Another weekend, another event, albeit a more low-key one. Dad did Bristol’s Biggest Bike Ride last year, and recommended it. It was also Father’s Day, so it seemed only logical to go cycling with my Dad for it. On top of that it was almost an ACG Sunday outing, as he’s a member too, and we were joined by G who’s also from the group.
We arrived in Bristol a tad too early – which is what happens when you add contingency time to your plans and then don’t need it! Dad and I cycled through very quiet early morning streets from the car park to the Harbourside where various brightly coloured lycra clad people were gathering. The skeletal G found us amongst them without any problem, which was good. Having pre-registered, there was little to do other than mill around, admire other people’s bikes, marvel at some of the wackier bikes (choppers, unicycles, vintage etc), and some of the wackier people – there was a great Pirate doing it!
We all massed at the start at 9:30am, and were set off shortly afterwards. The first bit through Bristol was a little scarey as too many cyclists tried to get down the narrow roped-off route, but once on the closed Portway people started to spread out, find their pace, and get going.
It was a nice route. Along to the Avonmouth bridge and over it into Pill, where Dad had a minor collision with someone who thought undertaking was a good idea…which just proves it isn’t. Picked up, dusted off, remarkably unharmed, and off we went again. Along the Gordano Valley, past the group that had stopped for a fag break, to Clevedon, across the levels and up Brockley Coombe. This is the only real main climb of the route, and I’d only ever been down it before, so wasn’t sure what to expect and…actually I really enjoyed it! Who’d a thought it? It’s steeper at the bottom, but after that you can actually change down again. I even picked up a tail for a while, as I got into my rythm and pushed up to the top. Took a brief break to wait for Dad to catch up and then…
A little wiggle around the reservoirs to avoid the main road to cross and go through Barrow Gurney where there’s a short but very steep hill which caught many unawares, and left them grabbing for gears and failing miserably…carnage! I managed to squeeze through two such unfortunates and stand my way to the top, which was cool. Then it was back through Long Ashton, Ashton Court (killer speed bumps!) into Bristol proper where we joined up with the traffic from various other routes. We cautiously threaded our way back through the hordes to return to the Harbourside.
The weather was just about perfect – warm, not too sunny, and just a touch of drizzle as we came into Bristol which cleared as we sat and enjoyed a little rehydration therapy afterwards. Well, as you do…
Cycling time: 2:22
Distance: 37.15 miles
Avs: 15.0 mph
ODO: 781 miles
With a little less traffic – both of the 4 and 2 wheeled variety – and pushing all the way, I reckon I could maybe even do it in under 2 hours…but we’ll never know *grin*. I think we all had a good ride – and I can think of much worse ways to spend Fathers’ Day! 🙂