyed some of it!  And on top of all that I got a brush with greatness.  I’ll cheerfully go back next year and try and do it properly, if they’ll have me.  Like I said – lovely event, just lousy me!

Cycling time: 3:12 hrs.
Distance: 46.7 miles.
Avs: 14.6 mph.
ODO: 3523.2 miles.

flooding sign Tewkesbury Abbey

Prudential Ride London 2013

You’d think with a comfortable bed, a reasonable ambient room temperature, peace, quiet, and a few pints of San Miguel, I’d have slept like a log, wouldn’t you?  Don’t be daft – as if!  *sigh*.  To be fair, this didn’t come as any great surprise, as it’s fairly typical for the night before a sportive.  It’s a Christmas Eve type thing.  I’m so worried I’ll miss the actual alarm clock and the big event that my inner alarm clock wakes me up on a fairly regular basis just to check I haven’t!  Well I hadn’t!  It finally went off at 5:00am, dragging me up from wherever I’d finally ended up, giving me 45 minutes to get my act together, pack everything up, and meet GB in the lobby.  Easy, considering how much I’d faffed the night before.  Kit on, bottles filled, bags packed, whilst having instant coffee, another Eat Natural bar, and a variety of pills…the breakfast of Queens ;).

On my first pigeon-toed trip downstairs, I stuffed all my bags in the boot of my little car, and hid them under blankets in an attempt at security.  By the time I made the trek up to the room and back down again in the lift with the bike, GB was waiting in the lobby.  After some unnecessary bill settling shenanigans, it was finally time to head off.  Which is where GB came into his own, as being familiar with the area he knew how to get where we were going.  Just as well, cos I was clueless!  The roads we were using might not have been closed, but at 5:45 am they were still pretty empty, apart from one eejot in a speeding Merc.   The nearer we got to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park the more cyclists we came across doing the same as us, and then there were official signs, and then a steadily growing stream of us were following those same signs, as relevant to us, into the Olympic village start venue.

GB at the start bagging up

Which brings us to start times.  Now there’s a mystery.  Every rider was allocated a set of times – to arrive at the Park by, load into our pen by, and to actually start at. And then a colour and a wave.  Which for me meant 6:10, 6:34, 7:10, Blue wave L.  How they worked it out and with what goal I have no idea.  There were far faster cyclists than I starting both earlier and later.  Such things are clearly for far greater minds than mine too!  No-one I knew had the same time as anyone they knew.  GB wasn’t due to start for another hour, in Blue S, which means he sacrificed an hour’s sleep just to keep me company.  Such martyrdom, for which I am not unappreciative ;).   However the whole start thing was all really well organised.  Nowhere was heaving, the queues for the many, many toilets were perfectly tolerable.  Large lorries were collecting the official numbered, labelled, bags given to riders at registration, to carry belongings from the start to the finish, which neither of us were bothering with.  I’ve been at events with far fewer entrants that were far more chaotic, so I guess the system was working!

toilets loading waves

There wasn’t much to do before they started processing Wave L, so I did what I was told by the freakishly cheerful and persistent tannoy guy.  Bless him, he was trying very hard.  So.  Stand outside the pen for a while.  Pass through to the pen, having handed in your rider card to a marshall to prove you were in the right place at the right time.  Stand inside the pen for a while, where there were yet more toilets.  Eventually move along to the start line.  Stand by the start line for a while.  Finally it was our turn.  The same tannoy guy counted us down, the air horn went off, and we were on our way as scheduled, past the TV cameras, to roll our way out for the first couple of miles to the starting mat proper.  Various cyclists peeled off to stand by the side of the road and wait for their friends before we got to that point, pretty much the only way to sort things so that you could ride with your mates.  Having done enough standing around, this wasn’t for me.  Not to hang around and wait for people who’d probably be faster than me and leave me behind anyway! *grin*.  We’d agreed there was no point, and even starting an hour later there was every chance that GB would catch me!

waiting for my wave the start line

Cycling through a city is a weird thing for me.  Especially London with closed roads, thought it is no doubt infinitely preferable to doing the same on open roads!  Cycling down dual carriageways.  Through tunnels where bikes are usually banned, like Limehouse.  Ignoring traffic lights completely.  All before the city has done much by way of waking up.  Fascinating.  Past the Gherkin, seeing the Shard, past the Tower of London.  And so on.  I’d have taken more photos but I was trying to concentrate on what I was doing!  There had been a lot of pre-event talk and worry about the sheer number of riders doing it and therefore on the road at one time, but it didn’t really work out like that at all.  I guess the pen/wave system logic, whatever it was, worked.  After the initial rolling out period even my wave spread out, and with the roads fully closed, there was plenty of room to get on with what needed to be done.  Paying attention was more for road furniture, pot holes, man hole covers, and that kind of urban hazard, than for other riders.  Apart from the odd fancy dress rider the majority turned out, at least around me all day, to be far more professional and well behaved than expected – which was a very pleasant surprise.

 on our way gherkin

Tower of London Wheely good

It all passed by so fast that it was tempting to slow down to try and appreciate it a little more.  Which wasn’t really going to happen as it was far too early in the day for dawdling.  Everyone was clearly enjoying the novelty of it all though, as landmark after landmark flew by.  Our first trip past Trafalgar Square gave a hint of what was to come at the end of the day, with spectators and photographers all over the place.  Tantalising…   Then we were heading out of London, through the posh streets of Knightsbridge that have probably never seen so many cyclists, and out along roads I’ve only ever driven down and that rarely.  Can you imagine an empty A4?  Surreal!  

Early Trafalgar Harrods

Every junction was marshalled.  Every serious road obstacle  – such as traffic lights and road islands – had a marshal standing on it waving a yellow flag and blowing a whistle, albeit some more enthusiastically than others.  Big arrows pointed out that you should go round one side or the other…but that wasn’t always enough.  I can’t quite remember where, but as we came down a straight road that then had a wide 90 degree left turn, riders were spread out everywhere to take the corner and to take others on the corner…and one of those obstacles was right in the middle as we straightened up.  I made it around the corner fine, but behind me?  Not so good.  There was that horrible noise, the sound of panicked voices, and I looked behind me to see, a little way back,  a cyclist mid air and about to land on his/her left hand side.  I’m guessing that was a broken collarbone at least…  Happy Healing! 🙁

Richmond Park

Carrying on, everyone was somewhat chastened and subdued for a little while.  I saw two other ambulance requiring accidents out there during the day which I guess, considering the number of people involved, wasn’t surprising, but I do hope they were all ok.  I wonder how many injuries there actually were on the day?  The early miles seem to tick by amazingly quickly.  By the time we reached the (well padded!) gates to Richmond Park we’d already done twenty miles.  Lots of my city cycling friends talk about it, I think it’s as close as they can easily get to countryside ;), and as a country gal I was starting to feel a little more at home now.  A bit like the small group of Kingston Wheelers who’d stopped to talk to family and friends, it being in their own backyard!  It was all fairly green and pleasant, with grass, trees, birds singing, all totally fenced off from us.  I wonder where all those metal barriers get stored in between times?  There must of been tens of thousands of them used today.

Hampton Court

The other thing today’s ride had in abundance was stops.  Three Hub stops with everything – food, drink, mechanics and medics – and I think 7 Drink stops.  Every one of them was well, and repetitively, stocked, so you could go to any point of them to get what you wanted, eliminating the need to queue.  Every stop had portable toilets, and there were also portable toilets at random points along the route.  I didn’t stop at all of them – toilets or stops!  I did decide to stop at the first hub, because I fancied a brief stop, and I needed to stuff my gilet in the saddle bag.  As I turned left into the one way system to lead riders in, I had no clue where I was…and to discover that I was at Hampton Court was awesome, and if you didn’t stop, you missed out.  I’ve not had many food stops at royal palaces!  The toilets were fairly posh too ;).  I’ve no idea how they managed to keep all the toilets fairly clean and well provisioned everywhere all day, but they did – most impressive!

Surrey lanes second Hub

We headed out through Kingston, into the Surrey country side.  I wasn’t feeling that great.  There was a strong headwind.  It was getting warmer, I was probably paying for the less than orthodox race prep the night before, and the lack of sleep.  Actually I was starting to feel properly weird.  And it occurred to me that this might well be a sign of bonking to come…  Looking back I’ve not been eating properly of late, hadn’t eaten right the day before, and hadn’t eaten much so far.  Well eating dry, though safe, fruit bars when it’s hot is nigh on impossible, though I had tried.  When I engaged brain, I realised I was also an hour overdue for the next dose of pills – talk about a less than ideal cocktail!  Time for a gel methinks!  And a little while taking it a little easier until I’d had chance to settle down somewhat.  It wasn’t long before the next hub where I made sure to drink, top up my bottles, and eat banana too – way easier than bars :).

all over the road outside the Box

Think of this as a ride of three thirds.  A flat third, a lumpy third, and a flat third.  The middle lumpy bit has three Surrey Hills.  Newlands Hill, Leith Hill and Box Hill, in that order.  It was almost a relief to go up for a change though it took quite a while to get into my rhythm and I did momentarily worry that I wasn’t going to…but I did.  Unlike some, for whom Shanks Pony was almost instantly the option of choice.  Newlands was ok, Box Hill held no fear for me as I’ve done it twice before and (not to disparage it but…) it’s pretty easy.  I was a little worried about Leith Hill but although it was hard work, being steeper than the other two, it was doable.  Having said that, I swear the guy behind me was about to expire, judging from the noises he was making!  I felt a tad guilty for not suffering likewise!  Thanks to the way the riders had spaced out, although there was traffic there wasn’t enough to get in the way.  Walkers kept out of the way, show-offs hurtled up on the outside and the rest of us plodded up as necessary in the space left in between.

riders behind me traffic climbing

The great thing about ups is the downs of course, and there were some crackers today, especially when you can go down ’em any way you want, past as many people as you want, without meeting anything coming the other way.  Faster than a speeding bullet ;).  Ignoring Strava, because 62mph is ridiculous, Garmin reckon my max speed was 47mph.  That I can believe :).  I knew that this wasn’t a hard ride, per se, so I felt justified in going fast in when I could, and there’s no better way to gain some momentum to maintain right?  Even though I would have liked to go downhill all day, I was still kinda looking forward to Box Hill.  It’s pretty, it wiggles, it’s iconic.  I like it in the same way I like Porlock toll road.  My kind of hill :).

road graffitti top views

And I enjoyed it.  Really!  I pootled and actually found it pretty easy, and I certainly wasn’t pushing it.  No point with all the other riders around, the views to enjoy, and plenty of photo opportunities to be taken.  Both by me, and of us no doubt.  I’ve given up smiling for photographers mostly, unless it’s Phil, because if I bought a photo for every sportive I’ve done I could wallpaper the downstairs loo at the very least.  Actually it turns out that he was out on Newlands Corner and if I’d known…see how serious I look? 😉

Right.  Some more downhill, yippeeee………a kick up, and time to head for home.  I stopped at the next drink stop to top up, it being important to keep hydrated when it’s hot.  Plus I gather you’re supposed to wash down gels with fluid, and since I was taking one every hour at least, I needed that too.  They seemed to be doing the trick though, keeping the bonk at bay.  It was time to put my head down and allez allez!  30 or so fairly flat miles ahead, with wide open roads, the kind of riding I can do, and a sneaky feeling that if I pushed it maybe I could make it back in under 6 hours ride time.  Ooh, a goal….!

back into London Battersea

So I hurtled.  I overtook.  I pushed.  I tailgated, wheelsucked, hitched rides.  I took the racing line, went the “wrong” side of road furniture, and generally had a blast.  No time for photos, time for having fun.  It was hard work, but oddly enjoyable.  Plenty of spectator support along the way helped keep morale and momentum up all day, especially now, although there was a noticeable drop in their enthusiasm as we got back into London.  City folk are clearly too cool for school ;).  There were are few minor climbs that my legs still didn’t like, but they didn’t last long, and it was always back to the fun bit.  The sprint for home.  Well why would you pootle in?  I felt proper pro racing my way through busy towns, with all the supporters, stopping for no-one and nothing, the bit well and truly between by teeth.  Especially I was overtaking people rather than vice versa for a change – I felt fast even if by the standards of my usual peers I wasn’t really!  Ooh, a girl could get a taste for this :D.

Westminster Whitehall

Before I knew it we were back in landmark central.  Battersea, Westminster, up Whitehall again, a sharp left to go under Admiralty Arch, and then finally we were riding down The Mall to the sound of hordes of spectators banging on the hoardings and cheering.  Time for a gratuitous sprint finish no?  Of course!  Shame not everyone felt the same way, the guy next to me and I had to slow down a little just before the finish line, but it was with a wry grin rather than any real sense of disappointment.  Now that was fun!  And according to my Garmin, my ride time was 5:42 with an average of 17.9mph.  Yee haw, go me! 😀

The Mall Buck House

As we met up in dribs and drabs later, it turned out that Chris, having been there for hours, had seen the riders and their times going up on screen as they came over the finish line, and my official time was 5:58 – so I was sub 6 hours in lots of ways.  I am still so chuffed with that.  I’m also pleased to have not been that much slower than a whole heap of other people who usually kick my arse ;).  All the worrying beforehand turns out to have been completely unwarranted.  This was a superbly run event, and thanks to the weather, the nature of the course, and the organisation, I had a seriously good day at the office!

Cycling time: 5:42 hrs.
Official time: 5:58 hrs – 626 out of 2900 women!
Distance: 102.5 miles.
Avs: 17.9 mph.

Medal front Medal back


The road to Prudential Ride London 2013

If you’re a cyclist and haven’t heard of Prudential Ride London by now, then where the bejesus have you been?  Around 20,000 of us were actually there for starters!  I was going to say that I don’t know how I got a place but I think that’s probably disingenuous of me.  Let’s be honest, whatever arcane formula they were applying to allocate places was heavily weighted in favour of women.  According to the results list, there were 14793 men, and 4414 women.  Since the usual female turnout for a sportive is around 3-5%, there’s no way that happened naturally.  Is positive discrimination a good thing?  Discuss.  Or don’t.  Pretty much everyone I know who ended up doing the ride did it on a charity ticket.  Hardly anyone seems to have gotten a place in the ballot…and I did.  Which came as a bit of a shock when the places were given out since I’d pretty much forgotten I’d entered!  Still, not complaining, right?

Having said that, if I’d realised how complicated it was going to be, I might have had second thoughts…  For starters, it doesn’t start and finish in the same place, it’s in London (no, really?), and you can’t register on the day.  It turned out that GB was doing it too, for Macmillan, for reasons that are obvious if you know him.  Except he was going to be on holiday in Crete (or somewhere similar) the week before and not due back until late the Saturday night.  So in equitable stylee, he sorted accommodation and some route details, and I agreed to register him as well as myself on the Saturday.  This added whole new degrees of stress to the pre-event faffing and prepping process however.  After all, if I f*cked it up somehow, I wasn’t just screwing my day but his too.  No pressure!  And I was having a massive country mouse moment about hitting the big city.  Sad, but true.

So I was more than a little apprehensive when I set off on Saturday, not least because I was about to spend hours on the motorway, which has been a little problematic of late.  I’d left myself plenty of time, and leeway, and contingency, but even so, if I ended up needing a nap, if there was traffic problems, if I got lost in London…the possibilities were endless.  And registration closed at 5.00pm!  Aargh..!

Step one.  The drive.  I stopped at Membury services for a comfort stop, and the car park was full of cyclists and cars with bikes on/in.  Considering we were all heading to the same place for the same reason, converging like bees to a hive, there didn’t seem any way life couldn’t just get busier and more stressful!  However amazingly the roads were flowing fairly well.  I don’t know how I coped before sat navs when going places on my own, because looking at paper printouts going around London whilst also trying to drive would have been a nightmare.  Let’s face it, I may have a very good sense of direction (I do), but my geography is shocking (it’s a running family joke) and I had no real sense of where I was going. Other than West.  More specifically West Ham.  Quite literally.  As in West Ham United Hotel.  GB is a Hammers fan (I presume somebody has to be) and had booked rooms there, as it’s only two miles from ExCel where registration and the start were.  I was, as might have been predicted, half an hour early for the 2pm check in, and had to hang out in the car park for a bit before I could get safely installed.  Still, that’s what works for me, I’d far rather be early than late!  Once checked in, I don’t know what I was expecting, but a room with a view of the pitch wasn’t it!  Actually, I’d been so busy of late, and it’s the school summer holidays, and I really hadn’t given much thought to the whole weekend until about Thursday!

West Ham United

Right, baggage deposited.  Me freshened up. Bike safely rebuilt and tucked up in bed.  Well, bedroom 😉  Time for me and my new, retail therapy induced, frock to head off to ExCel in the sunshine.  Using public transport, which is something us country mice are somewhat unaccustomed to doing, what with it barely existing out here in the sticks.  Thanks to various apps and websites, I’d kinda figured out what I had to do, and the receptionist told me which way to walk to get to Upton Park station, which was a good start.  It’s probably not the politically correct thing to say, but I was very glad of my reflective sunglasses on the way  It’s safe to say I was the ethnic minority and I felt more than a little fish out of water.  I hid behind my lenses, did my best to walk tall for the five minutes it took to get to the station, and found myself the right train to get to West Ham, and from there to get the DLR to ExCel. By the time I was on the DLR, I was once more among friends.  Well, among cyclists anyway.  With giveaway accessories, conversation, tan lines and so forth.  I myself was sporting my mighty fine birthday Rapha musette bag – it being lighter and easier to carry than my usual handbag.  I didn’t want to be carrying lots of stuff as I wasn’t sure how much stuff I’d get given once there – times two!


As it turns out Roger, of goats’ cheese fame, texted me as he was already there, and we agreed to meet, and for him to show me the ropes, as it were.  Him telling me he was standing near the front doors with a blue top on was a little less than constructive though…blue tops were far from unique!  Still, he found me, which is just as well as I was about to call him and point this out ;).  He very kindly showed me the way through the whole registration process.  Which, considering the numbers of people being dealt with, was remarkably easy and queue free.  I handed over my paperwork, showed my passport, and was given my entry pack.  I then did the same for GB, albeit with a photocopy of his passport and a letter of authorisation, and I had to show them my number too!  A completely unnecessary palaver.  Let’s face it, the only reason they don’t send out your entry pack, which would be far simpler, is to make sure you attend the associated cycle show.  Which was great for free nutrition samples (no use to me), for last minute bits and souvenir items, and was heavy on the charity stand front, but really didn’t hold enough to grab my attention for more than 15 minutes or so.  The only upside was talking to the Garmin guys and getting a phone number to call for product support who might be able to get me a new usb port cover for my Edge 500, which disappeared a few rides back.


Roger headed off, and I decided to grab a coffee and kill some time.  The twitterverse did not yield company, but somewhat surprisingly I got a text from Figgy Chris as he was there, so he joined me for a bit which was nice, as I was feeling a tad at a loss as to what to do with myself.  Still, even he had to go, and I had to admit I’d run out of things to do.  I debated my options, but the idea of more hanging around on my own, or indeed trekking across London on my own to meet others (sorry Pixie) were both unappetising so I decided to head back to the hotel and take it from there.  Back to hiding behind the sunglasses…  I really wanted to buy some bananas from the market on the way back but I had to own up to being too shy/scared to, so I didn’t.  How tragic is that?!  Hey, I’m not quite as hard as nails as you might think! 😉

numbered up

As I chilled out in my room, a little wiped out from all the travelling and worried that I might have overdone it, I checked out the hotel menu, and realised that an omelette was only going to set me me back £5.50.  Cheap as the chips it came with ;).  I set up everything for the next day to pass the time until food could be served.  Numbers on…the front of the bike, the bike frame, the back of my jersey.  I passed on the only non-mandatory one, for the helmet – it was only really for photo identification purposes and I rarely buy those anyway.  A little overkill methinks!  So, kit laid out, bike checked over, gadgets installed, everything as ready as it could be.  Time to go install myself in the air conditioned bar, and drink something cold.  Which in this case meant San Miguel, which at £4.10 a pint was scarily expensive and nearly as pricey as the not at all bad bacon omelette I did indeed order.  However that wasn’t until the second pint ;).  Well if the Magnificat could be Stella powered, I figured Prudential Ride London might as well be likewise fuelled.  I read my Kindle, drank my lager, ate my food, and passed a few hours.  By the time GB finally arrived sometime after 9:00pm I’d even found a few fellow cyclist souls to chat too.  A group from Swindon RC, and a couple of ladies from the Chilterns.  Their levels of experience varied wildly and I have to admit to having been a bit cagey about mine…  People tend to presume that if I’ve done a lot of sportives I must be good at them, whereas all it really means is that I’ve done a lot of sportives!

bike numbers

Time passed, and they headed off to their various rooms.  Once GB had tucked his baby into his bed(room) he joined me in the lounge,  He ate unattractive looking cold supermarket pasta and I had another pint, which made it…well, enough pints, and we went through details for the following morning.  Being as organised as we were ever going to be, it was time to head for my room, for a little more faffing, decaf coffee, an Eat Natural bar in lieu of my usual pre-event porridge, and a little more daft tweeting before finally trying to get some sleep.  You can guess how well that went…but that’s a story for another day :).

Great Weston Ride 2013

Another sunny Sunday, another sportive…superb!  Welcome to the fourth annual Great Weston Ride.  I know this to be true, as GB and I have done every single one!  It’s one of those tradition things now.  Which also indicates that it must be a good event, why else would we keep doing it? ;).  It’s been a long time since I’ve done a sportive in company, so I was really looking forward to it on many levels.

It’s also traditional for us to ride there.  To ride back home afterwards.  And for GB to never take us in to the start via the same route each year.  Well he’s the commuter, so therefore somewhat of an expert on routes from here to Bristol!  Clayton, Karl, and myself all met him at the end of his road at 6:30am, under disappointingly cloudy skies, for an uneventful and fairly easy ride to HQ at Long Ashton Park and Ride.  He led, we followed meekly along behind.  My retinal image is reinstated ;).  I was half hoping we might have time to tick the Ashton Park Gromit off my list, but there really wasn’t, and besides, it would be a weird thing to have done to the three others, and a tad unfair.

retinal image
Cycling time: 1:14 hrs.
Distance: 19.8 miles.
Avs: 16.0 mph.
ODO: 3033.7 miles.

HQ is, as I said,  at Long Ashton Park and Ride, where there is unsurprisingly a lot of space for people to park and ride!  No buses today though, just cyclists.  Registration was easy – just join the relevant alphabetised queue, and get your number, cable ties, emergency details card, and free 9 bar (gluten, wheat & dairy free!) from the smiley encouraging lady behind the table.  There were plenty of official GWR jerseys around, as well as charity jerseys – particularly for Prostrate Cancer, one of which was being sported by Clayton – very fetching.  For those that needed it, mechanical support was available too.

The event gets busier every year, unsurprisingly, and I think the demand for the toilets is now outstripping supply.  There are , unusually, a lot of women that do this ride, and so there were queues on both sides, that were getting longer and longer as more people arrived…  I decided that I’d pass on that last minute “gotta go before you leave the house” visit, and we all headed for the start.  It wasn’t so much a queue as a coalescing group.  At some point the group decided, in that weird unspoken herd of sheep way, that it was time to move to the start line.  Probably because the official start time of 8:00am was approaching.  It was actually almost chilly out there, not helped by having ridden in and cooled down in clammy fashion, so I think we were all quite keen to be underway.  Only so much faffing you can do, right?

official jersey mechanic

registration queu start line

Ride organiser Darren gave each group a bit of a safety briefing, including a warning about the dangerous descent of the day, and then we were away, second batch of the day.  We retraced our steps back through Long Ashton, down the main road (if you’re me) or the very shiny smooth new adjacent cycle path (if you’re GB or Clayton).  Karl had disappeared already, even before we set out!  Presumably the use of cycle path was to make sure GB wasn’t totally going back on himself ;).  I was more worried about negotiating the change between road/path and messing that up in some ridiculously public and embarassing fashion, so slower nastier road suited me just fine!

Barrow Gurney is often a nightmare however you look at it, whatever you go through it on.  It’s narrow, windy, with speed bumps and traffic calming methods…and today, the additional obstacle of a long traffic light managed section.  Deep joy.  At least being very early in the morning by Bristolian standards, there wasn’t much traffic around to add to the negotiation challenge, and the speed bumps are easier on a bike than in a car!  Once out the other side, traffic lights ushered us on to a brief stretch of riding on the A38 before a left turn took us onto quieter and far more pleasant roads.

Knowing these roads as I do, I knew I was in for a nice fast essentially downhill stretch for a while where I could make up for the fact that I had been being crap at anything with anything even vaguely approaching a positive gradient.  All too soon our momentum was cruelly taken away from us, as we turned right at a spoilsport mini roundabout to head towards the ever scenic Chew Valley Lake.  Again, flat, fast, but straight, so the perfect opportunity to take a couple of photos, marking the only time when both GB and Clayton were behind me for any length of time ;).

flat before the storm juvenile riders chew valley lake

The closer we got to the big climb of the day, the brighter the day became, and the sun was finally out when we reached the first food stop at the bottom of Burrington Combe.  It was signposted a bit before, but to say it was a tad low key when you got there would be an understatement.  Blink, or look in the wrong direction at the right time, and you’d have missed it.  An eagle eyed Clayton pointed out the drinks point, and once one rider was there, everyone knew where to go!  One of my bottles definitely needed topping up, so that’s what I did, before taking advantage of the public toilets that I knew were a little further up the road.  In previous years the bike shop there, Bad Ass Bikes, has been known to let riders in to use the facilities, but not so this year.  As various riders all milled around the toilets at the bottom of the Combe, and we were preparing to leave, a tractor thundered past us heading upwards, bravely followed by one drafting rider on a fixie – chapeau m’sieur!  We all clapped in appreciation of his efforts, before heading off ourselves in far less impressive fashion.

first water stop

Burrington Combe may hold no real fear for me, it being actually quite a nice long climb that I’ve done a lot of times before, but every time is different.  I wasn’t feeling at my best (back to the art of understatement) and I was seriously considering asking GB to keep me company for a change…but luckily for him he managed to put enough (ever growing) distance between the two of us before I could ask him, that I never got the chance.  So I pootled up in my usual unimpressive style, only to be overtaken half way up by Gary who’d started fresh from HQ after us, and had some kind of gravity related incident which had b*ggered the rear derailleur and deprived him of seven gears.  Something like that anyway.  He was still kicking my a*se with the remaining gears, so I may have been a little lacking on the sympathy front ;).  GB was kindly waiting for me at the top, where I stopped briefly to have a drink and catch my breath, allowing Gary to go off Clayton hunting, and leaving just the usual two of us again.  I have to admit this came as somewhat of a relief.  The pressure of trying to keep up with Clayton wasn’t bothering GB, but was slightly doing my PMA in, and it was nice to be back to what I’m used to – me, GB, and that little red sign!

 time to climb halfway up Burrington

I love it on top of the Mendips.  Lovely views that you’ve earned, that top of the world feeling and, just for once, no killer wind.  Not no wind, do be serious, just no killer wind.  In fact the wind that there was was even behind us from time to time, which is always a good thing :).

purple Burrington Combe top of the mendips world

We took a little wiggle to go through Priddy, presumably to show off the village to the tourists as the detour is slightly gratuitous otherwise, I’d just have turned right a little earlier on, but that’s what comes of cycling these roads all the time.  The back country road from Priddy to rejoin that one is all very pretty but it does have a 90 degree downhill left hand corner on it, where they’d conveniently positioned a photographer.  Good for images no doubt, but not so good for keeping riders paying attention to where they’re going…especially since there turned out to be gravel on the corner too.  One poor lass had come a cropper just before we got there and was washing the road out of her gravel rash as we passed.  Nasty…:(.

It was time for another quick break, this time for a gel, the next dose of nice shiny pills, and a photo op.  This was the descent we were warned about earlier, of Westbury Hill.  See the Caution sign?  Well it’s there for a reason.  Not only is it steep, bendy, shady and not well surfaced, it’s also well used.  As the large tractor equipped with weapons of mass cultivation on the front that came up as we were going down demonstrated.  Luckily we saw it in time to avoid it.  Luckily the eejot who came hooning past me regardless didn’t do that a little sooner, otherwise he’d have been a human kebab…!  A candidate for the Darwin awards? ;).

caution descent

Eventually we all got held up by vehicular traffic towards the bottom of the hill which at least stopped anyone failing to stop for the junction with the A38.  This, as with several other dodgy junctions, was marshalled, which made getting across much easier and less stressful.  Probably less so for the cars that continued to be going the same way as us for quite some time.  Sorry!  Impressive driver patience for a change though…unlike some out there today.

Rider traffic got a bit annoying here, especially by refusing to single up and let the cars past.  Lack of rider experience rather than obstinacy…probably.  It’s a charity ride.  I’m being charitable.  Still, when it all cleared away we kicked off and put some space between us and them, on roads we know very well.  All the way to Wedmore, out t’other side to Blackford.  We overtook quite a few single male riders, who didn’t seem to like that much.  So they overtook us back.  And, well, you can guess how it goes…we then had to beat them into the second food stop at Hugh Sexey‘s School.  Sheepish juvenile grins were exchanged.  Such fun *grin*.

second food stop

first table of cakes second table of cakes

This ride is renowned for its superlative cake.  Which sadly, it now being a very hot and sunny day, was being a tad neglected in favour of topped up bottles and free squash.  Poor lovely cake.  Even I opted for a large glass of orange squash rather than my usual black coffee, though the caffeine kick might have come in useful later.  GB went for a bacon roll, and we took a little time to kick back in the sunshine and relax for a bit rather than hurtling instantly off again.  Whilst doing this, mini tri-athlete Ollie popped up unexpectedly, having dropped his fellow riders a while back, and we agreed to ride off together.  We couldn’t leave without a toilet stop though.  Well it’s a middle school, with suitably middle sized toilets, which always makes me giggle *grin*.  You could tell term had just ended; flowers in the sink, and an apple for teacher still on the table ;).

The three of us headed off down the mother-in-law road (it goes on and on ;)) to Mark and then on to Highbridge, at quite some speed.  We played rider elastic for a while, but somewhere along the way we dropped Ollie – sorry Ollie!  But it was getting on for that stage of the ride when all you want to do is get to where you’re going.  However there was no going anywhere fast once we got to Highbridge/Burnham on Sea.  In the middle of a heatwave, by the seaside, the traffic was even busier than ever, pouring in and out of town, with precious little chance therefore for irritable, hot and bothered car drivers to get past us, let alone past leisure cyclists happily minding their own business and getting caught up amongst us lot!  Less fun :(.

traffic lights burnham on sea front

One of the mistakes I always make on this ride is not to treat is as a proper event, and also not to take into account the distance ridden in first thing.  To put it simply, I don’t eat enough.  Or at all.  I did try and eat some of my bar early on but it was virtually impossible to swallow, and I pretty much gave up.  I did however drink plenty, a saving grace no doubt.  Once out the other side of Burnham and marshalled across the road to head across the wiggly lanes going northwards, it was time for a second gel…as I realised I was feeling like falling asleep.  Never a good sign – and thank goodness for High5 gels!  I also got GB to slow down for a bit so I could gather my wits, as it were.

From here it was, not to put too fine a point on it, pretty easy going.  Hot though!  From Burnham to the end is around 10 or so miles, all flat barring the small rise to get over Uphill.  No hanging around then, time to put the heads down and push for the end, the gel having now cut in.  It was a bit unclear where the end actually was when it came to it, I’m sure there were some countdown markers in previous years, but we at least knew where we were going.  There was a clapping crowd waiting as we pulled off the main seafront road, through the banners and on to the lawn.  Always nice.  There was also a photographer.  Less nice ;).  I have another shiny medal for the collection too!

collecting medals finish line

Last year they were handing out bottles of water when we crossed the line, when we didn’t really need them.  This time we did, but they weren’t in evidence, and I didn’t feel like asking.  I was really dying for a long cold fizzy drink, and if I’d been like Clayton, sitting on the lawn waiting for the missus to pick him up, I’d have been doing the same as him!  If I had however, I’d probably never have made it off the lawn and as we were due to ride home, I settled for a large diet coke from the bar, which was bloomin’ lovely.  As usual I didn’t opt for my free food, though that being laid on by “field and flower” looked lovely.  I don’t think I could have eaten even if I’d tried, and was able!  GB has a habit of not hanging around much after events but having discovered Clayton waiting there and been waved over to join him, we hung around and chillaxed a bit which was lovely.  Maybe I should have had one of the post ride massages on offer, but then I suppose I wasn’t properly post ride yet ;).  As we headed back to go we came across Gary who’d been there even longer, no surprise there.  That mechanical certainly didn’t hold him back!  There was no sign of Ollie, and as it turns out apparently he’d been all out of luck on the traffic light front, and then had an altercation with the back of the car.  No injuries, just a bike to be repaired before he could be on his way…sorry again Ollie!

lovely lager gwr-1

This year’s ride turns out to have been a little slower than last year’s, though it felt harder.  Maybe the heat?  Mind you, you know how on Spinal Tap the dial goes up to 11?  Well these days my dial only seems to go up to 8 even if I’m pushing 10 through it.  However considering that I spent all day on Saturday being about as much use as a chocolate fireguard, and being literally incapable of doing anything, I should be less critical and just very pleased to have made it around at all.  Another very enjoyable Great Weston Ride done – in the best weather so far!  Definitely a good tradition – thanks to GB for putting up with me, as ever! 😀

  Cycling time: 3:17 hrs.
Distance: 56.0 miles.
Avs: 17.0 mph.
ODO: 3089.7 miles.


We cycled home in a slightly more leisurely fashion.  Not long into it I needed another gel and, as it turns out, so did GB, so I felt a little less pathetic ;).  It’s so nice to get home from an event at a reasonable and family friendly hour.  Early enough even for there to be time for me to have a shower and crash out for a while and still have enough of the day left to be up, about, and sociable afterwards.  It’s what I call a non-optional nap – I guess it’s the price you pay for the effort you put in from a tank that isn’t as full as it used to be.  One of the reasons driving home from a sportive has become a tad more hazardous!  And, duly revived, I finally got my hands on a pint of that cold wet alcoholic rehydration therapy that Clayton made look so attractive earlier.  Result. *grin*.

Cycling time: 0:38 hrs.
Distance: 9.8 miles.
Avs: 15.3 mph.
ODO: 3099.5 miles.



Wiggle Magnificat 2013

it's not a race

Last year’s Wiggle Magnificat didn’t go according to plan.  Read the blog, see for yourself, I won’t bore you with the details.  Well, to be fair, I probably will allude to them, but hey, it’s my blog.  So I had unfinished business, as it were.  Which is a ridiculous concept and a daft notion.  Like anyone cares whether or not I complete it.  It’s not like my DNF was my fault, unless you consider that my inability to fix a broken chain puts me at fault.  But it is what it is.  A thing I set out to do that I didn’t finish.  A little niggle lurking away in the recesses…

So I wanted to have a second crack of the whip.  Which is possibly appropriate, what with HQ being at Newbury Racecourse.  Having developed an inability to drive far without falling asleep, at fairly short notice I decided to find myself somewhere to stay the night before, if it wasn’t prohibitively expensive.  Which it wasn’t.  One family room at the Hilton Newbury Centre – £79.  They even rang me beforehand, due to demand, to check I was actually coming and would be using my room.  And since I was, would I mind swopping to a double room?  Which I did, having only booked the family one because it was the cheapest option.

race course take helmet to registration

Saturday was therefore a sort of leisurely broken up journey.  I went via The Mall at Cribbs Causeway, where I didn’t buy half of what I meant to but did end up with an outfit for a wedding I’m going to soon.  Result!  As was finding two more Gromits :D.  I then drove down the M4 to Newbury, in the sun, listening to very loud music which probably drowned out my singing, to the great relief of anyone in the near vicinity, but kept me happily awake all the way there.  By there, I mean HQ, as having printed out the pre-ride pdf, I’d registered that you could register the day before and I’m all for anything that makes a sportive morning easier.  I thought I knew where I was going, having been here last year (you got that right?) but as the event is under new management, there have been some changes.  The main one of which is the parking – which is now at the front of the racecourse, not the back, on grass and with plenty of space.  It’s still a bit of a trek to registration though – worth knowing for the real thing the next day.  You have to take your helmet with you – forgetting would be annoying, but there are plenty of signs to make sure you don’t.  I walked over, signed my life away in the usual fashion, got my timing stick stuck on my helmet, and got a High5 bottle full goodies to boot.  Good start – Hi5 gels are fructose free and the only ones I can tolerate.  In fact I even quite like them, especially the caffeine ones :).  And since they were going to be available at every food stop, I didn’t have to worry so much about how many to pack either.

registration desks  start line going up

OK, formalities done. I had a brief chat to Martin, one of the organising team, and headed back across the grass to my car.  As it turns out the Hilton was all of five minutes drive away.  Which, as it turns out, was possibly the only thing in its favour.  My room was fine but, like the whole of the hotel, devoid of air conditioning.  The window was ineffectively open, over an outdoor seating entry which was empty, as it’s only for use by those using the conference/event facilities.  So there was nowhere outside to sit anywhere.  Indoors the bar and lounge were all dark wood and mugginess, and although it’s not usual pre-event preparation, the only saving grace was the fact that the Stella was really cold!  I sat in the bar, reading Kindle books on my iPad, trying not to generate any more heat by moving around.  One ham omelette and chips (£12!) provided tolerable fuel.  I’d have like the healthy lemon and oregano marinaded chicken with steamed rice and grilled vegetables, but at £17, I think that was taking the p*ss…  Luckily a very good friend of mine, having discovered I was around via the wonders of Twitter, came over and kept me company for a bit which was very impromptu and very fabulous.  Hi Jo! :D.

I did try to get an early night.  We parted company at a reasonable hour and I headed back to my room, to discover that the function rooms were now hosting some form of celebration.  With a very loud disco full of people spilling out to outside, all right under my window.  Which then had to be closed, and proved as ineffective at keeping the noise out as it had been in cooling the room down.  Oh marvellous.  The festivities stopped around midnight, as they were supposed to, a fact I’d ascertained with a rather irritable phone call to reception, and I finally got to sleep.  I should have stuck to that family room – I bet those are further away from party central!  So, not an ideal start…but at least the alarm was set for 6:15am, not the much earlier hour that it would have been if I was at home.

 martin's rider briefing

Getting sorted in the morning was easy.  It was already too hot, I was riding for Cyclosport, voilà, kit choice done.  No need for any other layers of any sort, not even to stash just in case.  I packed up my stuff, and headed out to the car, by way of a Grumpy of Axbridge conversation with reception.  Five minutes later and I was in the slowly moving queue of cyclists in cars funneling into the racecourse and being marshalled into the car park and lined up in the sun.  Easy.  As was getting ready.  Put bike together, attach number, stash required food everywhere, and walk to the start.  Plenty of very respectable facilities, as you might expect, which I used, as you would also expect.  There are four routes – Epic, Standard, Short and Fun – all of which have a different ride start slot, which presumably helps spread out the load somewhat.  There was certainly no hanging around.  I rode across to the start, joined the group forming there, got a ride briefing from a not at all camera shy Martin, and was off at 7:25am.

green berkshire one green hampshire one

Due to the hot weather forecast, I wasn’t entirely sure which route I was going to do.  I was down for the Epic, but decided that I’d see how I was feeling at the final route split, err on the side of caution if necessary.  I’d also decided that this was not a sportive.  It was an excuse to spend all day riding my bike in the countryside in the sun.  Nowhere else I needed to be, no-one at home waiting for me to get back (it’s a motor racing thing).  Just me, my bike, and I.  Which is not a bad attitude to be heading off with.

riders behind me not a dry stone wall

Having re-read last year’s blog, I thought I knew what to expect, but either my brain is faulty (distinctly possible) or they’ve significantly changed the route.  I was expecting a fair few hills early on, but after the first climb out of town, they didn’t materialise.  I guess the new management have changed things quite a lot, but not in a bad way.  The hills were my kind of hills, and all pretty spread out.  I think rolling is the best way to describe it, and I didn’t push it at all going up.  With the temperature rising all the time, I was very conscious of the need to not overdo it and pace myself over what could be going to be a very long day.  The signage was great, which considering I’d forgotten to download the gps file, was a good thing, and meant I could pootle around with worrying about getting lost.  Just as well, since mostly it was just me.  Occasional instances of APS, the same faces over and over again as we all played leapfrog, and the usual groups passing from time to time.  Oh look, I’ve been pelotoned.  It’s my new verb.  Is it a verb actually?  My English Language studies are a little rusty.  Whatever.  It is the verb to peloton, to be pelotoned.  You can do it, or have it done to you.  To pass as a part of, or be passed by, a large group of riders travelling at speed and slightly too close to other riders, resolutely not saying hello or warning anyone of their approaching presence.  Sound familiar? 😉

first food stop mechanical assistance

Having decided to opt for 2 500ml bottles today, so that they could be easily swopped over on the move rather than the usual decanting palaver, I was a bit concerned about keeping hydrated.  There were four official food stops, the first three were at around 25 & 50 & 73 miles in (ish).  There was then a big 40 mile gap until the fourth and final stop, which had me worried, and rationing my bottles…not ideal.  Thankfully the organisers had reacted and at very short notice, got a team and an extra food/fluid stop set up at around the 95 mile mark.  They also set the motorcycle outriders to checking that everyone had enough to drink and and dishing out water if they hadn’t.  All very responsive to conditions, very welcome and very wise!  I gather quite a lot of riders bailed on the Epic route precisely because they were over-heating.  Unsurprising when at some point in the middle here, my Garmin was showing 33C and the rest of the time it was 30+.  Blimey.  However the foodstops were all at proper venues, with toilets etc, where I resorted to my favourite method of cooling down – soaking my hair in cold water.  It works really well!  I also drank as much plain water as I needed too while topping up my bottles, and eating bananas and jelly beans.  There’s a lot to be said for stopping, the sweat pours out, and then evaporates away and cools you down as you get going again! :).

country cottage big house in the country

Hurricanes clearly hardly ever happen in Hampshire, as it turned out there are, blessedly, a great many shade creating trees.  Essential on a day like this.  In fact there was lots of green everywhere, interspersed by picture postcard villages, and chocolate box thatched cottages.  Way more than enough thatched cottages.  An elegant sufficiency perhaps.  It could also be called the Tour of Affluent Hampshire, demonstrating amply over and over again why I moved to Somerset and couldn’t afford to stay there.  The kind of houses it takes time to cycle past.  Properties that somehow aren’t NT owned which means there must be people out there rich enough to actually own and maintain them!  Beautiful gardens, full of flowers and floral scents; lavender, chamomile, honeysuckle, English roses.  If I was an English rose, I’d have to be a white one, not a red one, it’s an ancestry thing.  I’m arguably prickly enough to be one ;).  It was all very pretty, very nice, all day.  There were occasionally some very lovely views from the top of whichever rolling hill we’d climbed up, but for the most part, though scenic, it was sort of unremarkable.  More of the same.  Lots of England’s green and pleasant land, inhabited by the kind of people who sing that at the Last Night of the Proms, I imagine.  Put it this way, I saw at least four different Aston Martins.  I even got buzzed by one.  I should probably have been cross, but there’s always the chance that it’s Daniel Craig come to sweep me off my wheels and lay me down in a bed of roses right? Make the earth move, if not the sky fall? 😉  Besides which, I have a soft spot for sports cars, and the sound of a six litre V8 (or whatever) engine kicking arse always makes me *grin*…

purple flowers yellow flowers

Gradually the miles ticked away.  Broken up into eating intervals, food stops, time between food stops, miles to go, estimated time to go, all those mental coping games.  When the route split came, I wasn’t even tempted.   Because I wasn’t doing a sportive, I was riding my bike in the sun ;).  Being as I was making a point of trying to enjoy that, I had time to notice all the fantastic names for towns and places we went past along the way too.  Inkpen, Hell’s End Corner Farm, Craven Lodge, The Shoe, and Faccombe (sorry, very juvenile but it made me giggle)…  Even the hills along the way didn’t really bother me, though there seems to have been more climbing than it felt like to me.  Maybe I’m getting better at it?  Maybe it’s because whatever I was going up, it was neither as steep or as long as the Col de Marie-Blanque, and if I can do that, I knew I could do these.  Which is massively mentally helpful.  I do think they’ve made it the whole route bit easier, but I have no proof of that, I’m just sure I remember it being harder last year.  Towards the end, after that final and still welcome food stop, it flattened out, and I got faster, as usual.  Sprint finish time.  The Epic route had rejoined the Standard route now, and it was quite satisfying overtaking people knowing how much further I’d gone than them and that I was still going to beat them to the finish line.  Daft and petty I know :D.

  pretty village tree tunnel

As we got nearer the end, especially around Greenham Common, there was more traffic of both varieties, which was causing a degree of grief all ’round.  I let various cars past, including a silver Fiesta.  Having let it past, it turned out that she was such a cautious driver that she was holding everyone up trying to inch past cyclists…and eventually I was going faster than she was, having become stuck behind slower cyclists, and I had to overtake or, to be more precise, undertake her, overtake those slowcoaches and get on my way.  However when she eventually overtook me again, someone shouted obscenities at me out the window.  *sigh*.  Yes I’m a cyclist, and you’re a motorist, but to allude to roses again, and to Shakespeare and other very English things, how am I that different to you?  If you prick me do I not bleed?  So it’s ok for you to overtake me when I’m getting in your way, but not ok for me to do the same to you?  Same old, same old…the neverending conflict debate *yawn*.  I could easily have overtaken her several more times, but I held back a bit just to avoid the grief.  And hey, it’s not a race right? 😉

rolling hills straight road

And then, 125 miles suddenly behind me, it was over.  I was dropping back down the hill into Newbury, back to the race course, and over the finish line.  I was given a medal and sample filled goody bag, as well as another gel for bringing my rubbish back with me and not dropping it on the course – which was a nice, and motivational, touch.  I didn’t see much rubbish out there on the road, so maybe it worked too!

My ride time was a little over 8 hours, which was better than I was expecting, and even with stops my official time got me a Silver.  FYI they only have three categories, regardless of age and gender – so it was a real bonafide Silver – not an old lady Silver!  Go me!  My unfinished business is now finished :D.

Cycling time: 8:05 hrs.
Distance: 125.2 miles.
Avs: 15.5 mph.
ODO: 2951.7 miles.