Wintery trip to the seaside

Winter sun makes for lovely rides, but winter weather makes for lethal roads.  There was black ice aplenty this morning, then broken ice all over the country lanes where cars have driven through frozen puddles.  However it wasn’t half as treacherous as I thought it was going to be.  I met up with M, who managed to fall off pulling in to meet me, luckily without doing any serious damage.  We did the seaside loop – Winscombe, Sandford, Puxton, Ebdon/Worle, Kewstoke, the seafront at Weston-super-Mare, Uphill, Bleadon, past the Webbington, through Cross and home.  I’ve done it many times which means it doesn’t involve much thought – allowing us to gossip away without interruption!

Cycling time: 2:11:14
Distance: 31.961 miles
Avs: 14.6 mph
ODO: 7862.5 miles

Other than that minor blip, we both managed to stay on the bikes, and I enjoyed the ride.  The seaside is lovely when you’re not sharing it with the summer crowds.  I managed my way up the few hills on the route without much grief, and my legs felt fine once they’d warmed up.  My feet stayed with me – like I said before, the new kit helps but doesn’t solve completely – and it really wasn’t too cold.  Sunshine makes it all a lot easier too, and a lot nicer 🙂