Author Archives: Jay Trotman

I’m free, to do what I want, any old time.

sheared nipple

See this?  I think it’s safe to agree that wheels are not supposed to look like this.  And discovering this the day before you’re supposed to be actually riding your bike?  I was starting to wonder what I’d done to the cycling gods lately, it having already been about five weeks since I’d ridden the real thing, and only ten days or so since the wattbike had once more become an option and, let’s face it, <engage understatement mode> the weather has not been conducive of late…</end>.

Luckily, Chris (aka Figgy) appears to be over-equipped with bikes and the like, like pretty much every other MAMIL I know, and was also willing to not only lend me a spare wheel, but also swop the cassette etc over.  Thank goodness for that.  Not riding is one thing.  Not being able to ride when you actually can, and when the forecast is verging on pleasant?  That would not have been a good thing.  I might have had to throw all my toys out of the cot 😉

Wells Cathedral water fountain

So when it came to Sunday, and the sun was indeed shining, and the wind was not blowing, Chris had righted what was wrong, and I had a bike to ride, so I did!  I know, no-one is more surprised about this than me! 😉

Chris not on one

We did a coffee loop, on the basis that given a goal of that nature, I might actually make it round.  Which I did.  OK, so I wasn’t on form, and I wasn’t breaking any records, but I was riding, and it was good, at least partly because it wasn’t as bad as it probably deserved to have been.  We didn’t really do hills, since that would be the equivalent of running before I can walk, and besides we managed to find enough flat roads that weren’t flooded to mean we didn’t have to, which is somewhat of a challenge around here at the moment.

coffee stop still life me and espresso

Coffee was at the usual Glastonbury haunt – Heaphy’s.  Which has been revamped yet again, which is odd considering that it isn’t that long since the last time they did.  It would appear to have been to the detriment of service since just the two male owners were serving, and the, according to Chris, usually rather attractive female staff were nowhere to be seen, and man, were these two guys struggling!  Slow…..  Once finally served, we sat outside in the sun and the denizens of Fairyland walked by, totally up to standard.  Always good to have your expectations lived up to, right? ;).  And yes, I did say sat outside in the sun.  How cool is that?! :D.

Cycling time: 2:09
Distance: 28.8 miles
Avg 13.3
ODO:  17076.5 miles

shady trees blue sky branches

As rides go, it was a pretty fabulous one.  I was actually riding the bike, and I was doing so in the sunshine.  Chris did a good job of not making me feel like a complete waste of space by mostly sitting behind me and turning his pedals just slowly enough to stop his noisy free wheel from giving him away ;).  I’m still ok at barrelling along at a reasonable speed when it’s flat, though I’ve clearly got to build up some stamina again.  Hills are going to be a problem to start with, and I did get the odd twinge on the bits of up that we did, but I think that was more to do with post-op then pre-op problems, which could mean cycling is going to be a much less painful experience.  Hard to imagine.  I’m still on the morphine patches at the moment, as weaning off them is a job in itself, but I’m medication free otherwise, which means I don’t have to concern myself with whether or not they’re going to ban tramadol or not 😉

reflective cows long drove holding one

I rode my bike, and I was holding my own.  Just.  A bit like the Long Drove between Glastonbury and Wells…  Here’s hoping it’s a sign.  And if it isn’t, this is… 😉

a sign

And now I’m back, from outer space

Well, I’m back, albeit briefly, more of which later.  I think it’s safe to say that life has gotten in the way of me keeping this up to date?  Sorry, I promise to do better in the future.  Well, I’ll try to…promises may be a little premature.  But there’s been precious little time for riding, let alone writing about it too!

ACG 21:12:14 Rob Martyn

So I have been riding, just not a lot.  There were three “rides” between the last blog and today.  The ACG had a coffee run to Glastonbury, Guy and I had a coffee run to Banwell Garden Centre, and George and I had a coffee run to Lye Cross Farm.  So, not a whole lot of training, and a whole lot of coffee drinking.  This isn’t to say I haven’t been on the wattbike – I have – but I just haven’t been out on the real thing much.  I blame many things.  Weather, work, divorce, holidays, Christmas, health, and non-performance enhancing drugs – that should pretty much cover it.

James Ian Paul Trevor farm shop cafe

Which brings us to today, when the ACG went riding, on a route made by Guy, so it was never going to be a flat one.  I was, to be honest, dreading it.  I am so off form it’s embarrassing, and I haven’t done a decent ride in ages, so the concept of doing 38 miles with the ACG who never get slower, and kicking it all off by going up Cheddar Gorge? Daunting…

But even though it was grey and dismal and cold and unlikely to improve, I didn’t bail.  Neither did 7 others, the usual suspects for the most part.  And it could have been worse.  I was very gallantly helped along as and when necessary, and I didn’t beat myself up about it because, like it or not, it really hurt.  Not the kind of you’re unfit, it’s been a while, Christmas has been unkind, back in the saddle hurt, though there was no doubt some of that.  Nope, the real bashing my insides with every pedal stroke kind of pain, because I’m in the middle of having a attack of that anyway, and although the morphine patches and tramadol have been holding it at bay, they can’t be expected to cope with Cat 3 climbs or trying to keep up with the Jones’ as well!  So I needed any help I could get, and many thanks to those of you who provided it.  I made it, whimpering quietly, up the Gorge, and when I couldn’t keep up the rest of the time, the group waited for me.  We had coffee at the Rock Cake café before the flying, freezing but fun, decent into Wells, and the flat but fast trek back home across the very scenically flooded Levels to home.

So was it a good ride?  Yes, because I was riding, in good company, I didn’t bail, I did a decent chunk of miles, and properly re-instated the 2 hour rule.  No, because it hurt, but hey, after more pills a long bath and a siesta, I felt human again eventually.  Well, in so far as I ever pass for such ;).

Cycling time: 2:34
Distance: 37.9 miles
Avg 14.7
ODO:  17047.7 miles

Last year I rode 4295 miles, 824 less than in 2012.  I would let that get me down, but quite frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.  It’s amazing I managed to do that many really, so actually I’m quite happy with it :D.  I’d like to do better this year, but…well, life has changed hasn’t it?  I’m not going to be able to do so much riding, so I’m going to try and do that which I do do, better.  Quality over quantity, or something.  Lots of proper wattbike training and constructive road miles ahead.

But not yet.  Your New Year probably began on the 1st January, right?  Well mine won’t be starting for a while yet.  My next operation is on Wednesday so I have to get through that and however many weeks of recovery whatever they do necessitates.  Hey, if I’m lucky, they’ll fix me, and when I’m finally back on the bike, I’ll be all set to get on with 2014 like I’d like to.  OK, so I don’t hold out a great deal of hope, but hey, I’m working on the PMA right? 😉  It’s not the only thing I have to get sorted, but one way or the other, by Spring, I should know where I stand going forwards.  So that I can go forwards.  With the rubber side down, and the wind at my back.  *fingers crossed*.

New Year Family

Times are tough, but thanks to my fabulous family and my fantastic friends, I’m making it from one day to the next, and slowly we’re getting there.  You’re all awesome – thank you :).  I’ll be back shortly…wish me luck!

I’ll be the first to say I’m stupid

I should have been riding today but to be honest, it probably wouldn’t have been a good idea.  Thanks to an office full of people with kids and colds and their inevitable very generous sharing of germs, I appear to be coming down with a cold.  The doctor has also moved me up to the next dosage of morphine patches, the first of which I started today, and that meant life was liable to be a tad on in the interesting side.   And on top of all that, I did a proper interval session on the wattbike last night, so even without all that, I was never going to have been able to keep up.   The universe agreed, and came out in my favour to make sure I looked after myself by bringing down the rain, so my ride partner for the day, mr @velopixie, and I decided we’d both stick to our respective wattbikes and go out for lunch instead.  Which we did, to the Rainbow Café in Glastonbury, and very nice it as too.  I’ve been meaning to actually eat there rather than just have coffee on a ride for ages.  Years even.  And it was worth it.  Good (gluten free vegetarian) food, and better company.  Fantastic.  Thanks Pixie!

So, no ride to blog.  In that case you can have last week’s ride instead.  On which I proved that riding after several wattbike grinding interval sessions does not leave a great deal in your legs for when it comes to keeping up with Mim who, as we all know, can kick my ass going up hill anytime, whilst still talking away happily!  (That would be why I knew that it wouldn’t be a good idea today!).  I did however manage to convince her into doing a fairly short flat loop, with a nice coffee stop at George’s, as she was stuck at home while the plumber fixed the shower.  As rides go, it was not my finest hour.  Or hour and a half for that matter 😉 garmin fixedOn the upside, thanks to the helpful guys at Garmin support, my Garmin is once again waterproof, as they sent me this replacement rubber flap thingy – the bit that covers the USB socket and keeps the water out.  Which is good because I definitely can’t afford to replace it! 😀

Cycling time: 1:25 hrs.
Distance: 21.5 miles.
Avs: 15.0 mph.
ODO: 16950.5 miles

The ACG are due out on Saturday, probably out to Glastonbury and back again, and I’m hoping I’ll have adjusted to the new dosage and stopped falling asleep all the time by then! :).

You think that I’m strong, you’re wrong

Today I went for a ride with an alien.

alien light

No, not that one (although it is kinda cool)…this one! Well he’s less of an alien, more of a grockle around here ;).

Gaz at Sweets

As an honorary Somerset cyclist for the day, it was therefore necessary to take him to the infamous Sweets Tea Rooms, which is practically a place of pilgrimage for those pedalling around here.  Not to mention being a rather nice piece of alliteration ;).

We did my standard type of training loop, with the odd lump just to see if lumps were doable, and also with a whole heap of flat to balance out the hills of Exmoor that he usually rides up.  Life’s all about balance.  As is riding a bike ;).  I think it’s safe to see that my current drug cocktail, though essential, is far from performance enhancing, and there were also two nights of grinding wattbike interval training in my legs, so I wasn’t going anywhere fast.  Man my legs were heavy…  Gaz kicked my ass!  In fact I didn’t get going until after our stop and the usual large americano with extra shot.  After that I went up Mudgeley hill a little better than sometimes and not in very bottom gear for a change.  It may be a little early to tell if the training is working, but maybe that should give me a glimmer of hope?  I wonder how I’d do if I was a little better rested?

It wasn’t what you’d call lovely out there, it was grey and chilly and still and sort of flat.  Nonetheless it was better to be out, and having good company to ride with saved me from my urge to just roll over and go back to sleep this morning – I have a tendency towards zombie status at the moment!   This is also only the third month this year where I’ve done more mileage than the equivalent month last year, and it was nice to claw a little more back.  However I’m currently 893 miles behind and there’s no way I’m going to make that up between now and 2014!

Cycling time: 1:49 hrs.
Distance: 29.6 miles.
Avs: 16.2 mph.
ODO: 16929 miles

Time to show off a bit.  Here’s my bike with its shiny new handbuilt wheels, before they got cruddy on the roads, and therefore the shiniest they will probably ever be.  I’m no expert on wheels, but they went round and round like they were supposed to, so they seem alright to me!  The bike also has two new bottle holders, one of which is Howie‘s.  It was a freebie at the Mario Cippolini Gran Fondo and he didn’t need it so he gave it to me so that I’d have two matching ones.  I kinda like that it’s on my bike now – I’m sentimental like that.  Mind you, took long enough to get around to putting them there!  I also touched up all the black scratched paintwork on my poor battered frame last night, so my steed was briefly looking quite smart :).

shiny new wheels

The pain behind your eyes

blue sky levels

Last Wednesday I went riding with this bird here…


We did this.  The sun shone, the wind chilled, and we spent more time talking at Sweets than we actually did on the bike!  But then that was kind of the point.  I was taking it easy as I wasn’t feeling great and, as it turns out, it was the beginning of my worst pain attack so far.  Sadly I’m fairly sure riding made it worse, and the painkillers wore off on the way home.  Chatting to a friend for a while definitely made me feel better though :).

Cycling time: 1:26 hrs.
Distance: 23.1 miles.
Avs: 16.1 mph.
ODO: 16899.4 miles

I was supposed to be riding this weekend but, and you know how rare this is, I decided that resting was a better idea.  Which goes a long way to demonstrating how bad I’ve been feeling.  To be fair, it wasn’t entirely optional as I’m not sure I could have ridden anyway.  However hopefully we’ll be getting me sorted soon.  My next op is on January 15th, and in the meantime I’m on morphine patches with tramadol for top-up cover so, as of today, things seem to be under control.  Which (understatement alert) is a very good thing! *grin*.

In other news…  Plans for my test bike are well in hand.  Andrew fitted new winter wheels to my winter bike today, which I shall be trying out and showing off out there tomorrow, *fingers crossed*.  And when I can’t ride, I’m doing grinding intervals on the wattbike and (so I’m told) working on my torque ability.  All gobbledygook to me, I’m just doing what I’m told.  And yes, I can do that :P.

me and my shadow

Tour of Pembrokeshire Prologue 2013

I must be mad.  But then we all knew that ;).  Still, this wasn’t even a sportive, and I was still up at 4:45am and heading out into the darkness by 5:30am.  The only thing that got a decent night’s sleep was my bike, all tucked up in the back of the car!  But since the Tour of Pembrokeshire is run by my friend Peter, and he had asked me to come down to do the Prologue ride, who was I to say no?  Plus he’d arranged for me to do it on a Bianchi Infinito test bike, and it would be rude to say no to that too, now wouldn’t it? ;).

prologue route

Actually, odd though it may sound, that was the part of the day that was worrying me most!  I’ve done the Tour of Pembrokeshire twice, in 2012 and 2013, albeit extremely slowly.  I know how hilly it is.  But I know that, on my bike, I can do it.  But on an unfamiliar bike, with a different set up, different gearing (Campag not Shimano), and probably less of those gears too?  *gulp*.  I have to admit that I was half hoping that it wouldn’t fit me at all and that I’d end up riding my bike instead, which at least I’m more than familiar with.  But faint heart never won fair sportive, so I was prepared to MTFU and at least give it a go.

It was an uneventful drive, although with a surprising amount of other road traffic for that time of morning.  HQ for the Prologue was in Newport.  No, not that Newport, the one much further away that you’ve never heard of.  Let’s just say it involves a bridge and around three hours driving.  It’s just as well the satnav did the last section cross country as zooming down a dark and featureless motorway was sending me back to sleep and the wiggly country lanes woke me up a bit.  Once there I found Llys Meddyg almost by accident, and no, I can’t pronounce it either.  It’s a very nice restaurant with rooms which was not just HQ for the ride but also home for the night – six hours driving in one day not having appealed all that much.

peter shorts

I was, as ever, a little early.  However one of the few people I came across was Dan, from Bianchi, who was just starting to unload and set up bikes.  Chances are that one of them was due to be mine, right?  So we had a chat, and I left him with my woefully outclassed Cube, to transfer my well worn saddle and pedals across to my shiny new 50cm toy and set it up so I could test it out a bit first.  And btw, that’s pretty much all the spec details I can give you at the mo, though Dan is going to email me more at some point.  What can I say, I leave bike geeking to the boys ;).  As far as I was concerned it was light and pwerty *grin*.

(Dan has informed me that apparently it was a 2014 Bianchi Infinito CV with Campagnolo Chorus 11 Speed. The standard bike is supplied with Fulcrum Racing Quattro wheels and the RRP would be £4200. However, my bike had been upgraded with Fulcrum Racing Speed XLR Tubulars which would bump the RRP up to £7100. Blimey!)

gathering riders

Slowly men in lycra gathered.  And even one other woman – hi Suze!  We drank coffee.  And faffed.  Well, at least I did.  Not too much of the coffee mind, it being a bib tights day! 😉  I couldn’t decide what else to wear though.  It wasn’t as cold as I has expected, but I also knew it wouldn’t be fast and flat, it would be hilly and hot and then chilly and down.  Luckily I hadn’t brought too many options with me so it really boiled down to winter hat vs birthday Buff, winter gloves vs mitts & overgloves.  Should you care, I went with the latter choice in both instances.

bianchi infinito left bianchi infinito right

Time to see if the Infinito fitted, and worked, and if I was up to riding it.  Dan handed it over, without looking unduly worried that I was going to trash it which was impressive considering how out of my league it clearly was!  I carefully negotiated the riders milling around the car park to get to the road, having no wish to risk making an idiot of myself in front of an audience.  I went down the main road and back and it seemed to work.  The Campag changing was different, though not impossible, but the saddle felt a bit low, so Dan rectified this and I did the same again.  Better.  It appeared that I could ride the thing on the flat at least, and I wasn’t going to head out far enough off to find a hill just to find out how that would work.  That could wait.  Hey, I can always walk up hills, right?

All set then.  Peter organised the 25 or so riders into groups.  Fast or first, medium ish, and then us – being the slow group.  Well, Jim and the fast lot all looked kinda serious and I know better than to mess with that kind of testosterone!  After a little longer getting all the riders ready – which is a bit like juggling jelly, or possibly more appropriately herding cats – 15 or so of us headed finally off around 9:30am.  The Prologue route was set to be around 45 miles, taking in some of the climbs from the main event, as well as some more unfamiliar bits, to give us a taste of the real thing.  45 miles and 4,900 feet of climbing!

rhapsody in blue

As we set off I was not feeling great, but had to remind myself that it was a cold day, on a new bike,, and that we were going up hill almost straight away – so it was taking me a while to warm up.  So I hung in there, chatted away, discussed my very expensive steed, with wheels that cost more than my entire bike, with various other riders including some other lucky test riders, and waited for things to get better.  Which they did.  Our group spread out quite a lot, and regrouped a lot, giving me time to catch my breath from time to time.  Eventually we stopped being quite so Group and ended up as two groups which, somewhat pleasingly, put me in fast/slow rather than slow/slow.  Gratifying, in a very shallow way ;).  There was one really long climb that didn’t bother me too much, but the first really big hill, that I recall from the main route where it comes around 42 miles in and killed me last year, was Moylegrove.  It’s wiggly, goes on for quite some time, and is also quite steep.  I ran out of gears fairly early on, unsurprisingly, but I just sat down and pushed up in my usual way, and although it was bl**dy hard work, I did make it up.  Which was what my PMA needed.  If that was once of the worse hills, which I knew it was, me and the Infinito were going to get by :).


Which pretty much set the scene for the rest of the ride, with Tom leading the way (he’s the skinny fast looking one in blue).  Country lanes, ups, and downs.  Group riding for a while, spread out on the hills, drop me off the back.  Regroup at the top.  Then repeat.  This works quite well if you’re me – as I get to pootle away at my own speed, admire the scenery, reach the top, and then get company again when I’m suffering less!

going up and up and up sun on the water

I had the odd problem changing gear under load, maybe because I didn’t always get the switching right.  User error?  The chain came off twice, I had to climb one, luckily short, steep hill totally out of the saddle in the lowest top ring gear, and one I had to stop altogether and spin the pedals manually to get it to change down.  But hey, teething problems?  See – gear, cogs, teeth…? ;).  Nonetheless I made it up the hills, even the last killer one.  I wish there had been some more flat though.  Not for the usual reasons though.  I wanted to play with the toy more!  On the few occasions when we got the chance, the odd stupid hurtling sprint was WAY fun.  I don’t know if it was the wheels, or the bike, but man, it was responsive.  Kick off, and it kicked off!  I’m thinking that given some decent flat or a sprint finish, that bike and I could kick some serious arse!  And downhill?  Also very, very good.  45.4mph good :D.  I was a bit more cautious than I would be on my bike though, just because I wasn’t sure how it would handle, or corner, or brake, and I didn’t want to find anything out the hard way!  Apparently braking on carbon rims is different?  It certainly seemed to stop more than ok though (which I’m very keen on!), but with a bit of a whine on slowing, and the occasional squeal when really called into play.  I was warned it would be a problem in the wet, but it wasn’t, so it wasn’t.  The inside gear levers were tricky for my little hands to change when down on the drops, and having them there under the thumbs when riding normally felt a bit weird, but I guess you get used to that.  On top of that I did get quite a lot of road noise through the bars sometimes, but I think that’s probably more a wheel thing?

riders serious riders

Yes, yes, I know, this is the least technical review of a bike that you’ve ever read.  But man, if there was any way I could get my hands on one permanently, albeit with normal wheels that don’t get blown sideways in the wind, then I so would!  Anyone want to buy my soul so that I can afford one? ;).

Talk about a great way to spend a morning.  Four hours of riding a fabulous bike around lovely scenery in good company?  Definitely worth the three hour drive and the early start.  The only downside was having to give back my new toy afterwards! *sob*.  So I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening debriefing with other lycra fetishists and drowning my sorrow in white wine.  Which also wasn’t entirely unpleasant *grin*.  However, whatever you’re going to be riding it on, if you’re after a lovely sportive to do next year – well organised, challenging, with stunning scenery, and more…put this one in your diary now and sign up before it sells out!

Cycling time: 3:18 hrs.
Distance: 43.7 miles.
Avs: 13.2 mph.

The gloves are off

Another day, another ride.  According to GB, I did hills on the wrong day.  I should have done flat yesterday when it was calm, and hills today when it was windy.  Apparently everybody knows that…  Well clearly I did hills yesterday so that wasn’t going to happen again.  The solution?  Do flat and sit on Martyn’s wheel! 😉  It was still hard work though.  Reflecting upon that, I think my current problem is a one of strategy and time scale.  In the long run, the wattbike is going to be a very good thing for my form.  In the short term, I’m overdoing it on that and paying for it when out on the road.  In the long run, not eating a lot will be a good thing, because a lighter me will be a faster me.  In the short term however, it means I’m under fuelled and there’s not enough in the tank.  Both of which means the last couple of rides have been harder than they maybe needed to be.  Add to that the fact that once my body is busy my brain tends to spin off elsewhere, forgets to pay total attention to what the legs are doing, they slow down and…well, that’s not conducive to keeping up.  I’d like to say I shall learn from all of this but…well…it seems unlikely *grin*.

I’d show you pretty photos of autumnal Somerset, but you got those yesterday.  Instead, you can see my new Defeet Woolie Boolie socks, the latest weapon in my cold war arsenal.  Last year’s pair had pretty much had it, plus these are longer.  Toes crossed that they help! ;).  I also have some new neoprene overshoes on their way, when the sportpursuit sale ends.  I hate cold feet.  I like to be able to feel my feet…even if it’s not essential for pedalling.  Mind you, the socks are so thick inside my close fitting shoes that I think I may be squashing the blood flow out of my toes rather than freezing them and the end result is the same – no toes!

defeet woolie boolies

I also have a new camera.  Which is the same as my old camera, but which hasn’t been dropped, stuffed in sweaty jersey pockets, used in the wind, heat, rain, and snow, etc, etc.  According to MaxiMe it is however better because it’s blue.  According to me it is even better than that because it is blue, and therefore matches my bikes ;).

camera front camera back

Cycling time: 1:59 hrs.
Distance: 31.5 miles.
Avs: 15.8 mph.
ODO: 16876.3 miles

I don’t suppose I’ll get to do so much riding outdoors henceforth, so I’ll be sitting on that lovely wattbike, sweating up a storm, without needing to worry about the impact of that on real riding.  I now have a new routine to try, explained to me in words of one syllable so that I can actually understand what I’m supposed to be doing, and which will hopefully make me better at going up hills.  Gotta be worth a go, right?

on wattbike 

I ain’t got time for the game

chew valley lake

On days like these…  Gorgeous weather.  No wind.  Nothing that layers can’t deal with on the temperature front.  Nowhere to be at nowhen.  You’d think such a day would be an excuse to just pootle around the Levels in the sun in self-indulgent fashion.  But, oddly, no.  I really wanted to be out there, and the only way to feel really out there is to be on the top of out there and that really means going up to get there.  As you know, I’m crap up hills, but I’m better going up hills all by myself.  You probably know that by now too!  So, being billy no mates, it was becoming clear that today was going to be an uphill struggle ;).

Of course I’d probably have been better off if I hadn’t left my legs on the Wattbike over the last couple of days.  Whilst I’m sure it’s really good on the training front in the long run, and I’ve been enjoying the whole hot sweaty constructive mess that those sessions are, in the short term I swear I thought it was going to take me all day to get up Burrington Combe, with Cheddar Gorge already in my legs.  But I just kinda got on with it, and as I emerged from hibernating in the shady sheltered Combe into the bright sunlight on top the Mendips again, it kinda came together.  It made sense on some level anyway :).

No zone today, it was more about letting the legs go round, zoning the body out, and letting the head spin its wheels for a while.  And when my head wasn’t doing that, it was about remembering to enjoy it, as such days will be few and far between for a while.  I took in the views, admired the beautiful autumn leaves, enjoyed a little rather fresh air, and smiled in the sunshine.  There are some motorists out there wondering who the grinning eejot on the bike was…especially coming down Shipham Hill *grin*.

Cycling time: 2:05 hrs.
Distance: 27.6 miles.
Avs: 13.1 mph.
ODO: 16844.8 miles

Tomorrow I’m riding again, with Martyn, something easy and flat I hope.  My kit is already washed and drying on the radiators.  And on Friday it’s the Tour of Pembrokeshire Prologue ride which involves mad travelling just to get there, and then apparently, once there, a test Bianchi Infinito to ride it on.  That’s supposing we can get the pedals and saddle off my bike of course.  So that’s 45 properly hilly miles on a bike I’m not used to, that may not fit properly, with gears that are probably nowhere near low enough for me.  I think I’d better order some replacement cleats now…! :/.


All the flowers turn to face the sun

long pier

Lovely weather today.  Gorgeous in fact.  See for yourself.  Apparently if there are photos it actually happened… 😉  Well of course it did, because I wasn’t on my bike, was I?  It would appear I am still in possession of my weather influencing powers.  If you’d like a nice day for something, let me know, I can be paid to stay away and my rates are very reasonable.  But it’s ok.  Having promised myself that I would spend this morning sleeping off a hangover rather than getting up early to ride the bike like yesterday, that’s precisely what I did, so I shouldn’t complain too much.  Especially as there was no hangover to speak of, just a lie in!  I really do love sleep, and it’s not something I’ve been getting enough of of late.  So I slept, and woke, the sun shone, Clevedon Pier was beautiful, and we perambulated along it, and took the sea air, and in a focus on the now vibe, it was a very nice moment to be in.  PMA :D.


Yesterday on the other hand was cold, and wet, though not windy.  Two out of three ain’t bad?  And, as it turns out, it was not as wet as it was supposed to be.  Which was something I and the rest of the assembled ACG quite appreciated, as you would.  Having gotten so cold on Friday that I didn’t warm up until mid afternoon, I wasn’t going to make that mistake again, so it was winter layers, waterproof, full gloves, hat – the works.  Something John is probably still wishing he had done – wearing shorts turns out to have been a serious bad call!  Due to the weather, we stuck to a coffee run loop, played variations on the usual theme, and predictably ended up at Sweets.  There was a little light hearted testosterone silliness from time to time but it really wasn’t the day for hurtling anywhere, and G stands for Group.  Thanks to the winter gloves, you don’t get “out there” photos, just the “in here” ones.  The ACG immortalised as ever.  With the exception of me – because I have the power!

james ian and john rob helen and john

If you sat at Sweets for long enough, sooner or later every cyclist in Somerset would pass by.  George and Simon, having been passed briefly by us out on the road, came and joined us for a while.  As we were getting ready to leave, the Tor 2000 lot arrived, complete with my mechanic extraordinaire Andrew, who is in the process of sorting me some winter longs and, far more importantly, some new wheels for the winter bike which is, if you’re me, quite exciting.  Tragic I know…  We’d have hung around longer, watching John try to get some feeling back into his feet, designing solutions for getting too cold on the bike, and drinking better than usual coffee, but we were all getting cold too, and it was about to start raining again and we couldn’t miss that, now could we?

john martyn and chris

Cycling time: 1:55 hrs.
Distance: 30.7 miles.
Avs: 16.0 mph.
ODO: 16817.2 miles

I felt proper on form on the way back, which is probably more something to do with the Americano with extra shot followed by gratuitous espresso that I had ingested, rather than any actual improvement but hey, it still felt good.  After some of that rain and a nice case of ice-cream head, things warmed up and settled down, and it was practically pleasant out there.  There were even hints of zone.  OK, so I paid for pushing it later, but t’was ever the case these days.  But now is not the time to be getting some form back is it?  My timing is always off…  Just as well they’re going to cut me open to have a look around again in a month or so then, right?  That should duly knock me off program for a few weeks 😉 *grin*.  Roll on 2014 – I am SO going to do it better!


Full of colours no-one’s ever seen

topeak large aero wedge

Ah, it’s that time of year…

  • When you really should have worn the waterproof and hang the boil in the bag consequences and it’s too late now…
  • When it’s less riding and more swimming…
  • When bits of your body hurt on the bike because they’re considering frostbite as an option not because you’ve been overdoing it….
  • When you can’t get back in the house because you can’t feel your fingers to take your gloves off, let alone find the house key in a sodden pocket…
  • When your discarded clothes weigh thrice as much as when you put them on and go straight in the washing machine to save puddling on the floor…
  • When you step in the shower and even though it’s the same temperature as ever, it’s too hot and it hurts…
  • When you don’t want to get out of the shower since you’ve marginally warmed up and you know that out there is going to be cold again…
  • When even once you’re dressed and ready to face the world you still can’t get deep down warm…
  • When there’s no point washing the bike because it’s going to be just the same again tomorrow…

I blame that George woman.  I was going to bail but she wouldn’t!  Apparently it was worth it because at least we went up a hill?  The woman is insane…!  At least she decided we should cut things short and come home down the Gorge rather than over the top and down Shipham…

Cycling time: 1:20 hrs.
Distance: 18.4 miles.
Avs: 13.7 mph.
ODO: 16786.5 miles

I had to replace my saddle bag again today – as the seatpost strap was no longer attached to the bag and I’ve already fixed it once.  I had bought, as ever, another Topeak Large Aero Wedge Bag.  You may mock my saddle bag, in fact many of you do.  Feel free.  I prefer to have less stuff for GB to tuck back into my pockets for me.  But have you ever wondered what’s in there?  Well now you know…  And that’s before I’ve stuffed superfluous layers and more into it :).
