Today’s water was not frozen, it was falling from the sky. Marvellous. But it was forecast to clear away…not that it was doing that as fast as either Alan or I would have liked. In fact, due to mechanical issues meaning that he would be riding his posh steed for a change, we postponed for a little while to see what happened, and then he decided to go out much later, leaving me back in deliberation mode once again. As it turns out, he actually bailed completely. Lightweight
I won’t deny I was tempted to follow suit. But I have got a mad busy week this week. I don’t have the option to say “sod it” and work out in the evening instead, and I was running out of time to fit a workout in before work today too. And no exercise is not good for me, or for those around me who have to put up with me either! After a night when my brain wouldn’t turn off, I was also seriously in need of some head space. I didn’t really have any option, did I? Which is sometimes the best way. Since I was already suited and booted, I decided that I’d go out and see how I got on, on the basis that if it was that horrible I could then bail and at least I’d have given it a go.
Just for once, the forecast was right. Yes, I set out in the rain, and there was the odd light shower whilst out, but it mostly cleared away, and somewhere over Shapwick the sun even shone. It was pretty nippy though! Still my short ride turned into a longer one, and actually a slightly too long one when I realised I was going to be late back, having made up the route on the fly and not quite realised how long it would take. Oops. However that motivated me to push it a bit on the way back, which kept me just warm enough to retain communication with my extremities. Just.
It was a day for things with wings and the like. The flock of starlings startled up from the field next to me by my passing. The large heron crossing the road in front of me. Slowly. The narcissistic swans reflected perfectly. Multiple buzzards. And an Apache demonstrating its aerial superiority up above them all. My favourite helicopter. And yes, I have a favourite helicopter
“AH-64D Apache Longbow” by “Photo Courtesy of U.S. Army” – by Tech. Sgt. Andy Dunaway – (via internet archive). Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Here’s how it went. Ride. Suffer. Hang in there because you haven’t warmed up yet. Hope it’ll get better. Head still too busy. Body starts to feel better. Out there is good. Remember to look and to breathe and remind yourself why you’re out there. Fret. Ride. Breathe. Get distracted by out there, by planning the route, by the time, by starting to feel tired. Forget to fret. Let it go. And finally you’re just riding and you’re on your way home, tired in a good way, the body exercised, the head cleared. Now that’s why I ride the bike. Lesson learnt once again. Think of it as revision
Cycling time: 2:17
Distance: 34.7 miles
Avg: 15.1 mph
ODO: 7333.2 miles