Long road to ruin

I’m back!   Well to be fair I’ve been back since Sunday, but however much I’ve wanted to be on the bike since then, the weather has disagreed with me.   Even though it didn’t look a whole heap better this morning, I had a playdate with Mim lined up, so I couldn’t really have backed out if I’d wanted to.  Besides which, I’m reliably informed by GB that at this time of the year Rule 5 applies…

By 9:30am the view outside the window had improved somewhat and this week’s wind seemed to have decided that it was indeed Friday so maybe it was time to let up a little.  It was, as last night’s weather forecast had it, claggy.  Considering the intermittent drizzle I’d intended to wear my gilet but it was too warm for that, and my arms only stayed on until we were up on the Webbington hill.

The first chunk of the ride didn’t feel great.  Oh it felt great to be back on the bike, in such a big way, but from a fitness point of view I felt kinda out of breath and off form and a bit slow.  Of course this could be because we were talking so much that it was just hard to breathe at the same time!  That’s why riding in chain gang groups is so quiet – men can’t ride that hard and talk too!  We can! 😉  Actually I was thinking it ought to be a recognised training technique, like running with back packs on in the army.  It’s hard work!  *grin*.

We made our route up as we went along, which worked out remarkably well on both the time and mileage front, as well as not including much by way of hills.  I particularly enjoyed the long stretch before Burtle where I decided to see how good I currently am at riding no-handed.  Quite good by my standards as it happens, but probably not up to taking my jacket off while doing it like the pros do.  Fun though, and good at making you feel oddly like a 13 year old again *grin*.

We came back via Mudgeley Hill as avoiding it seemed pointless and I’m pleased to say I went up it in pretty much the same way as I did before my Eurobike break, so I’ve probably not lost too much form.  In fact after that initial section, I was pushing and enjoying it.  Well you have to with Mim, she’s so fast!  My knee was a problem, even through the usual pink pill fog, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me enjoying it, and as you can see our average speed was pretty respectable 🙂  It was a lovely ride.  Lovely because I’ve missed my bike SO much.  It was just awesome being back on it.  OK, so I’ve been back at the gym, but you just can’t duplicate that feeling.  That being out there in the zone with your heart and legs pumping and the wheels going around and the world being with you feeling…  Sublime :).

Cycling time: 2:10:24 hrs
Distance: 36.69 miles.
Avs: 16.9 mph
ODO: 10024 miles

Right.  Who’s observant?  Did you spot anything interesting?  No?  Well today my odometer ticked over the 10,000 miles mark.  Come on, how cool is that?  No?  OK, it’s just me then *grin*.  I’m easily impressed 😉  My next goal is to do another 220 miles and then my overall total for both bikes will be 20,000 miles.  Since my new bike has now done more miles than my old bike, I’m thinking it possibly doesn’t qualify as “new” anymore.  Maybe it’s time to do something about that… N + 1 etc 😉

In the meantime I need to cycle another 5120 miles.  A new goal 🙂