New helmet

Four days after totalling the old helmet, its replacement has arrived.  I ordered the same as I had before, since I know it fits, (which is frequently a tricky thing as I have a big head), and I also know it works!  The only concession I made to change was to have it in Titanium, rather than Red.

One shiny new Giro Indicator Cycle Helmet 2008 is now mine.  Total cost, inc p&p was £24.90 from Parker Wear, by far the best I could find on the ‘net.  Wiggle wanted £29.99 (inc p&p), and their free delivery is frequently slower than the 2-3 business days that Parker promised and delivered.

So, I have a new helmet, and no concrete reason not to be on the bike again.  However I think I’ll wait for the chronic neck/shoulder pain to subside before I hit the road…